Cooking Omelettes - SpoinItzFine - Dream SMP [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter Text

Cooking Omelettes chap 3
School sucks

Tommy heard a thump! As he saw glimpses of Bad entering the room. Sam had fell to the floor and before Bad could see him Tommy ran out of there, the speed he stole definitely helped.

All he could picture was the bloodied remains of where Ponks arm used to be, the blood that oozed out of the wound, he could still see it all.

He was still holding the apples and co*ke, by some miracle none of it had spilt. Once he’d reached Purpleds room he knocked on it and left the apples there.

Inside his room he sat on his bed and stroked Henry, he stared at the co*ke, was one small noise the cause of… that? He didn’t know, how was he supposed if it was the co*kes fault? … well, his fault.

Tommy couldn’t sleep, not after that. At least Ponks ability would help with the whole ‘arm being brutally ripped off by his friend because he heard Tommy opening a can of co*ke’ thing.

Sam didn’t look like himself though… that thing did have four legs like Sam does but… it almost looked like he… mutated?? Or… something.

Tommy didn’t sleep that night.


The lockdown has seemed to have stopped earlier that night, Tommy didn’t realise however, did I zone out the entire night?

He left his room and saw Purpled also leaving his,
“Thanks for the apples Tom”

Tommy only stared, he could feel the tiredness radiating off of himself,

Purpled seemed to notice but didn’t mention it, he only grabbed the sleeve of Tommys soon to be burned red top, it’s a shame, it was his favourite.

Purpled dragged them both down to the room in which the Egg was situated in, everyone else was also there- minus both Sam and Ponk.

“There was an accident that happened last night, so don’t ask about what happened to Ponks arm” Bad spoke,

Everyone seemed to understand that he had done something to it.

The next moment Ponk appeared from the dense red ‘forest’ that surrounded the Egg In every which way. His arm was… still gone?

What the f*ck… I thought his ability- what? Tommy thought in surprise, Skeppy seemed to have healed him fairly quickly with his own ability which could heal almost anything and give the area scarred resistance from anymore injuries that may happen.

After a few more catch ups, and being told they could finally eat Tommy went up to Bad and finally expressed his confusion,

“What the- uhm… why hasn’t Ponk just grown his arm back!?”
Ponk had the ability to grow extra limbs, they didn’t have to be just arms or legs either, they could also be tails, heads and more.

“Tommy…” Bad looks at him, at first Tommy thought it was disappointment but then he realised it was sadness, Tommy forgot even mind controlled Bad was still a person… kinda

“It doesn’t work like that” Bad lowers his head, Tommy didn’t really understand but he didn’t think Bad really did either.

After that gloomy conversation that only made Tommy feel more down he and Purpled ate something- Tommy didn’t really think about it, they left.

Ant waved them goodbye, he seemed oddly okay despite what just happened… but Tommy didn’t really care, not yet


Over the last few months and Tnret school few interesting things happened.

Not even a few weeks after the whole lockdown thing it was lunch and Tommy was returning to class with Tubbo close behind, it was a normal regular Wednesday and Tubbo would often follow him until Tommy reached his class as Tubbos class after lunch was near Tommys.

It had been a great day, well as great as it could be in Tommys standards- better that seeing someone eating some- whatever
It was a great day until.

All the lights in the corridor had suddenly turned off, all at once. Tommy remembered the lockdown, in the lockdown all the lights except the red flashing one were off too.

His eyes widen as he starts to tear up, no no no this can’t be happening

He was back in the kitchen back at the mansion looking at the horror, he didn’t do anything… why didn’t he do something!?

He looked up and saw Tubbo who seemed to be comforting him, they were both on the floor, he must of fell over.

He couldn’t hear what he was saying but he felt Tubbo slowly wrap his arms around him and lightly squeeze.

Tommys breath slowed down, when had it sped up? And he slowly regained control as he could now he what Tubbo was saying,

“You alright big man!?” Tubbo was concerned? Tommy wiped the tears from his eyes so he could see Tubbo more clearly, Tubbos face was in fact painted with worry.

“What the f*ck happened man?” Tubbos face looked slightly relieved, the power outage was still happening and Tommy could still see- you know…

He could hear the faint sound of thunder, that’s probably what turned the lights off… Tommy thought,

“Don’t worry about it…” Tommys voice cracked, he didn’t want to talk about it, he didn’t ever want to have to talk about it.

Tubbo looked like he wanted to say something, probably that Tommy should talk about it but Tubbo didn’t know, he wouldn’t know

Tubbo gets up and lends Tommy a hand, they couldn’t see all that well but they could make out the corridor with the occasional flashes of lightning through the classroom windows.

“Where is everyone?” Tommy asks Tubbo as they make their way through the school,

“Tommy, this is the type of storm that you’d have to go home in, it’s really thunderous” Tubbo explains,

“So we just have to find the exit?”

