Galactic Shift Extend - Chapter 79 - GammaTron, Seanzilla1988 (2024)

GT: Hello, folks. Welcome to part 2!

SZ: We're at the finale of the Omniverse arc, so let's end this with a full Zenkai Big Bang!

GT: That explains the Geartlinger I saw Z0 with.

SZ: HE's been waiting on this too man

GT: …Right…So…we own zip, nada, nothing but OCs.

Z0: BANZAI! *fires giant beam at the roof for no reason making it collapse on us all*

Last we left our two groups of heroes, the combined powers of Omni World and Super Warumono World caused Makoto Nanaya to lose her ears and tails that made her a Beastkin, and now was…totally human. What other weird and strange effects will follow the two World Super Soldier's power spreading across the globe?!

"EH!?" Ben and Zenkaiser gasped, "Makoto/Mako-chan…you're human!?"

"How am I human?!" Makoto gawked before blinking a few times, "..."

"Mako-chan?" Zenkaiser pondered.

"...Your eyesight isn't as good as before?" Ben guessed, earning a nod.

"Now! While they're distracted!" Super Warumono World declared before grabbing Omni World…and booking it.

"Oh…you're using…my strategy…" Omni World sleepily noted.

"Shaddup! Gotta wait for you to recharge…what the hell?!" his fellow World complained.

"Ah! Wait, you…!" Zenkaiser began before looking back and forth between the Worlds and his new friends, "Mmm…Worlds…friends…friends…Worlds…" the two went through a portal, "Ah mou~! Friends it is." he jogged back while flashing to normal.

"Ah…why did my eyes get bad?! This makes no sense!" Makoto groaned.

"I guess…most of your senses are sharper 'cause of the animal parts to your DNA…even eyesight."

"But…I didn't think that was one of 'em…smelling and hearing sure, that makes sense…but my eyes…ah mou!" Makoto complained.

"Oh!" Kaito gasped, patting himself down before pulling out a spare set of Vroon's glasses, "These may be too strong…but maybe it can help?"

"..." Makoto put them on and blinked, "...What the heck?! These are just as good as my normal eyesight!"

"Wow…your eyes must be really bad as a human…" Ben sheepishly muttered, "You okay?"

"...Did you just ask me…after I lost my fluffy tail…my perky ears…and my eyesight to the point I look like a nerd…if I'm okay?"

"Yeah, I know. Stupid question…" Ben sighed, "Sorry…" a moment passed before he reached to the side of her head.

"What are you doing?" Makoto asked as Ben scratched her human ear, "...Yeah, why are you doing that?"

"Well, we know that it's because of your ears that you get that calm state when I scratch them," Ben noted, lowering his hand.

"...I wanna cheer…but I look like a nerd," Makoto muttered.

"Okay, okay…uh…oh! We should go find Skye and Ay-Ay!" Kaito beamed, "They can help us!" he looked over at the pile of stuff, "But, uh…We shouldn't leave this stuff, right?"

"Oh, absolutely not," Makoto replied, "Those are my souvenirs! My Sheikah Slate, hero costumes, photo albums, that Triceraton blaster, the CDs from Gunvolt's world…"

"What was the one before the CDs?" Ben asked.

"Photo albums."

"Oh you are incorrigible," Skurd deadpanned.

"You kept that!?" Ben panicked.

"Oh it doesn't work…"

"So that's how I got that new guy!" Ben realized, "Wait we cuddle…I've slept next to an unknown dangerous alien blaster of doom!?"

"So…I'm just gonna carry all this…cool-cool? Cool-Cool!" Kaito spoke up as he produced a giant green sheet and used it to bundle everything into a bag he tied around his shoulders.

"...HOW?!" Skurd snapped.

(Minutes Earlier)

Sonic hummed to himself, running at his fastest as he raced across town, he slowed down, enough to see what was happening as the world was still moving in extreme slow motion to his sense of perception. He stopped upon spotting something and pulled out a pair of wireless headphones and tapping the button to speed up the song so he could hear it even at this rate of super speed.

He walked past ZenkaiJuran, Sari, Rex, and Bobo as Basco was about to blast them with a wave of Darkness. He looked around and realized this was a bad situation…most so since Basco's head was slowly turning to acknowledge him, so…Not Good! He picked up Juran and Sari before taking them away and returning for Rex and Bobo, and leaving Basco alone with Sally…before putting the armored alien monkey next to him…and chaining her to his leg with actual chains.

Sonic ran off around town again before skidding to a stop at the park as he found Gaon and Naoto as bullets made of ice were about to hit them. He sighed as he quickly dragged them aside and tossed them into a bus that was waiting for passengers, deciding it would be their problem to pay the fare, since he had to worry about the rest of his friends at the moment. He then looked at Zamigo…before coming back and taking the guns out of his hands and replacing them with fireworks he shortened the fuses to and lit them to go off.

Speeding off, he found himself at the Library now as Rook, Vroon, and Topaz were somehow swept up in a tornado and being carried up into the sky. Sonic sighed as he scratched his head before looking for a way to fix this one. He went into the Library and began throwing the biggest books he could up into the vortex. He jumped off Kyuemon's head and began using the books to jump around as he grabbed Rook then Topaz before kicking forward and landing on Vroon's back to ride him out of the vortex and using his wheels and body like a skateboard as he kicked the ground to push them away…but not before coming back and aiming a book so it would fly into Kyuemon's face.

Sonic found Magine and the girls as Bangray was left mid-laugh with his head held back. Sonic frowned at the scene before he grabbed rope and used it to tie up the Dr. Animo clone…before pulling on the rope, making him begin to rapidly spin…but to him, it looked like he was slowly spinning in place. He picked up Mai and Magine before coming back and picking up Amy and taking her with…but left her hammer as he aimed it so it was now flying at Bangray. He tapped his chin in thought before gently tapping the hammer so it was more on course. He shook his head before he aimed it lower. He smirked before he wrapped Bangray's legs in chains and used a wooden stake to post them to the ground.

He skid to a halt as he turned his head to see Escape, shooting at Kurenai and the Vermilion Sisters. He pouted and shook his head as he walked over and began picking all the energy bullets out of the air before flicking them back at Escape. He moved the sisters away before returning and striking several poses around Kurenai before grabbing her hands in a tango-like pose and speeding off with her. He then returned with a pie and tossed it at Escape's face. He then smirked as he held up a can of shaving cream and left it there to reveal what the cream actually was.

Sonic stopped at Colorful as he left everyone in a safe spot in the store. He did a headcount before dashing off and coming back with Skye…but not before licking his hands…and messing with his hair. He looked at his music player before hitting pause and let himself slow down to the normal perception of time. He smirked and held his arms out as everyone changed back from their Super hero selves and caught Roll in his arms.

"Hi!" Sonic greeted.

"...My hands are wet and I cannot see," Skye noted calmly, his hair covering his face, "...I smell sweets and…yep. Nice job, Sonny. Imma getting back at you later but you won't know when."

"Mmhmm…I think you forgot to put pants on, Doc," Sonic muttered as he put Roll down.

"Must you prank him?" Roll asked.

"Yep," Sonic replied in amusem*nt, "I kinda like seeing what he retaliates with."

"You have a very Drac and Johnny relationship, don't you?" Roll deadpanned.

"I knew she saw the quadrilogy!" both hedgehogs beamed.

"Oh boys…" she sighed.

"Hey, that was my new best. It took me only one song to search the town and save everyone!" Sonic smiled, "Sweet Dreams," he explained, "Anyway all that's left is Kaito, the lovebirds, and the two Worlds at the same time! I'm coming buddy!" he shouted running out the door…and right into a purple and green energy wave, "GAH! I tripped…and now my face hurts…"

"What?" those that knew him asked as the wave washed over them as well.

Sonic groaned, twitching on the ground. Slowly, he got up while rubbing his face.

"What the heck did I trip on?" he groaned as he fully stood up, lowered his hand, and blinked twice at the reflection in the store window, "?!"

Gone was the familiar face of a blue hedgehog. In its place was that of a human male his age with long blue hair styled in his unique quillstyle. He sported a pair of white-rimmed green-tinted sunglasses. Sonic looked down, seeing a pair of navy blue jeans ending in a familiar pair of shoes resized for a human's feet, a white muscle shirt underneath an unzipped blue and white jacket with the sleeves rolled up, and white gloves. He patted himself just above his rear. Yep…no tail. Looking back at the reflection, he lifted his hand up and the reflection followed in synch.

"What the whoozit?!" Sonic gawked.

"AHH! WHERE'S MY TAIL!?" Tangle's voice yelped..

"EEK! NOT GOOD! NOT GOOD!" Roll's voice panicked.

"Huh…Is the World this time Human World or something?" Skye's voice questioned.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Gaon screamed.

"...oh no…" Sonic muttered as he slowly turned, his eyes widening as he saw the others…stuck in a human form as well.

"My tail~!" Tangle sobbed, now a human teen in a resized version of her normal outfit and lying in a fetal position.

"Hey, how come I ain't human?" Bobo demanded.

"There goes that theory," an older man in his mid-late thirties noted, wearing blue jeans, a red shirt beneath a lab coat/jacket fusion, and long knee-length blond hair, "So not Human World. Monkey and Human World then?"

"Tou-san…" a shapely woman with long flowing blond hair pulled into a ponytail by a green bow in a pink tee under a blue short, long-sleeved jacket, blue jeans with hearts going up the sides, and pink and white running shoes sighed, her jade eyes showing her exasperation.

'...Ok. Did not inadvertently turn back into a kid…' Sari thought as she looked herself over and pinched herself once more for good measure, 'Yep. No longer technorganic, but full on organic.'

"This is most worrying," a young man with a military haircut in Rook's outfit noted, looking at himself in a mirror.

"AHHHH!" Ayane's voice screamed.

"Ayane-Neech-AHH!" Haseo's voice screamed.

"Haseo-chan?! Nee-chan?!" the blonde woman panicked before a wall slid back and then to the side, allowing in an eleven-year-old boy with silver hair in an orange shirt, blue jean shorts, and a black and white jacket split down the middle run out…followed by a person in a bear mascot costume in a green fedora and tie, "Ah…Haseo-chan?"

"O-Onee-chan?!" the boy gawked.


"...Ayane, get out of the suit," the male sighed, making the mascot shake their head, "...Roll?"

"Hai, Tou-san," the blonde replied, reaching into her jacket sleeve and pulling out a fishing rod.

"?!" the mascot turned to run back into the secret door only for Roll to grab them with the rod and reeled them in, letting her take the head off to expose a beautiful-looking woman with long blue hair and small reading glasses, "AH! O-Onee-chan, why~?!"

"We're all adorable humans now?!" Gaon's voice shouted…coming from a young man with short reddish-brown hair wearing Gaon's vest, but also a yellow shirt and jeans with the fur-like leggings Gaon wore, "...This is amazing!"

"Not amazing, Gaogao," Skye sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "For one, I won't be able to provide you maintenance and you'll have to go to the hospital…"

"Ah! My back…" Juran's voice groaned from an older man with short black hair, a trimmed mustache and beard, black slacks, a striped red and black long-sleeved shirt, and a red jacket.

"...such as that," Skye deadpanned.

"Ah…everything hurts now…is this what it's like for adult humans and Mobians…This is not fun!" Juran groaned, "Youth really is wasted on the young…"

"You don't hear me or Yaya complaining," Skye deadpanned.

"Hmph…" Juran slapped Skye hard in the back, making him yelp and take on a similar posture, "Don't mouth off to your elder!"

"You're only a few years older than me!" Skye groaned.

"Weren't clever enough to stop that one, was ya!?" Juran argued.

"You know…one good thing about you being human?" Skye asked.

"What?" Juran asked before Skye poked him before giving a soft blow of air...making Juran fall over, stiff as a statue.

"Pressure points~!" Skye declared in amusem*nt.

"Can you guys please stop?!" a girl around fourteen demanded, sporting pink hair in Amy's quillstyle in a maroon top, bandages around her waist, a maroon skirt reaching her knees, and white gloves and pink running shoes.

"Mmm~" Magine's voice whimpered from a young woman in a red blouse, pink wool jacket, and pink skirt.

"Phew…My glasses still fit," Vroon's voice noted from a young man with brown hair in a zipped up blue and white jacket and jeans.

"...Why are you guys all brunettes aside from Juran?" Sonic asked.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE ASKING?!" Magine and Vroon exclaimed.

"Haseo-chan still looks the most adorable of everyone here!" Gaon declared.

"I mean…it's not like Kikainoids have hair colors…what? Did you think we were naked cause we walked around in armor?" Juran argued to Sonic, before noting a slight flinch, "Oh my god, you did…you are like the dumb kid we all are ashamed to admit we know…"

"...This has to be that one freaky World's doing," Sonic muttered as he looked himself over, "...Eggman must be having a blast right now."

"OHOHOHOHO! He…he got turned into a human?!" Eggman laughed as he rolled around the ground, "He and the rest of those freedom loving pests are human now?! Oh this is brilliant!"

"Yeah…joy…" a tall tanned skin woman with dreads colored the same as Lien-Da's muttered….her voice sounding a lot-like the female echidna.

"Unfortunately the jamming device we used for our forces…were not compatible with cyborgs," Barash*tara spoke, still a bipedal tank-man Kikainoid.

"Which means most if not all the Dark Legion are all human," the woman added.

"So? This is great!" Eggman grinned as he stood up, "Sonic and the Freedom Fighters are human…meaning no super sonic speed, no angry pink hedgehogs with hammers, no ninja foxes and kunoichi hedgefoxes…they're basically powerless!"

"And we still have the Zenkaigers to deal with," Lien-Da deadpanned.

"That depends on one question being answered: Why is Zenkaiser the only human?" Eggman replied.

"What are you on about?" Lien-Da blinked.

"The Kikainoid members did not put on armor…their Kikainoid frames were altered," Barash*tara spoke, "Likewise…the Mobian members seem to rely on their natural abilities…and the Extra dimensional energy source all Mobians have some form of potential access to."

"You mean Chaos Energy," Lien-Da stated.

"If the Kikainoid and Mobian members of the Zenkaigers relied on their non-human genetics to transform…what are the odds as humans…they have lost this power?" Barash*tara pondered, "They may have escaped this time…but when next they meet…only Zenkaiser shall be a threat to us all. And even with his potential…he can't fight a war alone~"

"...Lien-Da, start getting all the troops ready," Eggman grinned deviously, "No wait…..the SWATBots too…and Metal Sonic."

"That sounds like Overkill, sir," a small red robot themed after a sphere spoke up, "Sir, you already have two Worlds both very powerful, and one can make his own army of fighters…frankly much stronger than most any of us. I think only Lord Barash*tara is strong enough to tangle with the lunatics Super Warumono World summoned."

"Yes…but not his team mates, Sonic, and the Freedom Fighters," Eggman argued, "While they are powerless…we strike 'em while the iron's hot."

"I can't believe I agree with him…but it's probably wise to weed out all our enemies while they are in a state of shock and weakened," Barash*tara sighed.

"Exactly!" Eggman laughed, "We hit him with our best troops, and just when they think we let up…boom! We hit them with our hardest, IE Metal and…well yourself of course!"


"...Let me ask you this then," Eggman began as he walked over and wrapped an arm around him, "Don't you just want to rub the hedgehog's defeat in his face just as his friends lay beaten on the ground? Don't you want to pay him back for all the times he humiliated you? Don't you want to pay him back…for all the soldiers and resources wasted just to defeat him and his pesky friends?!"

"...You know the thing is? I know you're trying to goad me…" Barash*tara began as he looked over at him, "But you're right."

"Then let's get to work," Eggman smirked.

"Confused Zenkai…" Kaito muttered, "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!?"

"Kaito, when you were seven, you snuck into Mrs. Hasegawa's basem*nt and made her think she had ghosts and called Jemy and Parpar to deal with them," Skye deadpanned, working on a laptop.

"...Skye?!" Kaito gawked, "You're…a lot less nerdy then I pictured you being…" he began, rubbing his face, "You're kinda weirdly handsome…"

"Why thank you," Skye thanked before poking his arms and causing them to go limp, "Now stop touching my face."

