Last Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary (2024)

1 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/





1 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/





Britannica Dictionary definition of LAST



[no object]


to continue in time

  • How long does the movie last?

  • The movie lasts (for) about two hours. [=the movie is about two hours long]

  • The conference starts on Monday and it lasts until Friday.

  • The game lasted (for) three hours.

  • Don't worry, the storm won't/can't last. [=the storm will end soon]

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[no object]


to continue in good condition

  • The car should last 10 years.

  • I doubt that those boots will last (much longer).

  • That bridge will last a long time.

  • Our products are built to last.

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[no object]


to continue to be available

  • These oranges are on sale while they/supplies last. [=they are on sale until they have all been sold]

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to continue to be enough for the needs of someone

[no object]

  • We have enough food to last (for) the rest of the week.

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[+ object]

  • We have enough food to last us (for) the rest of the week.

  • That car should last you ten years. [=you should not have to get another car for ten years]

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[no object]



to be able to continue in a particular situation or condition

  • I am not sure he will last in his new job.

  • Can you last a whole day without cigarettes?

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to continue to live

  • My father is very ill. He may not last much longer.

  • He may not last (through) the night. [=he may die before the night has ended]

  • (chiefly Brit) He may not last out the night.

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last the distance

see 1distance

2 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/


2 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/


Britannica Dictionary definition of LAST




coming after all others in time, order, or importance



  • He was the last one out of the building.

  • She succeeded on her last attempt.

  • These are the last two books in the series.

  • He was sitting in the last [=back] row.

  • We are going to the beach for the last week of the summer.

  • The (very) last time we ever met was at a party. = (Brit) The last ever time we met was at a party.

  • I'll have my revenge if it's the last thing I (ever) do! [=I am determined to get my revenge]

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remaining after the rest are gone

  • I am down to my last dollar. [=I have one dollar left]

  • the last cookie in the jar

  • She said she wouldn't marry him if he was the last man on earth.

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belonging to the final part of something

  • He was tragically killed during the last days of the war.

  • the last hours of her life = her last hours on earth

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most recent

  • I haven't seen her recently. The last time we met was at a party.

  • I liked her last [=previous] novel better than this new one.

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used to identify a preceding period of time

  • Last month we went to the museum.

  • The weather was fine last week, but this week has been rainy, and next week is expected to be cold.

  • He had trouble last semester in school.

  • We saw them last week.

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least likely

  • You are the last person I would expect to see here. [=I never expected to see you here]

  • That is the last place I would have looked for the ring. [=I would never have expected to find the ring there]

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least desirable

  • Another bill to pay is the last thing I need right now!

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least important

  • Right now work is the last thing on my mind. [=I am not thinking about work at all right now]

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every last

used as a more forceful way of saying every

  • Every last soldier was captured. [=every soldier was captured]

  • He ate every last cookie. [=he ate every cookie]

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in the last analysis

see analysis

last gasp


a final attempt or effort made at the very end

  • This movie may be his last gasp as an actor.

  • winter's last gasp [=the last bit of winter weather before spring]

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see also last-gasp

last thing


after everything else

  • Heat the vegetables last thing so that they don't get cold.

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very late

  • I'll be back last thing (on) Monday night.

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on your/its last legs

see 1leg

the last laugh

see 2laugh

the last moment

see moment

the last straw

see straw

the last word

see 1word

to the last man

see 1man

3 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/


3 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/


Britannica Dictionary definition of LAST



after any others in time, order, or importance

  • He spoke last at the meeting.

  • My horse was/finished last in the race.

  • My horse came in last. = (chiefly Brit) My horse came last.

  • Last (of all) came the soldiers and tanks.

  • She was first to arrive at the party and last to leave.

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at the end

  • The best part of the book comes last. [=the best part of the book comes at the end]

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◊ In figurative use, something or someone that comes last is less important than other things or people.

  • His job was all he really cared about. His personal life always came last.

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most recently


on the most recent occasion

  • I last saw him in the supermarket.

  • They last went to the beach in June.

  • This word was last used in the 17th century.

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used to introduce a final statement or subject

  • Last, I'd like to talk about the company's future.

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first and last

see 2first

last but not least

used to say that a final statement is not less important than previous statements

  • The television is big, has an excellent picture, and last but not least, it's cheap.

  • Last but not least, I would like to introduce our new vice president.

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4 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/


4 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/


Britannica Dictionary definition of LAST


the last


the last person or thing in a group or series

  • He was the last in line.

  • It was the last of many delays.

  • She was the last to leave.

  • The last of the tests was given today.

  • This is the first time we've been here, but it definitely won't be the last! [=we will definitely come here again]

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the last


the last time someone is seen, something is mentioned, etc.

  • I guess that is the last we will see of her. [=the last time we will see her]

  • I hope that we have finally seen the last of them. [=I hope that we will not see them again]

  • He knew he had not heard the last of his mistake. [=that people would continue to talk to him about his mistake]

  • Don't tell them about your mistake or you'll never hear the last of it. [=they'll keep reminding you of it]

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a final action

  • I've spoken my last on this subject. [=I've spoken for the last time on this subject; I will not be saying anything more on this subject]

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used to describe the most recent information you have about someone or something

  • “Where's Hank these days?” “(The) Last I heard, he was living in New York.” [=the most recent information I have heard is that he was living in New York]

  • “Do you know where my keys are?” “(The) Last I saw [=the last time I saw them], they were in the kitchen.”