“Yeah but we’re on the second floor, we have to find the stairs first”

The thunder is almost rhythmic which made Tommy nervous, the alarms in the lockdown sounded similar,

They make it to the stairs and on the first step Tommy immediately trips and falls all the way down dragging Tubbo along with him

Tommy sat up and saw Tubbo groaning and rubbing his head, Tommy could feel a bruise forming on his left thigh,

“Man why did you grab me as you fell!?” Tubbo rather loudly whispered,

“I thought you were steady! Also why are you whispering?” Tommy whispers back,

“Why are you?” Tubbo says normally this time.

Tubbo gets up once again but this time leaves Tommy to get up himself. Once they recovered they walked quietly to where they- Tubbo thought the exit was- well Tubbo was walking quietly, Tommy was trying to walk as loud as he possibly could

He attempted to stomp but with each step his shoes only squeaked,

“dude, I know you’re trying to be loud and it’s not working, but it’s still annoying so can you stop?”

“Big man! I’m trying to alert any other survivors of us!”

“Tommy we’re not ‘survivors’” Tubbo air quotes,

Well you’re not Tommy thinks in a harsh- but not meaning to be rude way.

They eventually saw a rectangle on the wall- a very special rectangle on the wall.

“Oh my god we can finally leave” Tubbo sighs but Tommy has already made a run for it, although he’s been pretty calm after what happened he still felt uncomfortable, he’d rather be in a pretty bad storm than in there- even though he got hit by lightning!

Wait what?


It had been a couple of days after he’d gotten out of the hospital after getting hit by lightning, Tubbo immediately called him after he woke up at first and they talked, it was fun.

But back at school it was in fact not fun. Some of his classmates thought he was cool for it which he ate up but he had a strange feeling in his guts, he knew he’d have to leave this life behind soon- in a couple of months at least.

There had been rumours of him having a panic attack in the power outage after Tubbo supposedly spoke about it to Aimsey in worry.

A punch landed on Tommys face and his nose started to gush with blood as he fell to the ground, he retaliates and jumps up and punches back at the boy who hit him,

A bully

They were outside on the ‘soccer’ (f*cking Americans) field and some boy had been teasing Tommy about his rumoured panic attack but Tommy didn’t really care, people like that were lower life forms- the ones that don’t fix themselves but apparently the boy didn’t like how Tommy didn’t care so he punched.

Whilst they fought Tommy thought,

Why do bully’s exist? Who really enjoys putting other people down? Sometimes people do bad things but a bully is constant, sometimes they have reasons but this was because of a panic attack?

Tommy put a hand into his right pocket, he remembered what he brought in today, his pocket knife.

Tommy sliced the boys forearm slightly, a bead of blood trickled down his arm, it shouldn’t have hurt too much- especially with the adrenaline but the boy still screamed,


The boy had a few bruises and the small cut and Tommy had a bleeding nose, a couple of bruises too and a graze from when the boy first punched him to the ground- Tommy never was really a fighter, at least he could take it however.

Tommy was suspended along with the boy for the next two days.

The rest of the day went by quickly and Purpled picked up Tommy since he got off work early, Tommy told him what happened and once they got back Tommy carefully washed the blood off the knife,

“Techno would be proud” Purpled says as he watches Tommy wash the pocket knife,

Tommy just smiles, he would, wouldn’t he?


One month after the fight Tommy got the reputation as ‘crazy’ although it’s better than the ‘scaredy-cat’ title the bully got,

That fateful Monday for his first lesson- Music, there was a cover, apparently Mr. Marriott was doing some super important thing but Tommy knew he was probably just playing in his band.

His cover was someone he knew, it was…


Puffy was a member of the cult who also ‘went missing’ when Tommy was eight- two years after Techno left.

Tommy always knew something was different about her and he was right, she managed to break free from the mind control.

She didn’t seem to recognise him as he did look quite different but she didn’t, not at all.

All she did was play some of Mr. Marriotts music which she was probably instructed to do, Tommy didn’t know what to think, she was probably the only person that could help him

Help him escape the cult.

He couldn’t stop thinking about her, even in computing club he didn’t check up on anyone he only thought about her,

“BIG MAN HELLOOOO??” Tommy suddenly snaps back into reality as he saw Tubbo looming over him shouting,


“What the f*ck man you gotta crush or something? Who thinks that deep?”

“No, no it’s not that it’s just… you wouldn’t get it” Tommy stops himself

“Try me big man” Tubbo protests

Tommy opens his mouth, am I really gonna tell him?- he almost does but then a bird flies through one of the open windows,


It was a crow,
“WHAT THE f*ckKKKK!” Tubbo screeches louder than the crow,

It crashes into Tommy and he is kinda pushed out the door, the crow takes off again down the corridor and Tommy gets up to chase it.

It flutters wildly in and out of classrooms so Tommy runs in and out of those classrooms attempting to catch it, the students in said classrooms didn’t help with their screaming- only causing the crow to flutter more.