"Uh…it only half worked…now I gotta T-Rex arm this…" Kaito sighed, able to move his hands from the elbow down.

"T-Rex Ayane, not me," Skye argued, pointing at the nervous former HedgeLynx working on her own laptop.

"Ah! Literally everyone changed…that must be why I saw so much chaos in the streets…mostly couples who could recognize their significant others…" Kaito muttered as he twisted his torso around to shake his arms back away, making Skye duck down to avoid getting slapped…only for Sonic to walk into it.

"GWAH!" Sonic yelped, falling over, "Ugh…Skye…how come you're not tripping over yourself?"

"Not my first rodeo," Skye replied, "Visited Human World once with Itsy and Mitsy with Aphy. Aphy demanded I figure out how to make it possible to switch between Human and Mobian. Still working on it."

"Wait…then does that mean there could be a Dimension…where I become a Mobian!?" Kaito asked happily and excitedly.

"Yes. His name's Sonic," Skye joked before Ayane tapped her keyboard and a rimshot played from her speakers.

"Does anyone just…imagine Sonic with white fur and multicolored streaks in his quills…running around at hyper speed and annoying an entire planet?" Juran whispered to the others.

"...Brain bleach please!" Vroon begged.

"If I gotta think it, you gotta think it!" Magine shouted, grabbing him by his jacket, "Wow…you are so much lighter without all your bulky armor…you're like made of feathers, almost!"

"Lot more huggable, too," a girl around Haseo's age with Cassia's hairstyle noted, sitting at the table and playing with Lambda on Switches, "...Your Yamper team is devious, La-chan."

"Never doubt the corgi, Cassia…" Lambda replied.

"Wait a minute!" Kaito suddenly shouted, "Uh…am I the only Zenkaiger now?" He looked to Skye, "I mean…you said I needed to find Kikainoids to be the other 4…and doesn't Ay-Ay's sword work off that Chaos Magic stuff Mobians have in their blood?"

"...EH?!" the other members of the Zenkaigers exclaimed.

"Eeyup," Skye replied, going back to his laptop.

"Oi, oi, oi! What the…?! Why can't we change?!" Juran demanded, shooting up before a popping noise went off, "Ah…There goes my back again…"

"I can't transform either~" Tangle whined, still in a fetal position as her eyes watered.

"Of course you kids can't! The Geartlingers are made for Kikainoids because it alters your exteriors to become super fighting Rangers and allow you to become giant for ZenkaiOh," Skye replied.

"And the G-Geartlasher was made f-for Mobians only," Ayane added, adjusting her glasses as she typed away.

"Oh great…So da team's just gone solo," Bobo noted with a groan, "Well dat ain't gonna have any issues…not!"

"What are you two even doing?" Amy asked.

"Tracking Omni World," Skye replied, gesturing to the cable connecting his laptop to a scanner going over Ben's Omnitrix.

"N-New Sentai Gear," Ayane stated.

"Oh well…'till we can fix it…I need to stay strong." Kaito spoke, "I really need you guys to fix it…I don't think I can fight that many super villains alone…"

"Coming from the man who once fought a single monster for days…and took five minute breaks…" Juran muttered.

"Hey…I needed juice and a cookie, too!" Kaito argued.

"...That stamina will make any girl very happy in the future…" Skye muttered, causing Ayane to freeze up and her face turn bright red as steam came off it.

"What's that mean?" Kaito blinked innocently.

"But even Kaito can't fight that many people at once," Gaon added, "...Can he?" he looked to Skye, who may or may not know the odds of that.

"...I tend to throw math away when it comes to Kaito and/or Sonic and go straight to Chaos Theory," Skye replied before pulling out a large stack of calculations from his coat, "Your odds."

"Yeah…I don't…speak math…" Kaito muttered, pushing them towards the others, "I'm just gonna wing it! And wait 'till you guys think of a plan to save the world and my buns before they get toasted from the fire I am gonna jump right into!"

"Kaito, you can't really go in and fight solo…" Juran spoke.

"Well…I mean it's only 'till we fix things." he argued, "I can hold out long enough for someone to think of something. 'Cause I don't think I can pull this win out of my butt…"

"Not to worry," Skye assured, giving him a smile, "Super Sentai are never alone. Ask and you shall receive. Oi, Ay-Ay, double time it on that Gear you're developing."

"D-Don't rush!" Ayane replied.

"...Would you like to study my Proto-Tool if that will help speed things up?" Rook offered.

"...I'll have to put it to just three Gears, but it can be done in an hour," Ayane replied.

"Just do your best! I'm pretty sure I can handle more than an hour!" Kaito smirked, "Heck, I'm sure I can hold them off for all the time you need! You can count on me, Ay-ay! So take your time!"

"Now is not the time to be chivalrous…" Skye spoke as Ayane blushed once more.

"Ay-Ay is nervous and needs support." Kaito argued, "I can help the world and a friend at the same time. Thank you very much."

"You are the Salt of the Earth, Kaito…" Juran sighed.

"I mean…Zenkaiser is white…" Magine muttered.

"I just gotta get ready for the fight!" Kaito cheered, "Training montage!"

"You are not a shonen manga character!" Skye called out as Kaito ran out to begin training.

"You don't know that!" Kaito cheered.

"I'm pretty sure I do! We had you tested!" Skye replied before turning to the others, "No, seriously. Mitsy and Aphy took Kaikai to Meditopia for that exact test." he pouted, "Never told us husbands the results."

"Why?" Ben felt compelled to ask out of sheer curiosity.

"He broke his arm nine times…each time with progressively higher effort…" Skye muttered, "You can not fathom how terrifying it is for two Mothers to see a boy that was their son and honorary nephew actively try to harm himself to test if he's gotten super powers…I wondered myself after the time he ran through a wall like the Kool Aid man…" he looked at Roll, "Which you set up to happen with all the 'Oh No's!"


"...Roll, don't you dare. Don't you dare. Do not go 'Oh no!'"

"Oh no!" Roll caved.

"...Oh no!" Makoto joined.

"...Oh no!" Rex spoke up.

"Oh yeah!" Kaito shouted as something broke, then another and finally the wall behind them, "Ah man…I did it again!"

"...Grounded! Lots of grounding!" Skye declared, his eye twitching, "I swear, Roll Harmonia Sakurai, if you were a digital being, I would lock you inside of a personal terminal for a week! But since you're not, no chefing for a week! Kaito…I have no idea. Probably give him to Yaya to deal with!"

"Abuse of power!" the youth in the room all declared in unison.

"Alright now for an important question Doc…" Sonic spoke up before grabbing him by the collar of his lab coat, "WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR ME TO WALK!?"

"You…are…not…gh…" he pushed him back, "You're not used to long human legs! Or the new center of gravity! You're a Mobian, and a shorter one at that. Face it; you're practically suffering vertigo from the new height of practically an even six feet!"

"I am not! I…" Sonic argued before swaying and Roll caught him, the back of his head using her impressive bust as a pillow, "...In no way does this prove anything. …And what's your excuse for not being all trippy like me?"

"Shinobi training," Roll replied.

"Also girls are naturally better at this…" Amy added.

"It's called heels…girls use 'em all the time," Magine added.

"Mostly for formal occasions and such," Noel added.

"But if we can run in those…we can handle being taller," Amy added.


"Still it feels so surreal to see you as a human, Amy-chan…" Magine spoke.

"How do you think I feel?" Amy pointed out.

"Wait…If I am the adorable human…then that means…the adorable critters of nature…shall no longer fear me…" Gaon spoke, "To the petting zoo!" He ran out the door.

"There should be stuff only humans can do that we can try…" Juran muttered.

"Mmm…I miss my tails…" Haseo mumbled.

"Welcome to the club!" Tangle replied, pointing a finger at the air.

"Juran-san is right. Maybe you two can use this for something only humans can do, ne?" Roll noted.

"Wait…Chili…buns…sliced jalapenos…You guys put all this stuff up here where I can't see it!" Sonic shouted from the kitchen, "You kept this from me…AH! Et tu, Roll?!"

"...There are reasons we keep the Chili Dog stuff away from Sonic," Skye whispered to those not native to this world.

"Oh look at that…I should get back to training…Roll, want to help?" Kaito spoke up.

"One moment," Roll replied as she walked into the kitchen.


"Okay, let's go!" Roll declared, dragging a knocked out Sonic by his leg while putting a metal rolling pin into her jacket.

"...Onee-chan takes the kitchen very seriously…" Haseo explained, seeing the wide-eyed looks of the non-natives.

"So…what can humans do?" Magine muttered, "I mean…the only difference is now I have such soft pink skin…" she rubbed her face, "Really soft…wow…" she began poking Amy's face, "Why is human skin so soft and nice?"

"I honestly don't know," Amy replied, poking Magine's in return, "...Spa."

"Hm?" Magine pondered.

"We should try out a spa!" Amy beamed, "That could be why!"

"...Know what? I need to calm down, so…" Makoto began as she stood up, "A spa sounds perfect to me…mostly if it's hot springs and a nice sauna."

"How are you able to walk so easily?" Cassia asked.

"Eh, lots of dares involving me tying my tail to my back," Makoto shrugged.

"Someone better go after Gaon before he causes a scene…again," Juran warned.

"I'll go," Rex volunteered.

"And I'll go so you don't cause one," Mai deadpanned.

"Better take the Haseo," Juran advised, "His cuteness is the ultimate 'deterrent' to Gaon going overboard."

"Mmm…I'm not cute…" Haseo pouted…and proved his argument false when the girls all cooed.

"Even as a human, he's just so adorable!" Noel cooed.

"You're not taking my kiddo when you go home," Skye deadpanned.

"...Is now really the time for the Papa…ah…uh Papa Human bit…" Juran muttered, "We're all powerless…Kaito is gonna fight solo…and the bad guys must be setting up a huge invasion to destroy him!"

"Focus on what matters! The boy can defend himself!" Magine snapped, making Skye flinch at her sudden boost in confidence, "Now do what you can to help or so help me I will smack the Genius out of you!"

"Y-Yes, Ma'am!" Skye nodded as he went back to his computer.

"Where did that come from…?" Magine blinked.

"No…yeah, human girls are crazy…" Makoto muttered.

"On second thought, I would like to go…" Haseo whispered to Mai.

"Let's get out of here…" she nodded, leading him out.

"I like this change…" Ayane muttered.

"FOCUS!" Magine barked.

"H-Hai, Magine-sama!" Ayane squeaked in fright as she went straight back to her laptop.

"...Did anyone else see da dragon behind her?" Bobo asked.

"Oh! I think…I'm going to go to the bathhouse," Vroon noted, quickly changing the subject.

"...Why there?" Naoto asked.

"I am curious if there if a more efficient method to clean," Vroon replied, "Cleaning methods for skin, fur, and metal are very different. I wonder how the method differs for human skin which is so fragile and soft. Nothing at all like my normal metallic skin which needs a very strong soap and scrubber to clean after a long day." he then began messing with his hair, "This too…so…strange…this is what fur feels like?"

"No…That's hair," Naoto replied.

"Eh, may as well go with Vroon so he doesn't go too far," Rex shrugged.

"This strange concept of communal bathing…sounds most interesting." Rook spoke, "Though also potentially…how would one say it…gross?"

"Oh not at all!" Vroon spoke, "There are strict rules to the bathhouse, for its own and everyone's health and safety. It is cleaned daily and people must clean themselves off properly and thoroughly. These are rules everyone must follow for the sake of healthy bathing, relaxation and overall…respect!"

"...Let us do this," Rook quickly changed his opinion of it.

"Maybe a nice hot bath is just what these old bones need…" Juran grunted, "Wait for me, fellow young people!"

" the way, something doesn't make sense," Rex began as Vroon ran off with Rook and Naoto helping Juran out with Mai and Haseo following behind them, "Bobo, did Tsukasa head out or something when I came to pick you up?"

"Tsukasa?" Sonic repeated.

"Multi-dimensional traveling friend of ours," Ben replied.

"And no. I don't know where da guy went," Bobo responded, "He felt something was off and he just walked off….and that was my cue to bring out da full arsenal before you dragged me out, Rex."

"Great the only other person with powers and he runs off…" Rex groaned.

"I…don't think he abandoned you." Skye offered.

"What do you mean…we got attacked and he left." Rex pointed out.

"But…why haven't we gotten attacked again?" Ben realized.

"They did know where we lived and frequent…" Vroon realized once he poked his head back in.

"...wait…is he…holding them back?" Sari pondered.

"Then that means…he's fighting all those guys who jumped us?" Rex asked.

"If sure…I honestly don't feel sorry what happens to them," Makoto admitted, earning looks form those native to this world, "...oh right. See thing is…he goes by a certain title that annoys him at times…but also shows not to mess with him."

"...yeesh. What is this guy? A destroyer of worlds or something?" Sonic asked.

"Yes." Makoto nodded.

"...wait, what?"


Explosions went off as the Villains grunted and stumbled back. Kamen Rider Decade walked forward as his weapons barrel smoked.

"I don't like getting involved…but…you guys aren't normal problems to this world…so…loophole…I'll be your dance partner." Decade flipped around his weapon before it unfolded into a sword, "So…let's do this."

With that Decade rushed forward as he began sword fighting with Basco. He pushed his blade away before swinging around and kicking Bangray back. He spun around and thrust his sword forward into Kyuemon. He spun his sword around to his back as he blocked a swing aimed at him from behind by Escape. He spun around and used a backhand strike to knock her away before he spun around and swung his sword to deflect multiple ice bullets from Zamigo. He swept his hand along his sword before spinning around sending out a shockwave of magenta energy that sent them all flying back and away from him.

"Gh…okay….you're tougher than I thought…" Basco grunted as he and the other Villains forced themselves up

"Unfortunately I know what you guys can do…so I can't hold back on you. The people who take you down in the proper worlds…are probably more heroic than me. But…that doesn't mean I'm any weaker than them…" Decade retorted.

"Oh…oh I am gonna enjoy mounting your head on my wall," Bangray growled out.

"I heard that before…only…well it was actual incarnations of death itself…so…your free to try~" Decade teased before a large gust of wind hit him…and he barely budged an inch, "Oh? Didn't think there'd be a nice breeze blowing through today…" his belt flashed as he reversed a similar gust of wind back at the Villains, "I can do this all night…don't believe me…ask your mothers!"

"SCREW YOU AND FIGHT ME!" Bangray roared in anger at that.

"Works every time." Decade chuckled.

"Mmm~~" Gaon whined, waterfall tears going down his cheeks as he was dragged along by Mai, "But why~!? I was just petting the cute animals!"

"Humans aren't animals at a petting zoo," Mai deadpanned.

"Mmm…Bad, Gaon-nii," Haseo scolded, piggybacking on Mai.

"Ahh!" Gaon gawked as he froze, feeling as if his body turned to stone, "H…Haseo…"

"Oh you'll be fine." Mai sighed, "So…we stink, don't we? Wanna meet the others at the bathhouse?"

"They have really yummy blueberry milk!" Haseo beamed.

"Hai-hai…" Gaon groaned following them, "I think I got a text from Kaito that everyone is meeting up there. Since all the Zenkaigers will be there we will get most of the place to ourselves…"

"Oh it must be a normal little…" Mai paused as Haseo pointed to a very large building, "Or…maybe it's a very big Spa…oh wow…people really appreciate your help huh?"

"They really do," Gaon admitted.

"The Zenkaigers have fought back all of Tojitendo and Eggman's forces and defeated whatever World they send after them," Haseo added, "...Onee-chan gets real excited when the mecha battles happens."


"Mmm," Haseo nodded, "She even uses two Sentai Gears to make a copy of herself to do them now that she participates in them."

"Y-you can do stuff like that?" she blinked.

"The Sentai Gears are crazy powerful." Gaon spoke, "But only Kaito's belt and those of the Mobian members can pull them out. But for some reason Kaito's always has the perfect Gear, while Roll-chan and the others…need to carefully pick theirs out. We should know…Sonic once picked at random…he made half the town start dancing La cucaracha…"

"Battle Fever J!" Haseo cheered.