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the last



the end of something

  • We stayed at the game till/until the last. [=until it ended]

  • They fought hard to the last.

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the end of someone's life

  • He was cheerful to the last. [=until he died]

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the final thing or things that have been mentioned previously

  • They had cats, dogs, and a horse. This last [=the horse] was kept in an old barn.

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the most recent one of something

  • The week before last [=the week before last week] I saw him at a restaurant.

  • the night before last

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breathe your last



to die

  • This is the room where he breathed his last. [=where he breathed his last breath; where he died]

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5 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/


5 last

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/


Britannica Dictionary definition of LAST

at last


at long last


after a delay or long period of time

  • She was at last [=finally] reunited with her sister.

  • We're finished at last.

  • “We're finished.” “At last!”

  • It appears that this problem will soon be solved, at long last.

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Last Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary (2024)


Last Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary? ›

/ˈlæst/ Brit /ˈlɑːst/ adjective. Britannica Dictionary definition of LAST. 1. a : coming after all others in time, order, or importance : final.

What is the full meaning of last? ›

Adjective. last, final, terminal, ultimate mean following all others (as in time, order, or importance). last applies to something that comes at the end of a series but does not always imply that the series is completed or stopped. last page of a book. last news we had of him.

What is the original meaning of the word last? ›

last (adj.) c. 1200, "latest, final, following all others," a contraction of Old English latost (adj.) "slowest, latest," superlative of læt (see late); in some uses from late (adv.).

What is the synonym of last? ›

Synonyms: final , ultimate , closing , ending , concluding, finishing, end , furthest, farthest, remotest, outermost, definitive , terminating, terminal , rearmost, hindmost, at the end.

What is the dictionary word of last? ›

  • occurring or coming after all others, as in time, order, or place: ...
  • most recent; next before the present; latest: ...
  • being the only one remaining: ...
  • final: ...
  • ultimate or conclusive; definitive: ...
  • lowest in prestige or importance: ...
  • coming after all others in suitability or likelihood; least desirable: ...
  • individual; single:

What does the acronym "last" stand for? ›

You will learn many polite expressions you can use with your customers. I will explain the Listen, Apologize, Solve, and Thank (L.A.S.T) method, which will help your performance at any customer service job. I'll also give you my customer service tips for dealing with an angry customer.

What does meant to last mean? ›

It is something that will disappear, decay, be destroyed, or otherwise stop existing before much time has passed. Skyscrapers are meant to last.

What does the last mean in the Bible? ›

“The last” meant His humble followers who make great sacrifices for the gospel (see Mark 10:28–31; see also Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 10:30–31 [in Mark 10:31, footnote a]). In a general sense, “the first” are the privileged, prestigious, and selfish who get ahead in this life while defying God's commandments.

What is the Greek word for last? ›

Eschatology (/ˌɛskəˈtɒlədʒi/; from Ancient Greek ἔσχατος (éskhatos) 'last', and -logy) concerns expectations of the end of present age, human history, or the world itself.

What origin is last? ›

English: nickname from Middle English last 'the last, the latest (one)'. The application of this nickname is unclear. 3. German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a porter, from Middle High German last; German Last or Yiddish last 'burden, load'.

What is the same word as last? ›

Some common synonyms of last are final, terminal, and ultimate.

What is the opposite of last? ›

Answer: First is the opposite word of last.

What is the noun of last? ›

last noun [U] (FINAL)

the person or thing after everyone or everything else: Heather was the last to go to bed and the first to get up.

Where does the word last come from? ›

From Middle English last, from Old English hlæst (“burden, load, freight”), from Proto-Germanic *hlastuz (“burden, load, freight”), from Proto-Indo-European *kleh₂- (“to put, lay out”). Cognate with West Frisian lêst, Dutch last, German Last, Swedish last, Icelandic lest.

What was the last invented word? ›

Etymology. Zyzzyva has achieved notoriety for being the last word in several English-language dictionaries. Casey is commonly credited with naming the genus, although the etymology of the word is unclear. One theory is that the word was inspired by Zyzza, a former genus of leafhoppers.

What does last forever mean? ›

Things that last forever never come to an end — they continue endlessly. An experience that changes you forever alters you in ways that will last the rest of your life. The adverb forever literally means "eternally," so when you promise, "I'll love you forever." you mean it.

Is last forever meaning? ›

Things that last forever never come to an end — they continue endlessly. An experience that changes you forever alters you in ways that will last the rest of your life. The adverb forever literally means "eternally," so when you promise, "I'll love you forever." you mean it.

Is the last word meaning? ›

If someone has the last word or the final word in a discussion, argument, or disagreement, they are the one who wins it or who makes the final decision. She does like to have the last word in any discussion.

What does every last mean? ›

You use every last to emphasize that you are talking about all the people or things in a group or all the parts of something. [emphasis] I'd spent all I had, every last penny. You'll never quite get rid of every last bit of grit.

What kind of word is "last"? ›

'Last' is a common word among Native English speakers. It can be a determiner, an adjective, an adverb, a noun, a pronoun, and a verb.


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