It took up his whole lunch until he finally caught the crow, he was in the bathroom when he caught it, he was going to walk out with the crow until he saw the bully again, usually he wouldn’t have been worried but he didn’t have a knife and the boy hit hard- plus Tommy had to set the bird free,

None of the bathrooms however had windows that opened so he couldn’t set the crow free outside right there and then,

So Tommy hides in one of the bathroom stalls,

“f*cking freak isn’t he” the bully laughs,

“Yeah, imagine having a panic attack over a power outage” someone- supposedly the bully’s friend replies

There was two of them, and they were talking about Tommy,

Tommy didn’t really care but he still felt sad, I’m not a freak, and if I am I’m the best f*cking ‘freak’ out there

They carried on making rude comments about Tommy,

“Yeah, Tommy was it? Wasn’t he friends with the freak that’s been off ‘sick’ for months? I’m sure that three horned bitch is dead by now!” They both laugh,

Tommy starts to tear up, Ranboo was still gone… they’d been gone for months, surely f*cking Ranboob isn’t dead? Tommy thinks to himself, a tear lands on the crows feathers, it had completely calmed down by now.

The crow squirms out of his clutches and flys over the door and starts attacking the bullys’ biting at their noses and fingers,

After that bullys’ ran out of there Tommy unlocked the stall door and saw the crow again, it’s wing looked injured- definitely by the bullys’

“Don’t worry big man-“ he picked up the bird,
“- I’ll fix you up”


By the end of the school year it was only halfway through the year he was given to find a recruit,

He agreed to meet up with Tubbo on the afternoon after the school year ended, they met up at the cat cafe.

“Hey big man! Hope to see you next year!” Tubbo sits down next to him- munching on a gingerbread man,

“Look… Tubbo you’re a great guy but…”

“But what?” Tubbo looks worried

“We can’t be friends anymore… I’m sorry” Tommy gets up and leaves, Aimsey watches him from afar from the counter of the cafe.

“Somethings wrong with him, I don’t think he’s safe” Aimsey says to Tubbo

“What makes you think that?”

“He unfriended me too, there’s something wrong…”

Tommy reaches his apartment, he’d given Henry back to Niki’s cat cafe before Tubbo had arrived, when he actually met Niki she said he could come back anytime- even if it was just to see Henry again, he of course said yes even though he knew he wouldn’t.

He destroyed his burner phone and left after putting on some new- better and warmer clothes,

He left

He took the bus to… the last stop.


Tommy walked with Techno, holding his hand, he was six at the time- Techno was ten,


“Yes Theseus?”

“Why are you always fighting?”

“It’s what the Egg wants me to do”

“Tech… don’t you get tired?”

Techno nods,

“Then why didn’t you stop?”


“Tech-“ young Tommy starts to cry
“Tech why?”

“I’m sorry Theseus, I have to go”

Techno jumps down onto the tracks,

The train comes,

Techno dies, but there’s no blood- just feathers.

Black feathers.


Tommy wakes up just in time at the last stop, he’s not out of the range of the Eggs mind control yet so now he has to walk, it shouldn’t be too difficult as he has no destination.


Techno wakes up just in time for dinner, he didn’t need to worry anymore, the Egg wouldn’t grow as an issue would it? He jogs down the stairs and instead of seeing just Phil he sees three additional people,

“Big man calm down! Just here with a couple friends!” The Bee hybrid reassures him,

“Yeah! Me and Sneeg are only visiting!” The Green Dragonfly hybrid says,

“Yeah man! Though… you got any torches?” The Moth hybrid aka Sneeg asks

Phil emerges from the kitchen with a plate and two torches in hand,

“Here mate!” Phil chucks him the torches and sits down, Sneeg smiles as he checks whether they already have batteries inside,

“Your plates are in the kitchen!” He then says,

All four of the people standing moved into the kitchen to get a plate of food that Phil had prepared for them,

Around twenty minutes later Techno was on TikTok trying to find a cool video about crows to show Phil but instead saw the video of the three insect hybrids sparring,

“f*ck, you little dicks got caught on camera!” Techno exclaims

Tubbo, Sneeg and Drista all turn to face Technos’ phone as their eyes widen in surprise,

“Ngl your phone is pretty sh*t big man, it’s so small! I can barely see what’s happening!”

Techno looks at Tubbo in disbelief,
“Bruhhh… You were there” Tubbo just shrugs,

“There’s nothing we can really do, it’s on the internet now” Phil interrupts,

“Yeah, just like the video of one of your crows attacking two rando kids in the window of a school!” Drista smiles, undoubtedly proud of herself,

“I already told you I couldn’t control that! The crows do what they seem fit” Phil retaliates against Drista’s comment,

“Look, just check your surroundings thoroughly next time you three decide to go sparring in an area filled with ‘abandoned’ warehouses… alright?” Phil sighs, these kids were gonna be the death of him,

The three of them nod in unison and they munched on their dinner.


Tommy creeps into a small sheltered gap between two random houses an finds some probably lice infested tarp and wraps himself with it,

I f*cking hate life.

Cooking Omelettes - SpoinItzFine - Dream SMP [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.