"And then there was the time when Tangle-chan pulled out Carranger and…er…we all agreed to never talk about that," Gaon muttered, blushing, "Amy-chan brings out the hammer and Roll-chan and Sonic-kun get all flustered and the less said about Ayane-chan if we bring it up when Kaito is near the better…"

"Ahh…noted," Mai muttered with a sweatdrop.

"And Haseo-kun really doesn't want to remember when one time we were practicing and Roll-chan used the Kyoryuger and sliced at him and that AI lynx instead of at Juran and me and they…"

"Mmmm!" Haseo growled.

"...Gomen nassai, Haseo-sama," Gaon squeaked.

"...AI Lynx?" Mai repeated.

"...well, this is awkward, kyu…" a shapely young woman with cream-ish yellow hair tied up into a ponytail muttered as she and Makoto stood nearby, watching a young boy with short orange-yellow hair and a bright orange and brown aviator outfit looking at Ben's Omnitrix and…inadvertently Skurd, who managed to get out of the bottle.

"What is?" Makoto asked.

"Her last photoshoot had the theme of 'Favorite Female Game character' to promote the announcement of Honey's GAMER Line," a white-haired man shorter than the woman wearing an orange jacket, white pants, and an eyepatch replied as he walked by, handing Makoto a photo of a shapely nine-tailed Mobian fox with cream fur…dressed in her original combat attire.

"I just…never thought I'd actually end up meeting you, kyu," the woman admitted.

"Ahh…" Makoto noted with a nod, " be honest I haven't really put it on as much anymore. Just for….certain occasions."

" you agree that i-"

"That it's mostly for bedroom use and such, yeah."

" then you and him…"

"First night, yup."

"You sure it's a good idea to talk about that when Tails is in the same room?" Ben asked.

"Believe it or not…those two are not as subtle as they try to think they are…" Tails frowned, making the man and woman freeze, "I have an IQ of 300…I'm a kid…not an idiot. Besides…I was the one to give Sonic that Talk."

"We agreed…I may have misunderstood some basics…but I had the need to know information…" Sonic frowned.

"Biology textbook…" Tails explained to those who wondered how he knew this, reading the potential worry on their faces.

"I like to think he let us baby him as a little kid…cause it made him happy…" Sonic whispered.

"What…I'm still a kid…" Tails innocently argued.

"...oh I like him," Skurd chuckled, "The boy is rather witty."

"Thank you Mr. Slimebiote." Tails smiled, "Still yeah…no…my sister and the other…are not as subtle as they believe themselves to be…"

"To be fair…we don't have a child around so…we don't need to worry about failing…" Makoto muttered, "Also at this point I think he's just enjoying teasing his big sister and her boyfriend."

"It's a lot more fun than I expected." Tails smiled, "I like to think of it as just a little payback for their antics…which may or may not bring shame to the family."

"Okay now you're just killing them." Ben chuckled.

"Sassy Tails…I love it!" Sonic cheered, "What else you got?"

"I learn from the best." Tails smiled, "Though Sorry Ben, your watch looks totally well…for lack of a proper simple term…dead…" he muttered, "Even if I can see what does what when powered up…not much to be done given it…has like nothing powering it."

"Well I figured one genius's word is as good as another." Ben sighed, "Thanks anyway, little dude. And…for talking the everyday man's simpleton as well,"

"Yeah I learned fast that using complicated big words just tends to make everones heard hurt." Tails muttered, "Also do you know how hard it is to say most of those words…it's like speaking in a tongue twister."

"One more question? What's with the handheld?" Makoto asked, motioning to the small handheld-liek device on Tails' hip.

"Oh, this is Nicole," Tails introduced, "Well…her actual body, at least. She prefers using the nanite generator Skye installed for her in it to make a body."

"Wait, what?" Ben blinked at that, "I thought it was familiar. You know, I never did figure out if Sonic shook her again after he was zapped the first time they met."

"How did…that was a panel in your comic on our adventures, wasn't it?" Sonic frowned.

"Photographic memory," Ben replied with a smile, "Can even remember mystical runes for the true name of a place when I only saw them for a moment."

"If he was a brainy type…it'd be scary useful~" Makoto teased.

"True, but I like being me," Ben shrugged.

=Hmm….so it is true as they say= a female voice spoke up from the handheld =Women are often attracted to those that rush headfirst into things…=

"Hey…he might be an idiot…but he's my handsome idiot!" Makoto smirked, "And by the rules of love…I must defend my idiot…even if what you say is totally factual my dear lady."

"I like this girl," Roll giggled, "She knows the rules quite well."

"They are a combination of my Mama's wisdom…and stuff I make up that feels right." Makoto smiled.

"Wait, wait, wait. Nanites?" Rex asked, a bit wary as he glanced at the handheld, "She…has Nanites?"

=I do. However, mine are in proper working order unlike your inactive ones= Nicole replied before a young woman formed, sporting a lightly-tanned skin in a purple and black toga with her feet exposed and her long knee-length hair let free into several curled spikes going down her back, "As you can see, Mr. Salazar."

Noel and Amy looked between herself, Nicole, Tails's sister, Makoto, and Roll. She repeated several times before slumping and going into a corner, a confused Lambda patting her sister's head as Bluey poked the former hedgehog with an empty milk bottle.

"I miss the Grand Line…" Noel mumbled in defeat.

"Even as humans, I'm still bottom…" Amy muttered.

"Any idea what's up with them?" Sonic asked Tails.

"No idea," Tails replied with a shrug.

"I…do not know…" Magine tilted her head in equal confusion, "Well we should probably split off, it's the girls turn for the open air bath." she reminded.

"Ahh…so it is," Tails' sister noted once she saw the time.

"Try to behave while we're in there, boys," Makoto teased a bit.

"That's fair…" they muttered.

"Do you girls need that much shampoo?" Magine asked, the former Mobians and Makoto all having several bottles of shampoo.

"...oh right…no fur or tail," Makoto whispered in realization, "..."

"...Makoto, no," Mai spoke as she instantly crossed her arms over her chest.


"You know what! We're not even in the bath and you're already thinking it!"

"What~? I'm not thinkin' nothin'!"

"She's up to something," Amy noted in suspicion.

"...Oh, she's like my Aunt Jem, isn't she?" Roll asked.

"...depends, does she often like to surprise grope in the hot springs?" Mai asked in a deadpanned tone.

"What~? Like I w-BWAGH!"


"Oh…right…your eyes are all wonky without your animal powers?" Noel said slowly, "Is that right…that doesn't sound right…but also it's all I can think of."

"Mmm~" Makoto groaned from underneath a pile of wooden washtubs, her glasses on the ground nearby.

"We'll get you some that fit your head better." Sari offered, "And…cuter than…these."

"I spent my whole life with super strength…now I'm just a regular albeit sexy gal…" Makoto groaned, "With a horrible sense of balance…I think my tail helped counterbalance me…"

"I mean…it explains your amazing ability at gymnastics and free running…" Sari muttered.

"WIthout it…you're horribly off balance, even with glasses," Lambda added.

"You are also really front heavy…" Magine bluntly stated.

"Yes that as well." Lambda nodded.

"How are you able to accommodate without tails?" Magine turned to her formerly-Mobian friends.

"Workouts and stretches, kyu," Tails' sister shrugged.

"Not so different," Amy added.

"Diligent balance training." Roll spoke up.

"Maybe you should try that Makoto, you know for next time you pfftt…lose your tail?" Sari giggled.

"Who told you!?" Makoto demanded.

"I didn't do it!" Noel panicked.

"Don't look at me," Mai muttered with Sari shaking her head.

"," Lambda spoke up.

"La-chan why~?!"

"Breakfast this morning…you wrecked my muffin display…"


"My revenge has been accomplished." Lambda spoke simply, "Now…I enjoy the bath." she walked off.

"...Mmm…" Makoto groaned as she was helped up by Mai and Roll, "Thanks you two…"

"Well you got your karma…so come on you, let's relax." Mai sighed.

"Ahh…" Ben yawned a bit as he stood outside of the bath house, finally having been released once Tails had finished looking over the Omnitrix. He then looked back up at the sky, seeing a few clouds passing by as he had a look of thought on his face.

"Here!" Kaito's voice got his attention as he handed him a small bottle of flavored milk, "Try this after a dip; it helps you feel great."

"Huh? Alright, I guess," Ben noted, blinking a few times in surprise.

"...something on your mind?" Kaito asked once Ben opened his bottle up.

"Honestly…quite a bit," Ben admitted with a sigh, "Mostly worried about the others back home considering the Gear holding it is…well…"

"Being used to empower one of Tojitendo's men?" Kaito guessed, earning a nod from Ben.

"I mean…I know they can take care of themselves, but this enemy is…really different," Ben admitted, "That and…we still don't know when the NOL is supposed to strike, so chances are them…or worst Vilgax is taking advantage of me being gone in order to take over everything."

"Well…I'm not sure what happens when they become a World Super Soldier…" Kaito spoke as Secchan flew over and landed on his shoulder, "We…haven't had time to properly check their worlds after either. All we know is we beat the bad guy, things go boom. And they panic because the multiverse fixes itself little by little with each time we break the gears." he explained.

"So just hope for the best…" Ben sighed.

"...Isn't that what you're supposed to do?" Kaito asked, making Ben blink, "You're a superhero, right? Isn't it our job to help and hope for the best? I'm…" he chuckled tapping his head, "Not much of a thinker, so…I don't go in thinking everything through. I just know…I see a jerk hurting people…I fight back! And…it works out cause even if I mess up…my friends help me out."

"...honestly same here," Ben chuckled a bit, "I see a jerk hurting people, I go in headfirst to stop them…and most of the time it ends up backfiring on me, but I got Makoto and the others backing me up…just as much I'm there for them when something happens with them."

"See…just relax." Kaito smiled.

"But…your friends, they lost their powers." Ben pointed out.

"Eh…I'll figure something out. Like I said I ain't a thinker, worrying about stuff I can't solve will just stress me out. So…I'll just focus on what I can do. Kick butt and save your dimension!"

=Simple is Best, a term that represents Kaito to the core!= Secchan chirped.

"...huh…noted," Ben nodded before looking back up, "Been learning a lot since this whole multi-dimensional travel began…"


"We've been to a lot of weird dimensions. Each one had its own heroes that kept them safe." Ben explained.

"That sounds so cool!" Kaito smiled, "I wish I could meet heroes from other dimensions…"

"Trust me…the places we've been to were wild," Ben chuckled, "Like this one place where it was an entire kingdom besieged by this ancient demon-can't believe it turned out to be a game given one of the games Lambda bought-and helping a reincarnated hero free it, another having super-powered psychics, and…believe it or not two worlds based on some manga."

"...which ones?"

"One Piece and MHA."

"Ahh! That's awesome!"

"But my point is….me and my friends have learned quite a bit from those we met along our journey," Ben added, "...and thinking on it now? With all the new moves and stuff we got, our bad guys back home are gonna be in for quite the surprise."

"Then I'll make sure you can surprise them!" Kaito smiled, "I promised to save every world from the Tojitendo. So just head home and leave them to me and my friends."

"Oh I will," Ben nodded as he held his fist up, "And you guys go and kick the butts of Tojitendo and Eggman's forces."

"Yosha! Don't worry! We'll go zenryoku zenkai on them all until we free all the worlds!" Kaito beamed, holding his own fist up.

"Heh. Yeah," Ben grinned as they bumped their fist against each other, "Now let's check out the others…could possibly go for a bite to eat."

"Oh! I know just the spot too!" Kaito beamed, "It serves the ta…." he began before tensing up, "..."

"...wh-" Ben began before a blue blur shot by him and Kaito, the two suddenly being sent flying into the building across from the bathhouse, "?!"

"GH~ What….was th-" Kaito began as he started getting up, pulling his weapon out before the blur tackled him against the wall.

The blur ended up to be what looked like a robotic hedgehog in dark-blue metal, its red optics looking on at him as he kept his arm pressed against the wall. What caught Kaito's attention…was that it looked like Sonic if he were a robot.


"Ah crud….Metal Sonic," Ben realized.

"Ah…oi…How did you turn into a robot, Sonic?" Kaito asked.

"Have you not met him?" Ben asked.

"Met who?" Kaito blinked.

"That's a no…" Ben muttered, about to get up before he was aimed at by a group of dark-blue armored robots, "...SWATBots too?"

=Priority 1…Zenkaisers found. Response…capture them and their allies with extreme measures= one SWATBot spoke.

=OI! That was rude you spike jet engine jerk!= Secchan shouted.

=Unknown robot…threat level…0…=

=Of course I'm not a fighter you stupid jerk! My job is to be emotional support!= the tiny robot bird complained.

"That seems like a superfluous task for a robot…" Metal stated.

=That's just cause you don't know how to live a healthy life= Secchan argued, making Metal Sonic pause for a bit.

"...Terminate the bird," Metal ordered as the SWATBots aimed their arm cannons at Secchan.

=Gah! S-Such pettiness!=

"SHWA!" at that a barrage of energy bullets tore the SWATBots apart.

"?!" Metal blinked in slight surprise before a black diamond-shaped energy barrier surrounded him, blocking more of the energy bullets aimed at him.

"Always prepared!" Zenkaiser shouted jumping out, "Alright evil metal not Sonic…let's take this somewhere else…people are trying to enjoy their bath. And it's rude to make noise outside the bath! Show some respect!"

"You distracted me?" Metal realized.

=Took you long enough, dumb-dumb! You know how to fight Sonic…but no one can predict Kaito!=

"That…" at that Metal's barrier was smacked by a bench and he was sent flying a distance away.

"I had no time to think of a one liner!" Zenkaiser declared putting the bench back where he found it, "I don't know what you are, but if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!"

"...fine then…" Metal stated before becoming a blur, making Zenkaiser grunt as he was suddenly sent flying out of the building, "Initiating combat mode."

"Combat Mode ZENKAI!" Zenkaiser shouted breaking through a different wall before he rushed and kicked Metal sending him skidding back.

"No anger detected…difficult to predict actions…" Metal spoke.

"What's happening?!" Juran asked as the guys ran out.

They all stopped as Zenkaiser punched Metal, sending him stumbling back across the ground. Only to yelp when Metal flew forward and kicked him across the helmet. Metal moved to press on but flinched when Secchan began pecking his head. He waved his hand and slapped the little robot away. But this distracted him so long he failed to see Zenkaiser load a new Gear into his gun.


Zenkaiser held his arm out and grabbed a small dagger with what looked like flute aspects built into the handle. He twirled the dagger around before holding it to his helmet and somehow blowing into it despite his helmet, and playing a melody. Metal blinked before he fired a beam from his chest, only for Zenkaiser's golden armor to glow…and bounce the beam right back at Metal, sending him skidding along the ground.

"...scanning…" Metal whispered as he looked at Zenkaiser.

"Good luck! It's magic!" Zenkaiser taunted, "Even I don't understand magic!" he taunted pointing the dagger at Metal…and unintentionally shooting him with a beam of green energy, "Uh-oh…now he's mad…"

"Grr…" Metal growled as he stood up, his optics glowing a menacing red.

"...honestly I was wondering when they'd pull out Metal," Sonic muttered.

"You know what that thing is?" Juran asked.

"Yup. Metal Sonic…probably Eggman's most dangerous machine he created to fight…well me," Sonic explained.

"...he made….a robotic version of you…just to defeat you…" Rex noted slowly.


"...that's just petty."

"AH!" Zenkaiser screamed as Metal crashed into and flew around with him, "GET ME OFF THIS CRAZY THING!" He panicked, kicking Metal in the head repeatedly as he punched him after each kick.

"Don't worry, buddy! I'm coming!" Gaon shouted as he ran off to help…before he was sent flying by Metal and Zenkaiser when they passed by him, "AHH!"

"Well that didn't last long," Juran sweatdropped before the SWATBots took aim at him and the others, "!?"

=Priority 1: Zenkaisers….capture with extreme measures= one spoke before it was hit in the back of the head with a rock…prompting it and the others to turn towards Ben.

"...errors have been made," Ben whispered, about to run before he was suddenly covered in a goop-like substance, "GH! Ah…Mega Muck too?! I thought Eggman got rid of this stuff!"

"Trust me, I know your p-!" Sonic began before he dodged a shot aimed at him…before he ended up falling on his butt, "Ahh….ahh right…human now…crud."

=Capture with extreme measures= the SWATBots spoke as they began to fire Mega Muck at the others.

"Oh come on!" they all complained, running for it.

"Guys!" Zenkasier spoke up as he spun his body around and tossed Metal into the SWATBots, using him as a sort of shield to take most of the Mega Muck rounds.


"I…didn't think that would work…" Zenkaiser muttered.

"Wait…Metal can't predict your moves?" Sonic blinked.

"I don't even know what I'm doing half the time…" Zenkaiser admitted.

"Well y-" Naoto began before he narrowly dodged some Mega Muck aimed at him, " later! Deal with the killer robots trying to capture us!"

"...wait," Rook spoke, "What about the girls?"

"KYA!" the girls' screams went off from inside the bathhouse.

"PERVERTS!" Amy and Roll yelped as a loud crashing sound was heard.

"GET OUT!" Tails' sister snapped.

"Sis, wait! Y-" Tails began before a large pillar of ice shot out of the roof of the bathhouse.


"Wait…Miyuki can still do that?" Sonic asked Tails.

"We are doomed…" Juran muttered.

"Actually, I think that was an experimental ice bomb I made in case a water-based enemy appears," Tails admitted, "...was wondering what happened to the prototype…"

"Ss-s-s-s-s-sorry, kyu…" his sister shivered.

"M-Mim-miyuki, why~?" Tangle shivered.


"...well that saves us the trouble in capturing the girls then," a new voice spoke up.

"?! Wh-" Rex began before he and Naoto were suddenly shocked, "GAH!"

"Wh-?!" Zenkaiser began, turning before his blaster was shot out of his hand, "GH!"

"Seriously…you guys just make it too easy sometimes," Lien-Da stated, lowering a blaster as her other hand sported an electrified whip.

"...wait," Sonic blinked as he took a closer look, "...let me guess, the Dark Legion got affected as well?"

"What do you think?" Lien-Da deadpanned before firing off another laser shot at Rook, knocking his Proto-Tool out of his hands, "However unlike you Freedom Fighters…we can still use our weapons."

"But…wait…are you just a regular lady now?" Zenkaiser blinked.

"...I am…"

"..." Zenkaiser walked over and picked up a small car, "Well…I think maybe you should have rethought this a bit…"

"Maybe, but…" Lien-Da began as a group of Kudakks came out of hiding, "Don't forget your teammates can't fight nor transform…you might focus on us…but you can't do both at the same time without getting blindsided…"

"...she's right," Tails spoke up, currently looking on Nicole's handheld, "I'm picking up multiple signals in the buildings around us…"

"So…you do want to get slapped by a car?" Zenkaiser bluntly asked, "Okay…no skin off my nose lady…your kinda super evil…so…" he flipped it around and swung at Lien-Da making her yelp and jump out of the way before he let go and sent it at the SWATBots, "Misdirection!" he shouted rolling across the ground and picking up his gun, "Ah I missed you Geartlinger~" he made a kissing sound as he tapped it to his helmet.

"Your insane!" Lien-Da snapped.

"Says the woman working with the crazy guy who enslaved her home dimension…" Zenkaiser tilted his head as he motioned his hand towards her, "Are you just that evil…or stupid?"

"Stupid calling out stupid…" Juran muttered.

"...grr…" Lien-Da's eye twitched at that, "As if I have a choice!"

"Yeah…unfortuantely it was working with Eggbutt," Sonic retorted.

"...ugh forget this," Lien-Da facepalmed before firing a shot into the air.

"...uh…waht was that for?" Zenkaiser asked

"It's almost like she was firing off…a…" Vroon beagn to trail off.

"...a signal," Rook realized.

"Crud!" Zenkaiser opened his belt and pulled out a random gear, "No time check!" he began cranking as Kudak's began coming out of the wood works.


"Uh-oh!" Zenkaiser gasped, "Not again!" a giant flash went off as all the Kudak's stopped.

"Wha…what did you do?" Lien-Da gawked.

"Yahoo~!" Zenkaiser cheered clapping his hands as all the grunts suddenly lined up alongside and behind him, "Lets go!" he cheered as they all began dancing a strangely well choreographed number as high energy music began playing from…literally the thin air itself.

"...pert of me feels like he's gonna pull a Cuban Pete," Ben whispered.

"...and me without my maracas…" Sonic muttered,

"I'm lost here," Rex noted as he and Naoto forced themselves up, "Secchan?"

=Well Battle Fever J was a team famous for being the first to have a robot. Not sure why but the team had a thing for dancing as each member was from a different country. For some reason, it often reacts by giving Kaito…this exact power. It's not the only one either…frankly why others can be affected concerns me…but now they doing the conga line…and swept up evil lady in it…and they are carrying away the evil Metal doppelganger…so…uh…win for us, tune?=

"Hey!" Zenkaiser cheered, leading the conga line down the street, "Duh-duh-duh…hey!" he laughed getting out of the line as he led them into the street, "Bye-bye~! Watch out for that Semi!"

"YOU IDIOTS!" Lien-Da snapped.

"This…is…illogical…" Metal grunted trying to get free.

"Ah…I knew dancing had the power to save the world." Zenkaiser cheered to himself. He then cringed as a loud horn went off followed by the sound of crashing, he then looked down as Metal Sonic's head rolled past him, "Well… I mean, they kinda deserve it…" he spoke, punting Metal's head at Lien-Da, "Guess he's benched. …Ah! I should've used that with the bench!"

"I HATE YOU!" Lien-Da shouted.

"WAIT! I have a better one liner set up!" he grabbed the bench again, "Let me smack you with this!" he shouted chasing after her.


"Go for the bench press, Kaito!" Sonic laughed.

"I…that…he won without even properly fighting…" Naoto muttered.

"Yeah…those Gear powers are crazy." Sonic chuckled.

"Eggman get me out of here!" Lien-Da shouted into an earpiece as a portal opened.

"How! It's one idiot…" Eggman began as he walked out.

"Bench pun!" Zenkaiser shouted tossing the bench as Lien-Da ducked and it struck Eggman and sent him back into the portal, "Aw~ Dang it…I messed up!"

"No no! It was perfect timing!" Sonic laughed.

"Random…but funny," Tails added.

"...ugh f*ck it," Lin-Da groaned as she tapped her ear-piece, "Barash*tara…time for Plan B."

"Eh? Plan…" Zenkaiser began before he was suddenly tackled from behind, sending him crashing through a few walls.

"Me," the tank-like robot stated.

"...let me guess, second in command to the big bad? Naoto asked Sonic.

"Yup. Literally a walking talking Tank…with an attitude to match…" Sonic explained.

"And I am gonna enjoy hauling you off in defeat, hedgehog," Barash*tara growled out as he turned to glare at Sonic.

"Zenryoku Zen…!" Zenkaiser began as he jumped at him from the hole in the wall..only to end up getting grabbed in the air, "Ack!"

"Kaito!" Ben shouted as he struggled to free himself.

"I'm good!" he called out before Barash*tara spun him around and slammed him into a car, "Not as good…" Barash*tara threw another car on top of the car, "...Oh! That fixed that crick in my neck!"

"Omni World!" Barash*tara called out, "Quit lollygagging and get out here already!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming, omni!" Omni World replied…peeking out of a trash can.

"What's with the tic?! And the trash can?!"

"Ah…sorry. Went into my normal habits after the truck mowed everyone down. And Gege said to do it so I wouldn't forget my powers, omni."


"Ahh! Y-yes ma'am, omni!" Omniworld freaked, stumbling out of the trash can before striking a pose, "Plant form!"

"Wh-?" Sonic began before he tumbled out of the way…just as a set of vines wrapped around the others, "?!"

"He must be using one of the powers of an alien race in our world! Given the scent of these vines…" Rook noted as he sniffed, "Ech…Methanosian…"

"Swampfire," Ben cringed.

"Phew! I am so glad I'm not a Mobian at the moment because as a human? That reeks!" Sonic gagged.

"Hey~!" Omni World whined.

"He's not wrong," Tails admitted, "P-U!"

"Oh that is just hurtful, omni!"

"Don't you dare go near that trash can!" Barash*tara snapped.

"No, sir, omni!" Omni World replied, quickly spinning around away from his trash can with oil leaking from his head.

"Er…Then…then just go and get whoever else is in there!" Lien-Da snapped before pausing, "...and make sure they're dressed."

"Yes, ma'am! Speed Form, go-go-go, omni!" Omni World declared before zipping off as a blur into the bath house and coming out with all the girls fully dressed and tied up, "I did it!"

"Freakin' jerk!" Makoto snapped as she struggled to get out.

"Least he was able to get us out of that ice and dress us," Noel whispered.

"Even still!"

"Gah!" Zenkaiser grunted as he was slammed into another car, "Okay…marginally farther from OK! And the crick in my neck is back!"

"...This is our final hope…" Skurd muttered.

"Hmm…What to do…What to do…" Omni World muttered.

'Ugh…What I wouldn't give for a good idea here…Honestly, I wish he was a Chronosapien so he'd get sick and puke up some miracle for us,' Makoto thought before pausing, "Light bulb…" she whistled at Omni World, "Hey!"


"I bet you can't use time powers on me~" Makoto taunted.

"How dumb do you think I am, omni?"

"Hahaha…Time powers, that's funny…!" Juran laughed, "That's silly, Neesan…ah! That's a thing?!"

"It is," Mai confirmed…before it dawned on her, "...wait…Makoto, what are you planning?!"

"Hmph. Nothing much. Just proving that this guy ain't all he is," Makoto replied, "I bet he's not even a real World. No time powers when he's called Omni World? How embarrassing."

"We have time powers! So…it's okay if you don't!" Zenkaiser spoke up as Omni World began to twitch, "Worlds aren't really that good at using their powers anyway…Most times you guys just goof up. So…you're actually doing really well! It'll be fun to beat you!" he yelped as Barash*tara spun him around.

"N-No time powers? I…I can't…You are…Oooh! Y-You rapscallion, omni!" Omni World snapped, stomping a foot and pointing at Makoto, "I so too have time powers! I am Omni World, made from the Tojiru Gear of your world! Watch as I call upon the Chronosapiens!" his body flashed gold, "And I shall turn you into a baby! Now wa…wa…" he trailed off as he looked at her, "Ooh…I…uh…" his gaze swept over Mai, Noel, and Lambda, "Urp…ugh…ooh~"

"...What's….happening?" Amy slowly asked.

"He…He's sick, kyu?" Miyuki blinked.

"Ugh…" Omni World whined as he grabbed his stomach, "My tum-tum…oof…Owies~"

"Omni World, what are you doing?!" Barash*tara snapped.

"I…I don't know…I looked at them and-urp!-ooh…Something's a comin'...and it's not fun~" Omni World groaned as he stumbled into the Kuddak holding Ben, making it drop Ben.

"He goofed," Ben chuckled as he ran over to Makoto, "He looked at Makoto when he was channeling a Chronosapien."

"Nani? A what now?" Barash*tara asked.

"Think a time-manipulating Kikainoid-like alien race," Makoto grinned, "And none want to come to Earth because of me and my friends from my time."

"WHAT?!" Lien-Da shouted, "You're from an alternate timeline?"

"Duh~ Now he's all confused and messed up 'cause he sees conflicting timeline energies…so…he's sick! And random nonsense will happen," Makoto explained.

"That's pretty nice," Sonic noted, working on Roll's ropes, "Ah…Uh…I'm stuck. Help?"

"What is with you and untying knots?" Roll asked.

"Why do you think my sneakers are velcro? Knots are evil."

"Oh….urp…urp!" Omni World began to gag out, "...oh….I think I kept it down, omni…heh. Suck it, s-BLEARUGH~!"

"Chance!" Zenkaiser grunted, aiming his Geartlinger at Barash*tara's face.

"Ah bolts…" the walking tank Kikainoid muttered as he was bombarded with a face full of energy bullets, making him blather and babble as he stumbled back and into the back of someone's truck.

"Bye!" Zenkaiser spoke, kicking the truck and breaking its breaks as it rolled down the road.


"Feels like he should have added 'The Something' to make it complete…" Zenkaiser muttered.

"Oh for…!" Lien-Da facepalmed.

"I…I can keep this d-BLEARGUGH!" Omni World gagged as he spat out another beam….which soon formed into a portal.

"...oh dear," Noel whispered.

"Come on, no whammy…" Makoto muttered…before it began to suck things in, "Aw come on! A Whammy?!"

"I guess three times in a row was the limit," Ben noted.

"Uh…Guys, help?" Sonic asked, being dragged towards it with Roll.

"I am not comfortable with this!" Roll yelped.

"Guys!" Zenkaiser shouted, rushing up and grabbing their hands as he planted his feet into the ground, "You're a lot heavier now than before…"

"You can throw cars!" Sonic complained.

"Yeah small ones! Sonic, you're heavy!"

"Why me specifically?!"

"Cause I don't want to die by saying the wrong thing!" Zenkaiser complained.

"Gh…!" Lien-Da grunted, using her whip to hold onto a lampost as broken SWATBot Parts were being sucked in.

"I would just like to argue that you threw a big car before!" Sonic complained as Zenkaiser was slowly sliding across the ground.

"Okay…give me a car to throw, see if that fixes this!" Zenkaiser complained.

"Can you not?!" Magine shouted as she and Amy held onto one another.

"Ah! Help, help, help!" Makoto panicked.

"Gotcha!" Ben grunted, grabbing her leg and he held onto a post by Lien-Da, "...I blame you."

"Huh?!" Lien-Da gawked, "Why me?!"

"Well, from what I got from Tails during our time in those baths, you and your Dark Legion went to Eggman when Knuckles went crazy thanks to this Finitevus guy, which led to other Mobians joining him to be Legionized, making an army that eventually led to him getting enough time to 'fix' his brain and make the Genesis Wave device which led to all this," Ben replied.

"Huh…Ain't those the guys who should already know how to make themselves part robo?" Makoto asked, "Why join a guy that could do it when they could already do that?"

"Are you really doing this now?" Lien-Da growled.

"We blabber when we panic!" both replied.

"Oh god…it's Sonic in stereo!" the former echidna groaned.

"Hey! I resemble that remaaaaAAAARK!" Sonic screamed as he and Roll ended up being sucked into the portal.

"Ah! Sonic! Roll!" Zenkaiser yelped.

"Seriously, though. Why did you guys go to Eggman when you could just Legionize yourselves?" Ben asked, "I mean, that was kinda dumb. Then again, Julie-Su probably got all the brains from your dad."

"...You little brat…" Lien-Da snarled before firing a blast at the post's base, snapping it.

"You suck!" both shouted before they were pulled in.

"Ah...guys!" Zenkaiser grunted, as he began panicking, "Ah…mou…only two options…but..I can't leave 'em in the past!" he paused as he looked at the vortex, "ZENRYOKU ZENKAI!" he shouted, jumping into the vortex.

"KAITO?!" his team mates gawked just as the portal closed.

"...ahh….is…is he stuck?!" Tangle gawked.

"He's insane!" Lien-Da gawked, "Why…why would he just jump in there?!"

=...You realize there is a Sentai all about time travel…and he has their power at his disposal, tune…= Secchan spoke =Even if he doesn't know it…he'll be back in no time…you vastly underestimate how wild these powers get don't ya, tune?=

"...Detain them all!" Lien-Da barked at the remaining troops, pointing at them, "And give me that robot parrot to mount his head on a wall!"

=EHHHH?!= Secchan screamed.

"Fly, Secchan, fly!" Tangle shouted as she shoulder checked a Kudakk away.

=SQUAK!= Secchan freaked as he quickly flew off, avoiding the reaching hands of some Kudakks and SWATBots trying to grab the robotic parrot =BAD TOUCH, TUNE! SKYE! AYANE! TATSUKETE~!=

"Catch!" Tails shouted, managing to throw Nicole's handheld to Secchan.

=GOT IT!= the robotic parrot said as he caught it.

'You guys better get back fast…' Rex thought with a grimace as a SWATBot picked him up.

"...aaahhhHHHH!" Sonic screamed as he fell into a body of water, followed by Roll, Zenkaiser, Ben, and finally Makoto, "AHH! HELP! DROWNING!"

"Sonic-san…Sonic-san…" Roll deadpanned, "It's knee-deep."

"...Oh…" Sonic muttered as he stood up…and saw that they were in a fountain, "So…it is…"

"Didn't you swim in the earlier issues?" Ben asked.

"...Genesis Wave?" Sonic sheepishly shrugged.


"...You try keeping a cool head after dealing with Labyrinth Zone," Sonic muttered.

"Shwa!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping up, "I should have thought that out more…"

"Ahh…jeez…" Makoto groaned as she got up on her knees, moving a bit of her wet hair out of her face, "...where are we anyway?"

"I think it's more when are we, Makoto," Ben noted as he got out of the fountain.

"Hm…I do believe this is familiar…and yet not as well," Skurd noted.

"...I vote for the past," Roll stated.

"So we're…in the past…" Sonic noted as he got out of the fountain, "...wait. Skurd, when did…"

"I hopped in the moment Ben was sucked in after that rude woman knocked him and his woman in."

"Hmm…" Zankaiser walked off as he flashed back to normal, "If this is the past then…" he looked around before finding an old man reading a newspaper, "Gomen Jii-chan…" he spoke, taking a page and looking at the date, "...Wait…it's…" he tossed the page away and ran off.

"Kaito!" the five called before chasing after him…before Ben ran back over to Sonic and Roll and tugged a part of the rope, causing it to fall off and let them go.

"Oh thank you," Roll thanked before they ran after Kaito.

"What's gotten into him?" Makoto pondered.

"...Oh!" Roll halted before picking up the tossed page, "...This was before Aunt Mitsuko and Uncle Isao vanished…"

"...meaning he's going to go see them," Skurd realized, "...Quick! Stop him! He may end up creating a time paradox!"

"Oh not again…" Sonic groaned as they picked up the pace, "Kaito! Get back here, man! This is not a first you want to do!"

"He's so fast…" Ben grunted, "Dang is he athletic…"

"Wai-wait…ah, my legs…they…what's this tingling pain like I've been shocked?!" Sonic complained.

"I think that's a leg cramp…" Makoto muttered.

"I hate it~!" Roll complained.

"I hate it with every fiber of my being~!" Sonic declared dramatically.

"H-have you two never had this before?" Makoto blinked, "Like…ever?"

"Give us back our speed~!" both whined.

"So Kaito's totally normal…and he could keep up with you guys while super fast…A-Are you sure he's not like…this world's version of Captain America…but Japanese?" Ben asked.

"I only read The Flash," Sonic replied.

"Oh my god…" Ben groaned.

"Alright…come on…" Makoto sighed, helping Roll onto her back, "Hey…it feels like I got my tail back…onward!"

"...I'm not carrying you…" Ben turned to Sonic as he then looked around, "Oh! Hang on!" he ran off, before coming back with a skateboard, " might fall a few times…"

"...I'll take it," Sonic muttered, "I mean this shouldn't be too hard…I've ridden Extreme Gear before."

"Extreme Gear?" Makoto repeated.

"Hoverboards-often skates and/or bikes-that run on air," Sonic simplified as he hopped onto the board, "Mostly used by a certain green buzzard that thinks he's better than me and his crew…"

"Go…" Ben spoke, slapping his back and pushing him.

"Woah!" Sonic yelped as he fumbled for a few moments…before he stood straight, "...heh. See? No problem."

"Show off," Skurd deadpanned.

"Oh that's not showing off," Sonic retorted before going into a one-handed manual, "This is showing off!"

"...Well, that happened," Ben noted, "Now after that Kaito!"

"Ike!" Makoto declared.

"Kaito!" the group called out, searching for their only friend with super powers. They then stopped upon seeing Kaito staring at something from behind a tree.

Kaito smiled, watching a little boy as he ran around with a net, chasing a flying beetle. Like any child with limitless energy, he screamed his head off as he ran around in circles around the park, an adult couple watched as the man panted from exhaustion. The woman smiled, patting his back, before yelping as the boy ran right into a tree and left a pretty sizable imprint of himself in it. He groaned, falling back…before shooting back up with a slightly bloody nose.

"All OK!" he cheered.

"That's…our kiddo…" the man chuckled between pants.

"Anata…you can't just let that slide!" the woman spoke as she ran up to him, "Kaito…are you okay?" she asked, gently touching his nose.

"I'm fine!" he smiled a tooth-filled smile, "I'm not gonna stop 'till I catch that kabuto! Zenryoku Zenkai!" He picked up the net and began running around again.

"Oh, that explains your nose that day," Roll whispered, nearly making Kaito jump before he looked over his shoulder at the temporary human and the others, "I thought it involved something like that. Because your nose normally gets bloody in the right direction from sport-related face injuries and this was the left direction."

"...y-yeah…" Kaito muttered.

"Aw…he's a little ball of energy and chaos," Makoto noted with a smile.

"Kaito! No, don't climb up after it!" his father panicked as the little Kaito was climbing up the tree like a hyperactive monkey.

"Hahaha!" he laughed, disappearing into the tree tops…before yelping as he fell out of a different tree behind his parents, "...I'm okay!"

"Where does this come from?" his father chuckled, "I flunked PE in school…and you get credit for showing up…this is the body of a nerd…" he pointed to himself.

"I wish I knew…ah…I just hope it isn't because you dropped him…" his mother worried.

"ONE TIME!" he panicked, "AH! You and Kaachan screamed at me for days…"

"And be glad we haven't told Aphy-chan about it," she pointed out, making him pale.

"Well…that's true…but I mean even still…I'm glad Kaito is such a happy child," he sighed as the little Kaito finally captured a beetle in his net, and stared at it with sparkling eyes.

"I caught a bug!" he shouted, running around in circles, before stopping, "Wah…dizzy zenkai…" he stumbled around before falling over, "Spiny-spinny-spinny…" his eyes turned into swirls.

"Aw…So cute," Makoto noted.

"These were my happiest days," Kaito (adult) smiled as he watched the scene with a smile, "I haven't seen them in such a long time…"

"...yeah…a long time…" Roll whispered, looking down in sadness.

"...I take it there's someone you in particular want to see the most?" Skurd guessed.

"...My Kaa-chan," Roll admitted, "Since that Genesis Wave, she's been missing." she pulled out her sword, "My Geartlasher uses our family's blade for it…which was last with her."

"We haven't seen our family for a while…" Kaito added, "I at least had Yatchan still."

"Mmm…When they went missing…we lost contact," Roll noted, looking down once more, "It was like the tech we used to see each other just…stopped working."

"We haven't met since the event that fused our worlds," Kaito added, "I guess whatever happened to my parents ruined their machine we used to meet…"

"Wow…" Makoto whispered, blinking a few times at that information.

"So you just wanted to see them?" Ben asked.

"I know it's probably a bad idea to meet them and tell them who I am…" Kaito replied.

"Otherwise it would cause a butterfly effect on the timeline," Skurd added.

"I hate the butterfly effect," Ben sighed, "Gwen actually told me of the one time she ever did that. Not pretty."

"And there were my fears of causing a butterfly effect if I spilled anything about my timeline," Makoto muttered.

"Oh, you may not have to worry."

"?!" all six tensed before they yelped as they were tied up with their arms bound behind their backs and ropes wrapping over their torsos as they were held up in the air by ropes going over tree branches, "Ah!"

"?!" Roll's eyes widened, seeing a shapely adult human woman-sized Mobian fox with platinum-blond fur and long flowing knee-length hair let free, her soft pink eyes gazing up at them as she wore a modest sundress…and holding the ends of the ropes holding them up.

"Again with the time travel?" the fox asked, "Or are you the one from that cafe replacing the shop?"

"Ah! Aunty!" Kaito shouted, "It's me! Wait…Cafe? You know we don't like coffee…"

"Baka!" Makoto and Roll gawked at how quickly he just did what they feared.

"Oh bother…" Skurd facepalmed.

The fox sighed before lowering Roll down and patted her cheek, "Roll, dear, you didn't get trapped in Humantopia and Kai-chan thought time travel was necessary, did you?"

"E-Eh? Y-You…"

"My Sora-kun and I went there once with Isao-kun and Mi-chan. You have my cheeks and your papa's nose from there," the fox giggled.

"K-Kaa-san…" Roll blushed.

"That's your mom?!" Sonic gawked.

"Um…A bit more complicated, ma'am," Ben noted.

"I knew coming before my husband and kiddie you was a good idea today," the fox huffed, tapping Roll's nose before dropping them, "Right then." she peeked out from behind a tree and gave a quick bird call with her thumb and middle finger in her mouth, earning Kaito's mom's attention before doing a few hand signs.

"..." Kaito's mom facepalmed and returned them and ended with a thumbs up before turning to her husband, "Why not take Kaito over to Yatchan, ne? I think we have a small issue to address."

"I swear, Skye and I did nothing wrong!" he spoke quickly, sweating now, "Uh…Th-That buffalo did it by itself in Rodeotopia!"

"I found a tanuki!" little Kaito shouted, running past them while holding up…an actual wolverine.

"AH! Kaito, no!" he yelped, chasing after little Kaito, "I don't wanna get into debt with another one!"

"...Dude, you were a wild child," Ben deadpanned at Adult Kaito.

"Given all of you? That hasn't changed much in the future," Roll's mom sighed before walking over to Kaito's mom, "Well…While Isao-san handle Kai-chan…We have a small issue with Kai-chan and time-travel."

"...You sure it's not the cafe one again?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Aphrodite replied before pulling the rope and Kaito was dragged over, "Does he look like he's a formal man to you?"

"Hi…" Kaito awkwardly greeted before his mother grabbed his face and pulled him in close.

"You got your ears pierced?" she noted.

"And apparently did some world traveling," Aphrodite added, tugging on the other ropes.

"WHOA!" the four yelped, landing in a pile.

"...Your mom is strong…" Makoto muffled at the bottom.

"She's the head of a clan of kunoichi foxes…with Kaito-kun as a nephew…she has to be to reign us all in…" Roll muffled out from her head pressed against Sonic's shirt.

"You should see what happens when I got sugar," Kaito chuckled, "Hahaha…it's trippy."

Kaito's mom blinked a few times before pulling out a foldable hand mirror and opened it, letting a small scanner go over them, "...Quite a few years ahead of us…and from different universes, too. They're not under the influence of Humantopia like you and Skye were, Aphy-chan, but two different worlds in tandem? Omnitopia, the one we named for that massive cluster of Ben 10 universes, and Warumonotopia…" she grimaced, "...where the bad guys always win in the end, especially those involving Super Sentai."

"...Mi-chan, I love you like a sister, but speak Japanese to me, please?" Aphrodite begged.

"Their powers are all stripped and turned into normal humans," she summed up.

"I'm the only hero left…" Kaito bluntly added, "I got tossed into a LOT of cars…"

"Kinda my fault. Tempted this guy who's using Omnitopia to be a super villain into using Chronosapien DNA and…" Makoto began.

"That makes sense. You're from ASWtopia and Chronosapiens always become violently ill when looking at a native from there," Kaito's mom interrupted, "Yet you also have Omnitopia remnants on you…as if you…" she trailed off, looking at how close Ben and Makoto were, "...Ah…I lost the bet?"

"Seems like it," Aphrodite shrugged, patting the heads of the two.

"...Nobody tell Skye until he sees you two in the future," she ordered, "Now I have to start ordering the supplies and…ah mou~"

"S-Sorry, Mrs. Goshikida," both apologized.

"Don't be," she assured, "Still…someone is using Omnitopia to power themself?"

"Pretty much," Sonic replied, "And if we wanna get Ben and his friends home..we pretty much gotta stop it and the guy using that badguy world…"


"Mi-chan, he's a friend of Kai-chan's."

"Oh right…" she sighed.

"...Hey wait a minute…" Sonic began.

"Hm? Now what's this?" Kaito's mom asked, spotting the Geartlasher poking out of Sonic's jacket, "This looks a bit like the Geartlinger we've just finished making, but…a sword?"

"Oh, I know that welding pattern. This is Ay-chan's work, ne? Guess she's wanting to surpass you three," Aphrodite giggled.

"Only works for Mobians and, well…not Mobian at the moment," Sonic sighed.

"Hmm…Yosha. I'll get Skye and my husband to have something ready for the future, then," Kaito's mom noted with a nod, "Should probably knock Skye out with a rolling pin to trigger short term memory loss, too."

"That still confuses me. He can get hit with everything else just fine, but a rolling pin is what causes memory loss…" Aphrodite sighed.

"Wait…that's a thing with him? No way!" Kaito laughed, "That's so funny…"

"Don't hit your Uncle Skye with a rolling pin!" both mothers scolded with the same disappointed/scolding expression.

"H-Hai, Kaa-chan…A-Aunty…" Kaito gulped, sweating now while bowing.

"...Wow….My mom would be impressed," Makoto blinked.

"Same here," Ben nodded.

"Ehem…home…soon…sometime, our friends in mortal peril?" Skurd spoke up, "Young adults…so difficult to handle…"

"Oh…I already had a plan for that…" Kaito bluntly stated with little to no sense of urgency, earning a few stares, "What…something on my face?" he began rubbing his face, "Did I get it?!" he kept doing so.

"...You got it," his mom assured, patting his cheek, "So what's your plan?"

"I was just gonna use the Timeranger Gear…and shoot a hole in time back home," he bluntly explained.

"...Go with the Big Bang side," she advised with a wink, "Much more fun."

"Hai!" Kaito smiled, "Though…the problem is…I'm the only one who can fight back home. So how do I stop two Worlds…and an army of super villains…Guess I'm gonna have to wing it."

"Maybe. But Kaito…Super Sentai are never alone," his mom advised, "We even made you a special Gear we planned to give you tomorrow. You should have it, right?"

"Huh? …Oh! I do!" Kaito beamed, pulling out the red Gear, "Always keep it on me!"

"Good. Maybe next fight, you try it and see what happens."

"I will!" Kaito nodded.

"Hmm…What is this one normally, dear?" Aphrodite asked Roll while looking Sonic over.

"A hedgehog," Roll replied.

"Mmm…I approve," Aphrodite stated with a nod before holding his hands, "Please take care of my adorable kit, ne? I know she can be a handful at times, but you're probably just the same with your own."

"E-Eh?!" Roll blushed, "Ah! M-Matte! Kaa-chan, it isn't li…"

"Sure thing, Mrs. S!" Sonic grinned.


"Perfect!" she beamed before hugging the former hedgehog and then turned to Roll and hugged her, "You stay safe in that time, alright? Don't forget Love is the most volatile weapon in combat and your greatest asset in life."

"I won't, Kaa-chan," Roll assured, returning the hug.

"Aww…now Kaito, don't…" Kaito's mom began only to suddenly be hugged. Kaito closing his eyes and holding his mother close, "It's okay…you'll be fine, you have good friends, right?"

"I really do…" Kaito nodded.

"Good. I'm quite glad to hear that," she smiled at hearing that.

"Lots of friends at that, ma'am!" Sonic grinned, "Your son's a pretty awesome guy!"

"...He's a daredevil, ain't he?" Aphrodite looked to Roll.

"He jumps off the Skytree every few days for fun…without a rope," Roll sighed.

"...I still approve. Any kits you have will be such cuties and durable."

"Mother!" Roll yelped, blushing once more.

"Say what?" Sonic blinked twice.

"Nothing! Mother means nothing at all!" Roll replied quickly, steam coming off the top of her head.

"I have no idea what she means, but Mrs. S is pretty cool," Sonic grinned.

"'s just a mom being…well a mom," Makoto pointed out with a nod, '...and mine's probably worried about me right now back home…may need to pay her a visit after we get home too…'

"Alright. I gotta go Kaachan." Kaito smiled as he released his hug, "I gotta go save my friends."

"Don't forget to go Zenryoku Zenkai!" She reminded.

"Yosha!" Kaito beamed.

"So do we have a plan?" Sonic asked.

"Maybe," Kaito smiled.

"...You…planning on telling us?" Ben asked.

"Easy! We fight time…" Kaito began, reaching into his jacket before pulling a Gear out, "With time!"

"Oh! Mirai Sentai Timeranger!" Makoto grinned, "And don't forget your mama said to go with that 'Big Bang' side, right?"

"With how many there are, you're the perfect amount for it!" Kaito's mom giggled.

"I've never tried the Big Bang side without having one of my team to give them Mecha power…" Kaito muttered.

"It's a World's First," Roll pointed out.

"Oh! You're right!" Kaito beamed as he put the gear in with the Ranger side facing down and started cranking, "Yosha!"


At that, a flash of light flew off before five lights flew around. They quickly combined together into one large giant ship. It slowed down and stopped before them.

"...Oh that is so cool~!" Makoto squealed.

"3D Formation, TimeJet Gamma," Kaito's mom smiled, "It has the power to fly through time. Though since you aren't the Timerangers, try not to joyride in it too long…you know…avoid trouble."

"What?! But I wanted to see Dinosaurs!" Sonic complained, already inside.

"I'll drive!" Kaito called out, running in.

"...AHH!" Makoto gasped, grabbing Ben as she quickly rushed in, "Shotgun! Shotg-"

"Too late!" Sonic laughed as Roll ran in.

"Ah mou~!"

"Oh for pity's sake…!" Skurd groaned.

"You and I can share a seat," Ben assured.

"Take off!" Kaito shouted as it floated up and flew off into the sky, before vanishing into a portal in time.

Kaito's mother sighed as Aphrodite put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "He grows into a great young man." she mused.

"Hahaha!" little Kaito laughed, running back with the wild wolverine still in his arms…only now it had a chunk of his father's pant leg in its jaw.

"Kaito! Put that thing down! It's vicious!" his father pointed to his now ruined pants.

"Ah but he's my friend…he won't bite me!" little Kaito argued before the wolverine wriggled out of his arms…and hissed at his father before chasing him, "Ah! Wait, come back!"

"...I fear the day he ever befriends a badger," Aphrodite sighed.

"...Why a badger?" Kaito's mom asked.

"You don't want to know, but it's why we never talk about five times great grandpappy Angus."

"...Freaking jerks," Tangle muttered, currently tied up with the others as they sat around in a circle...within a large empty quarry.

"Knowing Eggman, he's gonna try and come to gloat about his victory as usual," Tails sighed.

"Wouldn't surprise me," Amy agreed.

"You're all a bunch of butts!" Magine shouted.

"Ah! Her emotions are still out of whack!" Gaon panicked.

"A lot of big stinky ones at that!" Tangle added.

"Don't add fuel to the fire!" Juran warned.

"I'm sorry, but I'm still missing my tail!"

"Why am I not shocked? She freaks out because she loses it when transformed…" Juran sighed.

"When I transform, I can at least summon a copy with Kyuranger!"

"We're gonna die…" Rex spoke up.

"I knew it would happen by an evil army…I just wish it was by an evil army lead by a cooler super villain…" Bobo sighed, "Alright…let's do this thing."

"...wait. How'd they catch…?" Sari began.

"Got jumped by dat fat egg when I stepped out of da shop for some fresh air."

"...Please tell us he didn't try to look or steal anything inside," Naoto begged.

"What? No, I made sure ta lock da joint up when I stepped out," Bobo replied, "And I warned him he didn't want ta know where I hid da key, but he asked and regrets it."

"Okay, yeah. That's fair…" Rex signed.

"I would just like to go on record that this is like super creepy…and why are we just supposed to wait? Why aren't they you know…killing us?" Naoto asked, "What is with super villains?"

"Eggman enjoys to see us squirm," Tails replied.

"Honestly, it's a standard Tojitendo playbook maneuver prior to starting to seal Worlds up in Tojiru Gears," Vroon added, earning looks, "...What? I like to read and it was a manual back in the palace…The only book authored by Barash*tara, too."

"If you weren't a human right now…I'd throw something at you," Gaon glowered.

"Oh ho! Oh this is brilliant!"

"And there's the fat egg now…" Naoto muttered as Eggman walked over.

"Well well well, Sonic, I….wait a minute," Eggman blinked, counting each of the group for a moment, "...Where's Sonic?"

"I believe that is classified," Rook countered.

"...Oh you want to be smart huh?" Eggman frowned as he learned in, "How's about I have each of you Roboticized until one of you spills it?"

"You know they'll eventually come, kyu," Miyuki stated.

"Oh I know…but from where?" Eggman retorted, "If the hedgehog does come back…I want him to at least get a view as his friends are turned into pawns for Tojitendo's empire!"

"You do realize four of us were originally Kikanoids, right?" Juran pointed out.

"Yes…but how would you change back if you're turned into soulless robots that serve us?"

"Sonic already told us about the loophole you told about Roboticization of humans," Juran noted.

"What?! Oh that little sneaky blue…!" Eggman fumed, "I knew I shouldn't have Roboticized Snively in front of them like that! Fine! Then I'll lobotomize you after!"

"You sure you want to try that?" Naoto retorted, "I doubt you'd take some of us here…we're pretty willful."

"And I will enjoy breaking each...a-" Eggman began as he leaned in with a grin…before he was kneed in the face, "GH?!"

"Also we're strugglers," Naoto grinned a bit as Eggman staggered back.

"...Is it wrong that I found that somewhat cathartic and funny?" Lien-Da whispered to Barash*tara from nearby.

"I recorded it…" the tank man chuckled, "But regardless of a small win…What we need most is to capture Zenkaiser. He is the leader, and without him, the fight goes on…" he groaned, "His spirit…I can already tell is unbending, unyielding…and furthermore he's too stupid to ever fold to the truth of despair…no…an idiot like that must be destroyed…before he continues to be a problem."

"And to do..." Eggman grunted as he fixed his crooked nose, "...that…we break him emotionally by forcing him and Sonic to watch as we turn each of their friends into our minions one by one!"

"But Sir, he's too stupid to stop! He's literally so boneheaded…he rams into everything like a…well…a Ram, omni!" Omni World spoke up.

"That's true! Despite being an abomination! Super! He is still a part of a Super Sentai, Commander…he will not give up," Super Warumono World agreed.

"Now you're doing it, too," Barash*tara groaned.

"Lord Boccowaus's orders, super!"

"...Did Gege speak up on it?"

"He did."

"That annoying vulture…" the tank man grumbled, "Regardless, let us move on!"

"Set the bait!" Super Warumono World ordered before a Kudakk whispered to him, "Wha…but…oh fine! I wanted to chain them to giant wooden X's but…fine. Poles are okay, super…"

"Why X's?"

"Cause Crosses would be creepy…" Super Warumono World cringed.

"...Isn't one of the bad guys from your Tojiru Gear a cr…" Eggman began.

"Hence the creepiness, super."

"Also no one needs to invite that nonsense into this sir, omni," Omni World added.

"...Just get the poles," Eggman grumbled.

"Yes sir!" Omni World saluted as he ran off.

"Hey! You can make the poles, super!" Super Warumono World reminded.

"Oh right! Crystal powers a go-go!" Omni World declared as he slammed his hands down and created several poles of crystal that Kuddaks snapped off to carry off, "There we go, omni!"

'They better get here soon…' Mai thought, '...from whenever they went to.'

"What's taking so long…gah…" Eggman complained.

"Just be patient," Lien-Da sighed.

"I will not! I finally have a chance to…BAH!" he cried out as something fast flew over them, the gust from its speed blowing Eggman and many Kudakks off their feet, "He's here!" he shouted as the ship looped around and passed over a ledge above them as the five were dropped down, with only Kaito and Roll sticking the landing while the others yelped and stumbled over, "Zenkaiser!"

Kaito turned around with a serious expression…before it faded and he smiled, "Hi Eggman!" he waved to him, "What are you doing out here? Oh! You came to enjoy the show as I kick butt, huh? I knew you liked me!"

"D'oh! Gh! Why you…" Eggman fumed.

"Easy there, Kaito-san. Get him any more mad and we'll have a boiled egg to contend with," Roll advised.

"Oh you're right…plus at his age, he probably shouldn't get so excited…Eggman! You should go home, you know, rest with a nice manga, maybe some herbal tea! You know…lower that stress and blood pressure!" Kaito called out in what seemed to be genuine concern for Eggman's health…which obviously only served to anger him even more at this nonchalant treatment he was being given.

"I hate him…I hate him almost as much as the Hedgehog…" Eggman seethed, clenching at the air before him like it was Kaito's neck.

"Hi Eggman~" Sonic waved, resting on his side, "Long time no see…How ya doin'? Meet anyone since joining the bigger badder bad guys?"

"Ya know, now that I have a better look at the guy, he's a real Baldy McNosehair, huh?" Makoto asked.

"Pfft! Baldy McNosehair?! Oh, oh I am keeping that one!" Sonic laughed, "Oh you are so getting something after I'm back to normal for sure for that great insult!"

"He's gonna have a stroke or something…" Barash*tara muttered from his and Lien-Da's viewing point.

"He came back from a complete and total mental breakdown. I'm sure a stroke will just be a jog for him," Lien-Da shrugged.

"...You want it to be more, don't you?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"Omni World, crush them!" Eggman snapped.

"Of course-GAH!" he yelped as he was bombarded by energy bullets.

"Sneak attack!" Kaito shouted as he jumped and landed a drop kick to Omni World, sending him into Eggman, "Change Zenkai!" he grunted, shooting and rolling forward as he passed through the gear and was replaced by Zenkaiser, "Himitsu no power…Zenkaiser!" He called out, spinning around and kicking Super Warumono World, knocking him back.

"That was a dirty trick!" Eggman grunted, pushing Omni World off before he was lifted up by Zenkaiser.

"Bad guys don't get to complain when all they use are dirty tricks!" he spun Eggman around and held him like a shield as Super Warumono yelped and stopped before shooting lightning at him, "Shwa!" he put his Geartlinger over Eggman's shoulder and began shooting while pushing him forward, pelting Super Warumono World with bullets; the monster then yelped as Eggman was pushed into him and both were sent tumbling over.

"Gr…get off me, you idiot!" Eggman snapped as he pushed Omni World off, "Kudakks, get the Roboticizer! I'm looking to.." he began before he noticed the grunts looking on in confusion, "...the portable one? know the one that looked li-DID NONE OF YOU REMEMBER TO GRAB IT?!"

"Nope," Lien-Da spoke, "Barash*tara thought it was a torpedo when testing out a new cannon for the army."

"...It…It didn't even look like a torpedo…" Eggman groaned, feeling a migraine.

"See that's what I said…but you two were so busy with that secret project you just waved and said, 'Yeah, whatever,' so...I tried to arm it…It zapped my hand…and I punched it then loaded it into the cannon," Barash*tara explained.

"...Ooh, that's a big vein," Zenkaiser noted, seeing the big pulsing vein on Eggman's head.

"I know that look…" Ben whispered, he and Makoto sneaking over to the others tied up, "He only gets that mad when Sonic ruined a big plan of his…"

"I imagine that happened a lot…" Makoto whispered.

"Oh yeah, like this one issue…"

"Excuse me," Rook quietly spoke up to the duo once he noticed them, "Perhaps it is best to save the small talk for later."

"Dat guy's right. Talk later and get us outta here now," Bobo quietly added.

"...Got it," Makoto and Ben nodded as they began to untie them.

"Oh, you two better hurry up," Skurd spoke, noticing a few Kudakks charging at the two, "I think they took notice of us."

"I got it!" Zenkaiser spoke as he put in a gear.


At that, Zenkaiser jumped back and spun around…before two more Zenkaisers stepped out from behind him, and then two more behind those duplicates. They all cheered before splitting up, two taking on the World Monsters, while one jumped into the air and began shooting at the Kudakks.

"Thanks for the assist!" Makoto beamed a bit as she finished untying the girls.

"No problem!" the clone gave a thumbs up.

"At least it's not Sonic doing the untying," Juran noted as he was let loose, "Kid wears velcro for a reason."

"I heard that!" Sonic called out as he dodged a Kudakk attempt to strike him before smacking it with his skateboard.

"...You kept that?" Roll blinked.

"What? It's a good board," Sonic replied, getting on it quick before planting his hand on the ground, propelling his lower half upward as he began to swing it around and hit each Kudakk that tried to hit him, "Plus, I can fight easier this way until I get my speed back!"

"Ah…" Roll nodded as she moved back as a Kudakk charged at her…before it fell over and grabbed its makibishi-covered feet, "That is true. I'll just use my training until mine comes back as well."

"Ah mou! Super villains, I summon you to my side! So says Super Warumono World, Super!" Super Warumono World shouted as he concentrated his power before multiple black orbs formed and exploded in small flashes of dark energy as the Villains that faced them before blinked and found themselves here, "I command you…destroy Zenkaiser, super!"

"Hmph…" most of them huffed as they rushed at the Zenkaiser clones.

"Uh-oh," the main Zenkaiser gulped.

"...Ah! Kaito! The Gear!" Makoto called.


"The red Gear your parents made!" Ben shouted, "Use it, man!"

"Eh? But I don't know what it'll do!"

"JUST USE IT!" both his teammates and the Omni Team shouted.

"Ah! R-Right!" Zenkaiser yelped as he pulled out the Red Gear and inserted it into the Geartlinger before cranking it quickly, "Come on…Let's go for a big miracle!"


Zenkaiser aimed up and fired a red blast that turned into a giant Red Gear as it began spinning before multiple flashes of light shot down around Zenkaiser.

=Babang! Babang! Babang! Babang! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba~ng! SUPER~SENTAI!=

"Ah! What is going on?!" Vroon gawked.

"I-I'm not sure!" Magine replied.

"It didn't say the name of a team this time," Tails noted.

"Ah…So much red," Juran squinted his eyes.

=Ah! You finally used that special Gear Isy and Mitsy made for you!= Skye beamed on the comms.

=G-Gear?= Ayane asked.

=Hai! That special Gear allows Kaito to use the power of all past Reds, tune!= Secchan explained.

=Oh that is layman's terms, Secchy. This gear…is more than that!= Skye laughed.

=Did you two finish your projects?=

=Ah! Y-Yes, Yaya/Yatchan!= the two scientists panicked as they were heard fleeing.

"What the hell just..." Basco grunted before he was shot by bullets, making him stumble back; he then looked up at who did it, "M…Marvelous?" he looked at a Red ranger who looked like a pirate.

"Yo~! Seems like you're doing pretty good, Bosco…let's fix that with some lead down your throat," he aimed a flintlock-like pistol and began shooting wildly.

"Ah! G-GokaiRed!" Makoto awed.

"Nani?" Escape pondered before a red blur struck her from multiple sides before sending her stumbling along the ground. The blur skid to a halt to reveal a Red ranger with a cheetah-themed helmet.

"Back from the dead again, Escape? …Don't worry…this time I'll confirm your deletion," he spoke while crossing his arms and keeping his back to her.

"Ah! R-RedBuster!" Makoto gasped, 'There better not be a chicken nearby!'

"What the hell…Where are they all…oh no!" Bangray looked up as red feathers fell around him before a Red ranger with an eagle on his chest and matching themed helmet dropped down with a segmented sword and slashed him from shoulder to hip, "Y-Yamato! This…I didn't…you…"

"Seems you're having trouble talking, Bangray," the eagle themed Red noted, "You're not messing with another planet with me around!"

=ZyuohEagle kita~!= Secchan awed as the former Mobians all tilted their heads.

"Something up?" Juran asked.

"Guy feels…weirdly familiar," Sonic admitted.

"Mmm…I feel like I have an itchy tail for some reason…" Roll muttered.

"I'm seeing a pattern here," Kyuemon noted, their back to Zamigo's.

"Ah…And I'm not liking it myself," Zamigo agreed.

"Hey look at that, Frosty…you found someone as creepy as you to hang with," a voice spoke as a Red Ranger with a long cape and red angular visor that looked like a tophat was between them, "I would look elsewhere…their butt is, like, so flat…"

"Eh, I don't know. Kyuemon kinda needs to chill out anyway," a Red Ranger with a ninja theme to him and sporting a ninjato with a red shuriken on the guard section noted in amusem*nt.

=AH! LupinRed and AkaNinger!= Secchan awed.

=He seems rather flashy for a ninja, doesn't he?= Yatsude noted.

=The Gear summoned the actual Red Rangers, tune!= Secchan awed.

"Eh?" Zenkaiser blinked at that, "I summoned the actual ones?! ...Oh that gives me an idea…"

"What's h-gh!" Juran grunted when a Kudakk tried to strike him.

"HAH! Ryugekiken!" a voice cried before a red tyrannosaurus-themed Ranger swung a sword down on the Kuddak, slicing it down, "Ah…You alright?"

"Uh…Y-Yeah," Juran nodded.

"You're going to go into a fangirl mode, aren't you?" Ben asked, seeing the stars in Makoto's eyes.

"Ben-kun…catch me…" was all she replied with as she began to wobble around losing her balance, Ben stumbling to catch her as she fell over.

"Kaito had such a gear?" Magine asked before the Kudakks around her and Amy suddenly burst into flames.

"Surrounding girls is very creepy; has no one ever taught you how to treat ladies?" a Red ranger with a cape and phoenix-themed visor chuckled as he lowered a silver magic wand with a symbol matching his visor.

"What kind of power is this…all these…people summoned by one gear…" Vroon gawked as he helped Rex and Naoto.

A Kudakk jumped at them only for it to be knocked out of the air by a Red ranger with white down the center of his suit and a compass symbol on his chest and headlights on his helmet. He spun around a spear-like weapon and cut down several of the grunts, "No time to rest. Get clear while we battle! Attack!" he snapped his fingers as he swung his spear around and rushed forward.

"Ah! Who was that? Why was he so good with that spear?" Vroon began to quickly ask.

"Go, amigo, go," Rex spoke as he and Naoto picked up Vroon and carried him away from the Ranger and his spear.

=TyrannoRanger, MagiRed, and BoukenRed!=

"Hey…those guys…" Gaon muttered as he helped Tangle.

A group of Kudakks rushed them from behind only for two figures to growl and pounce on them. Two more Reds, one themed after a Lion and the other a Tiger, roared as they clawed and beat the grunts into the ground.

"Huh…no horns…what are these things…evil…computers?" the lion Red asked as he stopped growling.

"Mmmm! These zowazowa guys make me feel kachikachi!" the tiger Red growled.

"Z-zowazowa?" the lion Red tilted his head, "Kachi…kachi?"

"...Oh that sounds so cool~" Tangle awed.

"Hm? Oh! Kitsunezaru!" the Tiger Red awed, looking at Tangle in return.

"She's a human," the Lion Red pointed out.

"Iie! I know animals! Mmm…The Zowazowa must have done this!" the tiger Red snapped as he spun around to the Kudakks and pulling out red feline-themed nunchucks, "Get back here and change the pikapika kitsunezaru back!"

"Ah! Matte!" the lion yelped as he ran after the tiger.

"...I wanna learn his language," Tangle summed up her thoughts aloud.

"It is kinda adorable," Gaon admitted.

=Those were GaoRed and GekiRed, tune!=

"Whoa…this…is new," Sonic muttered before he heard a yelp as a Red Ranger with an eagle themed helmet and tires on his arms and legs jumped and landed on the board with him, "What the…?"

"Whoa! I can work with this! Mach Zenkai!" he cheered, kicking the ground and pushing them both towards the Kudakks, "Here I come!" he cheered, pulling out a large broadsword themed off a road and slashed them down as they plowed through their lines.

"Hey, not too shabby!" Sonic complimented.

"Thanks! Oh, you've got a good racing vibe," the Red commented, "Any chance you'd be up for a race some time?"

"I love a good race," Sonic grinned.

"And they're bonding," Roll noted before running around a boulder.

Several Kudakk charged around it before several explosions went off. Roll tsked as she shook her head, looking down at the destroyed grunts beside a red ninja Ranger with a gold headband on his forehead, "They should really learn not to follow a kunoichi around things. Ne, senpai?"

"Ah," the ninja agreed as he leaned against the boulder casually, "I should have figured you'd be fine. You look the most capable…but…I had to get some action in." he yawned before flicking an S-shaped shuriken as it jabbed into the head of the last Kudakk.

=Go-On Red and NinjaRed! Ah~This is amazing, tune!=

=That is a lot of red= Yatsude noted =Haven't had to deal with this much red since Isao was on that all red clothing phase…=

"Impossible! You had this power!?" Super Warumono World gawked.

"I…I guess…" Zenkaiser shrugged.

"Ah! So much red! What are we gonna do, omni?!" Omni World panicked before looking around, "Uh…Uh…"

"What's up?" MagiRed asked.

"I'm trying to find a trash can to hide in," Omni World admitted, not noticing the Ranger.

"I think I saw one behind that rock."

"Oh! Thank you!" Omni World thanked as he ran around it before screaming after an explosion went off, several of NinjaRed's shuriken in his behind, "GYAH!"

"Hahaha…I love it when they're stupid," NinjaRed laughed.

"Right?" MagiRed nodded.

"They can still be dangerous, so be careful," BoukenRed warned.

"He's right. We need to be careful of his power," GaoRed ordered.

"Meh, we can deal with it!" Go-On Red chuckled.

"Wai!" GekiRed cheered in agreement.

"No need to be so brash," TyrannoRanger sighed.

"Ah…Oh my behind…Gh…" Omni World grunted, pulling out another shuriken before getting up, "Why you…Gravity time!" purple spheres of energy covered his hands, causing a boulder to go up in the air that he threw at them.

"Jiruma Magiiro!" MagiRed declared, swinging his staff at the boulder…and causing it to transform into a soccer ball that he kicked up into the air, "Nice try! But here's a return!" he backflipped and slammed his foot into it, causing the ball to ignite in flames and shoot at Omni World, knocking him over onto his face.

"Owie! Grrr…Feline power again!" Omni World roared, bulking up, "LEMME TELL YA SOMETHIN', SUPER SENTAI! OMNI WORLD WILL SMASH YOU WITH A TIGER'S MIGHT AND A LION'S ROAR!"

"Hah?! Oi! Tora janai, you zowazowa!" GekiRed roared as he charged at Omni World with GaoRed following.

"Red power…" Zenkaiser muttered as he twisted Super Warumono World's arm around. He reached down and pulled out a pair of Gears, "I wonder…" he slotted one.


A Red ranger with a crystal theme merged with Zenkaiser as he pushed Super Warumono World away, "Kirameking!" he declared suddenly as he slotted the second Gear.


"Imagination Zenkai!"

=Kaito…what are you planning?= Secchan asked.

"We need a Red to fight!" he declared as he held up the Red Gear from before, "So…I imagined one!" he spoke as red particles formed around it before…it changed into a red copy of his own Transformation Gear, "Ta-Dah!"


"I got it!" he kicked Super Warumono World away as he jumped off and landed in front of Ben and Makoto, "Ben!" he shouted, making them jump, "Your turn!" He held the gear up.

"Wait…what?!" he and Makoto shouted.

"It's your world…your powers…take them back!" Zenkaiser cheered, "This may…last a bit…but I'm not sure how long…It's Hero Time!"

"Huh? But I don't…" Ben began before a Geartlinger beaned him, "Gah!" He spun around to see a rabbit mascot peeking out from behind Roll.

"Nice job, Ay-Ay!" Zenkaiser beamed.

=Actually, that was a spare one-time-only one we made one day. Mitsy acted so weird when we were making it, saying it's a surprise and-and-and I got clonked by a rolling pin so I'd forget it until we found it, didn't I?= Skye realized.

=Seems like it=

=I hate time travel= Skye groaned =Dimensional travel? That is fun and can bring along the family in the safer ones like Humantopia or SDtopia-oh Ancient Walkers SD Rolly kept giving me heart attacks she was so adorable!-...But time travel…So many rules that make it boring…=

"...How do I even use this?" Ben asked.

"Have you been paying any attention?!" Juran and Magine gawked.

"Things happened so fast!" Ben argued, swinging the gun-holding hand and fired a shot, hitting a Kudakk, "Ah!"

"Here we go again!" Zenkaiser beamed.

"Are they really doing this?" GokaiRed deadpanned, having Basco in a headlock.

"I'm strangely reminded of Amu and Leo with this nonsense…" ZyuohEagle sighed.

"...give me a moment!" Zenkaiser shouted, kicking away Super Warumono World as he quickly ran over to Ben, "See you do this…"

"Does this usually happen, kyu?" Miyuki whispered to Tails once the two got behind some cover.

"Usually, sis…" Tails nodded

"Huh…that simple huh?" Ben noted once he got the jist of Zenkaiser's info, "Honestly I'd thought it be more complicated."

'...if he's gonna do what I think he is…when we get home and we have some private time, I am going to rock. His. World,' Makoto thought in slight excitement before running off, punting a Kudakk away when it tried to hit her, "Kick their butts, babe!" she got behind cover…before grabbing her foot, "Owowowowow…Really hope we get our things back…"

"Worth it?" Bobo whispered as he hid with her.


" sure you know what you're doing?" Skrud whispered to Ben.

"Uh…no…not really, kinda…going with the motions." Ben chuckled.

"That's what I always do." Zenkaiser laughed.

"...welp, may as well roll with it," Ben shrugged, opening the top as he loaded the Gear inside before closing it.

"This part is easy, crank, aim, shoot and shout: Change Zenkai! Otherwise it doesn't work!" Zenkaiser explained.

"Got it," Ben nodded, cranking it quickly before he took aim, "Change Zenkai!" he declared as he pulled the trigger.

=YON-JU-GO BANG! Ba-Bang! Ba-Bang! Ba-Bang! Ba-Bang! Babababang! ZENKAIGER!=

The energy Gear appeared before Ben as it began to engulf him, causing a red suit much similar to Zenkaiser's to appear on him, a red cape flowing behind his back as he stood there.

"...No…No no no NO!" Eggman snapped as he smashed a Kudakk's head in with a wrench, "NOT ANOTHER ONE!"

"Sugoi! A new Zenkaiger! You're a Red one…so…try this; Aka no power! Zenkai…Red!" Zenkaiser cheered.

'...already rolling with it, so here goes,' Ben thought before he took on a cool pose, "Aka no Power! Zenkai…" he declared before holding up his arm, as if he was displaying the Omnitrix as his cape bellowed in the wind, "Red!"

"Himitsu no power, Zenkaier!" Zenkaiser cheered.

With that the two crossed their arms before spinning around and swinging them into the air as they posed side by side, "Kikai Sentai…Zenkaiger!" they shouted as a Red and white version of the Zenkaiger symbol formed behind them.

"Uso!?" Super Warumono World shouted, "You…you can do that?!"

"Yeah it's all thanks to you goofs…you kept complaining I wasn't a Red Ranger…so…" he pointed to ZenkaiRed, "I made one!" he cheered, "It's temporary though so…no time to waste being smarter then them, Zenryoku Zenkai!" he cheered.

"Hero time!" Zenkai Red smiled as they high fived before rushing at the Monsters.

"Don't think trading one power for another will help you!" Super Warumono World shouted before looking at Omni World, "You boob! Help me!"

"Ah! Uh…busy here!" Omni World argued…currently in the middle of an armbar from GekiRed.

"Hup!" Zenkaiser shouted as he jumped and kicked Super Warumono World, "I got him!" he told ZenkaiRed, "Take care of him, and get your powers back." he spun around and pistol whipped the giant headed monster.

"Right!" ZenkaiRed shouted as he rushed and jumped to land a drop kick to Omni World.

"Eh…an unexpected twist." GaoRed noted, "But us Red stick together."

"I'm not sure I follow it…but…try not to slow the rhythm, rookie!" Go-On Red cheered.

"He means try not to blow us up…" NinjaRed sighed, pulling out his sword.

"Don't worry, this is the usual hazing for Reds!" BoukenRed slapped ZenkaiRed's shoulder, he then snapped his fingers, "Attack!"

"Right!" ZenkaiRed cheered as he rushed forward while shooting the Geartlinger pelting Omni World.

"Gah! Oh! Ite! OW! Oh you…Fire Form!" Omni World declared as his entire body lit on fire.

"Fire…Heatblast!" ZenkaiRed realized before rolling out of the way of a wave of fire, 'He's using my world's powers…meaning he's using…my aliens…' he thought as an idea began to form in his head.

"This is one weird monster…his powers change like every ten minutes…" GaoRed grunted.

"Then we'll keep adapting to whatever power he uses." MagiRed spoke as he held his wand up and used it to absorb the fire.

"Wh-?! Hey! Give it back!" Omni World snapped, "Frost Form!" he shouted as his body began tocoat itself in ice, "Now to go invi-GAH!" he yelped when he was shot in the back.

"Yeah no," ZenkaiRed grinned behind his helmet, " switched to ice…against a guy who ended up with your fire."

"...ah spit," Omni World realized before he was hit in a wave of fire, "GAH HA!"

'He may have ended up with my Aliens' powers…but I know how to beat them,' ZenkaiRed thought.

"He's kinda…stupid…" NinjaRed muttered, "Well…that makes this easier." he pulled out a giant red shuriken, before throwing it and slashing Omni World across the chest with it.

"Then we just need to stop him before he uses a power that causes more damage then he intended to." BoukenRed, "You look like you got an idea ruminating." he turned to ZenkaiRed, "What you got kid?"

"He'll try to change forms to try and attack or defend himself from harm," ZenkaiRed explained, "One of which for the latter is called Goop, an alien made of slime…but if I guess right…"

"S-slime form!" Omni World shouted as his body started getting slimy, a small ufo similar to Goop's flying overhead, "Ha! You can't hit me!"

"No…but," ZenkaiRed began as he pointed to its visible body…and the Gear floating inside, "We can snatch that."

"?! OH SPIT!" he realized before changing into multiple copies of himself, "SPLIT FORM!"

"Bad choice, dude."

"Eh? Why's that?" one Omni World asked.

"ZOWAZOWA!" GekiRed shouted as he tackled two at once before dragging them across the ground.

"Gao!" GaoRed did the same as he dragged one while running on his arms and legs before slamming it headfirst into a rock.

"YEOW!" the other Omni Words shouted in pain.

"WHY DID WE FEEL IT?!" one asked.

"Ditto…an Alien that can turn into copies of himself…but he and said clones can feel each other's pain," ZenkaiRed explained.

"Wait….so all of the copies can feel it?" Sonic asked…before using his board to smack one in the knee, making the others yelp as they began jumping on one foot, "...hey guys, gang up on the copies!"

"NO PLEASE DON'T!" one Omni World begged before ZenkaiRed began shooting him up.

"CHANGE YOU I-GAH!" Super Warumono World cried out.

"You fight me!" Zenkaiser shouted, backhanding him across the face before spinning into a punch to the chest.

"Hit it hard." BoukenRed ordered, rushing forward.

"Let's go!" ZenkaiRed ran with him as they began kicking the multiple Omni World clones.

They twisted two around and slammed them into one another before spinning around to kick others behind them. The two then took out their sidearms as they began shooting side by side.


"Oh my Chaos this went worst than I thought…" Lien-Da groaned as she rubbed the bridge of her nose

"Just change you idiot!" Barash*tara snapped.

"I'm tr-OW! Tr-OW! TRYING!" one shouted as it ran away from Amy and Magine slapping it.

"Kono-kono-kono!" Magine complained, smacking his head with a rock.

"Banzai!" Tangle shouted, drop kicking the clone and knocking him off a cliff, "Oops…"

"I'm sure that's fine." Amy muttered.

"GAH-Hahahaha!" the Omni clones all cried in pain, "HOW DEEP IS THAT CLIFF!?"

"Nobody asked you!" Gaon shouted as he shoulder checked one with Vroon.

"Wow…you are not good at using my world's powers…are you like just that stupid?" ZenkaiRed chuckled.

"Silence! I am-ow I am a w-ow! A warrior of justice!" one shouted as Juran kept hitting him on the head.

"You know if you change back you'll all smoosh back together." ZenkaiRed pointed out.

"REALLY?!" with that Omni World turned off his power as all his clones just…melded back into one. He sighed in relief before flinching as ZenkaiRed stood infront of him, "Oh you tricked me…"

"That's right~" he punched him across the face. He then spun around for a hook kick to his stomach, and a powerful left hook to his face.

As Omni World stumbled back, he was pelted by energy bullets and making him yelp in pain. He was then slashed by TyrannoRanger and NinjaRed ran past and slashed him. BoukenRed and MAgiRed shouted as they jumped and slashed down across his shoulders making more sparks fly. GekiRed and GaoRed growled as they struck Omni World in the chest. Go-On Red ran past at high speed as he swung his sword and struck Omni World across the chest. The Monster looked up as ZenkaiRed jumped into the air and landed a flying side kick to Omni World's chest, sending him flying back and into a boulder.

"Hissatsu Zenkai!" Zenkaiser and the Red's all cheered to Zenkai Red.

"Oh right. Like this!" ZenkaiRed realized as he began cranking the Geartlinger, the barrels spinning as it began spewing out a jet of red fire like energy. The stream condensed down into a long energy blade, "Oh sweet Sumo Slammers…this is the coolest thing I've ever done without being an alien…" he awed. He then rushed as Omni World picked himself up, "Ha!" he roared as he swung and slashed the monster across the chest, once, then twice, and finally a third time as he cut a burning Z into its torso.

"No way…I survived all those battles…only to lose to someone not even on the main team!" Omni World shouted.

"Sorry…but even if this is a one time thing…this is what real heroes do." Zenkai Red spoke as he cranked the Geartlinger, he then aimed it at the monster's chest, "Zenkai Finish Buster!" he cheered.


With that, a massive beam of red energy tore through Omni World's torso, causing a massive explosion. As a gear fell to the ground, ZenkaiRed raised his foot and stomped on it…causing it to crack and turn to dust before sending out a massive wave of green energy.

"Ah! Um…n-now let's be reasonable here…" Noel noted, surrounded by Kudakk before the wave went over them, "Eh?"

One swung a blade…only for a trunk to grab its wrist. The troops paused on seeing full elephant Funkfreed holding the Kudakk and glaring.

"Um…Anyone want to address the elephant in the room?" Sonic asked.

"I've never seen a species like that before," ZyuohEagle noted.

"Can I…" Bangray began before ZyuohEagle tackled him.

"Funkfreed," Noel spoke, earning his attention, "Please give them the Bam-Bam Rubble."

"Paon!" Funkfreed shouted as he began to slam the Kudakk repeatedly into the ground, "Pao! Paon paon!"

"...wait. We have our powers back?" Makoto blinked in surprise.

"..." Rex blinked before he threw his arms out…and nothing happened, "...oh come on…I'm not even part of Ben's world, so why can't I use mine?!"

"I am not sure," Rook replied, "Though I can understand. My body is still human."

"Guess we need to blow up the other guy," Makoto noted, "...Hey, Bluey!" The Blupee appeared on Miyuki's shoulder, "Glad you're good now. Think you could trigger a little Mama La-chan?"

"...what's that rabbit doing?" Eggman blinked as he noticed the Blupee running out into the battle, "...doesn't matter…" he whispered, reaching into his pocket as he pulled a Gear out…with an emblem Rex immediately recognized once he saw it, "Just gotta insert this a-"


"Wh-GAH!" Eggman cried out when Rex tackled him, "Get off me!"

"Give me back my world!"

"As if! I…!" Eggman began before looking at his empty hand, "...wait…where d-" a yelp soon caught his and Rex's attention, making them turn to see the Gear laying near Bluey…the Blupee knocked out with a bump on its head and a purple Rupee by him.

"Uh-oh…every man for himself!" Rex shouted as he ran off.

"What's his…problem…?" Eggman blinked looking up as a blade pierced the gear as Lambda stood there transformed into her combat armor, her flames now black and purple and taking on the shape of dragon wings and a tail, "Oh…oh no…"

"What is that?" Amy asked, eyes wide.

"Something…you should never do around Lambda," Mai whispered with wide eyes, "Hurt Bluey…"

"Terminate…with extreme prejudice," Lambda whispered, her visor glowing ominously.

"..." Eggman certainly did not give off a high pitched scream as he began to run away from the livid Murakumo Unit, "SAVE ME~!"

"Ku…!" A group of Kudakks began..before each of them were bisected down the middle as their remains were reduced to ash by the flames.

"You will not escape," Lambda stated, her visor glowing menacingly.

"...I'm not stepping out there," Lien-Da muttered…before looking at Barash*tara as he scribbled in a notebook.

"Get R&D to develop dragon robots…." Barash*tara muttered. He tapped his chin with the pen, "..Also…work on making me a dangerous robo-wife…"

"Well things got weird real fast." ZenkaiRed muttered as his suit began glowing and soon fell apart as red particles, "Guess I ran out of Super Sentai juice…" he muttered.

"And I can get back to this!" Skurd shouted as he hopped right onto the Omnitrix, "Oh…daddy missed you…that suit was stuffy, yet…it had an interesting energy to it….still doesn't beat you."

"Well if we got power back…" Ben began scrolling through his Omnitrix, "Kaito helped me by giving me some power…let's return the favor, by giving Zenkaiser…an Upgrade!"

"Wait what?" Zenkaiser blinked at that, pausing from shooting at Super Warumono World.

"Ben, you sure that's a good idea?!" Sari called out, snapping her fingers with one hand as a group of Kudakks were zapped before one was sliced down by her energy blade.

"No…but it'll be fun!" Ben smiled, slapping the Omnitrix as he turned into Upgrade, and stretched himself across the battlefield before aiming right at Zenkaiser's Gearlinger.

"...what's he planning?" Mai asked as she smacked a Kudakk away with her spear.

"I dunno…but it's probably big," Naoto guessed as he kicked a Kudakk away.

"Whoa!" Zenkaiser gawked as Upgraded melded with his gun, making it turn black and green with the Omnitrix dial forming over the slot for his gear

"...that's…new," Vroon blinked once he and the others took notice.

=Now it's an alien powered Geartlinger= Ben's voice came from it.

"Alien power Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Okay…let's do this! Omni Change Zenkai!" the Omnitrix plate rose up as he slammed down on it, and a green wave spread across his suit. The Red along his suit all changed to green. His golden chest armor turned black as the Omnitrix symbol formed in the center, the multicolored lines all changed to overlapping black, white and green. Finally his visor flashed bright green, "Whoa! New Form ZENKAI! I'm…OmniKaiser!"

The disguised Ayane fell over in shock, 'Upgraded…Does that mean…I need to do more on my Geartlashers?' She held her hand up in the air, 'My scores…come back to me…'

"Is she okay?" Sari asked.

"She's alright," Roll sighed.

"Onee-chan…" Haseo facepalmed before Sari snapped her fingers…


…And the Kudakks trying to sneak attack collapsed, short circuiting and offline with green sparks coming off them.

"Mmm~!" Haseo whimpered, hugging onto Roll's leg with wide eyes and his hair puffed up into an afro.

"...ahh…not even fluffy and he's still cute!" Gaon and Tangle exclaimed.

"I didn't think that was possible…" Sonic muttered.

OmniKaiser spun around as he fired from the Upgrade Geartlinger and it instead fired a barrage of green energy beams that pelted and messed up Super Warumono World's body. OmniKaiser tapped the Omnitrix faceplate on his Geartlinger before a green flash went over his suit. He then ran around as a blur and struck Super Warumono World from multiple angles.

"GH! Grr…where…?!" Super Warumono World began, grunting from each shot as he tried to keep up with him.

"Whew~!" OmniKaiser slid to a stop as he taped the Omnitrix Dial again. He then swung around as he slammed his hand into the ground causing a massive tremor that sent Super Warumono World flying up into the air. He waited for the Monster to fall as he swung his fist up and landed a punch that acted to catch the monster before he lifted him up…and tossed him into a boulder.

"What is this!? You have even more power, super?!" Super Warumono World gawked.

"It's on loan." OmniKaiser chuckled, "Speaking of…" he tapped the dial and used super speed to vanish again, he then laughed as he returned.

"What did you do?" Super Warumono World demanded.

"Nothing to you…right Eggman!?" he called out.

"Wha…Lien-Da…I feel something on my head and face…what did he do?" Eggman asked.

"...He superglued an afro and glasses to you…" she replied after a second of hesitation.

"HE WHAT?!" Eggman gawked as he tried to tug the afro and glasses off…only to stop, "...wait. Is my mustache intact?"


"But…" Barash*tara spoke, "Now…it's dyed rainbow colors…"

"...I HATE THAT ZENKAISER SO MUCH!" Eggman snapped before a flash went off, "...Hedgehog….!"

"Sorry not sorry!" Sonic laughed, "Oh and…btw? You may wanna resume running."

"...oh no!" Eggman freaked in realization as he ran, Lambda hot on his trail once more, "Starline portal! PORTAL!" he shouted before a topaz-colored portal appeared before him, letting him run into it just as it closed.

" lost," Lambda whispered as she stopped.

"GH! Grr..ENOUGH!" Super Warumono World shouted, "Villains, gather before me!"

"They all are getting blown up!" Lien-Da shouted.

"What?! Those are some of the strongest there is!" Super Warumono World complained.

"Well that's what you get for underestimating us!" Omnikaiser shouted, slapping the dial again before he aimed and blasted a fireball at Super Warumono World.


"Enough of this…" Barash*tara groaned before a flash went off…and he found himself lifted up into the air.

"Magnets…how do they work~?" OmniKaiser laughed as he used the Geartlinger to shoot a magnetic pulse that picked the Kikainoid up into the air, "Hey…I wonder how much distance I'll get if I throw you?" he chuckled.

"N-No no no! Not magnets again~!" he shouted as he was flung into the distance.

"...I'm done. I...I'm just done," Lien-Da sighed as she walked off, "I'll take a portal home…"

=Should you let her go?= Upgrade asked.

"Ah…she's just a cranky lady now…it's not like she can do anything here…" OmniKaiser argued, "I'm half sure I broke her and her friends' spirits like ten times over by now…"

=Ahh…I know that feeling at times= Upgrade admitted =My buddy Ragna does that daily with Psyphon and his goons=

=Ah yes…there's something about breaking your enemies= Skurd added.

=Wh?! Skurd how a-=

=I was attached to the Omnitrix when you fused with our excitable friend here, remember? How do you think he's able to pull off using all those powers?=

=I didn't…think about it…=

=Hmm…yes you never do…= Skurd muttered =Now come! Let us defeat this amalgamate of multiple enemies!=

"Yosha!" OmniKaiser shouted, "Hero Time, Zenkai!" he roared slapping the dial as he began replicating and formed a ring around Super Warumono World, "Zenkai Sound Wall!" he shouted as they all blasted sonic waves from their guns pelting Super Warumono World from all sides and trapping him in a giant dome of sound.

"Ghh…!" Super Warumono World grunted in pain as he staggered about, "This can't be…how am I losing to someone…that isn't a Red?!"

"It doens't matter what color I am…" OmniKaiser declared, "I'm still a Hero! And you know how this works! You are one World where the bad guys win…but in every single world besides that one…who always wins no matter how bad things get!?" he declared, "So it doesn't matter if I'm a weird Sentai Hero…I'm still a Hero! And we always win! We always go Zenryoku Zenkai!"

"This is insanity! You're insane!"

"I've been tested!" OmniKaier argued, "Sides…how can a bad guy say that…you literally are trying to take over the multiverse…and I'm the crazy one for not letting you…You're all just petty!"


"That also makes you a hypocrite!" Makoto shouted from her hiding spot.


"Hypocrite~!" Sonic and Tangle taunted.

"St-STOP IT!" Super Warumono World demanded.

=Now he's throwing a tantrum= Upgrade and Skurd added in unison.

"Ice blast!" OmniKaiser shouted, shooting a beam of ice that trapped Super Warumono World in place, "That oughta cool ya off!"

"NO! NO PUNS!" Super Warumono World demanded.

"It's just so easy!" OmniKaiser laughed.

"I will not let you win! I am Super Warumono World, Super!" he declared.

"Yeah…?" OmniKaiser asked as all the Red began walking up and stood beside him, "Well…we don't care."

"We really don't," GokaiRed added.

"It's fun just to mess with ya," LupinRed chuckled.

"But know whenever evil beings like you bring harm to people, we'll be there to defeat you," TyrannoRanger stated.

"Powers or know, don't underestimate heroes!" ZyuohEagle declared.

"Even the smallest bit of courage is all it takes to make miracles happen!" MagiRed declared, "So with this much courage…you never stood a chance~" he chuckled motinining to the OmniKaiser standing in the center.

"Earth will always be protected by someone willing to fight. Your mistake was coming here!" GaoRed added.

"Eventually…you'd think some evil army would learn what a spectacularly bad idea this is." BoukenRed added, "We should have a reputation for chewing up losers like you on the regular."

"If Hell itself and aliens can't get the picture…you're just asking for this losing battle…" NinjaRed sighed.

"You Zowazowa! It's time for you to fly away and give the animals their real bodies back!" GekiRed declared.

"This is wild! You guys sure know how to party! I dig it!" Akaninger laughed.

"Hmph…" Red Buster crossed his arms simply.

"Oh come on join in on the fun!" Go-On Red laughed patting his shoulder before yelping when Red Buster grabbed him by his uniform, "Sorry! Sorry!"

"Shut up and attack…" Red Buster growled.

"So intense…" the other Reds all muttered.

"Chītā seems burabura…" GekiRed whispered.

=Ooh…if I may suggest something, why not do a combined finisher?= Skurd suggested =Perhaps something extra showy so it sticks to not just the Tojitendo, but Warumonotopia itself?=

"I love the talking gun's idea!" AkaNinger beamed.

"Let's do this thing." GokaiRed spoke simply.

"...Fine…" Red Buster sighed.

"You can be a little more excited!" Go-On Red complained.

"...I can throw you at them at light speed…" he replied.

"I don't think that's what they had in mind!" ZyuohEagle panicked.

=KaiKai! Shinkenger Gear for Go-On Red if you please. And Zyuranger for TyrannoRanger= Skye advised.

"..." OmniKaiser held the gears up and looked at the Upgrade Geartlinger, "I'm gonna need a second…guys help me…" he whispered, turning around, "Your Watch thingy is in the place of my slot…Oh…no wait…if we do this…then…hey I can put in two! This really is an upgrade…oh duh…that explains the name~"

"Hm?" Go-On Red tilted his head when OmniKaiser turned to him and TyrannoRanger before inserting the gears and cranking the handle.


A red Samurai-themed Ranger appeared before Go-On Red, their mask shaped like the kanji for fire. He flicked open his gold buckle and pulled out a red disc. He casually tossed it to Go-On Red before vanishing once he caught it.

"Oh! I remember this one!" Go-On Red chuckled, looking it over.

He pulled out his rod-like fuel pump-shaped blade and slid the disc onto it. He proceeded to spin the disc before flames erupted off his body, transforming into a red and gold split coat.

"Hyper Go-On Red!" He declared.

Before TyrannoRanger, a green Zyuranger stood, sporting a golden chest plate. He placed a hand on TyrannoRanger before glowing and vanishing…leaving the armor on TyrannoRanger.

"Burai…" TyrannoRanger whispered.

"Hmm…Upgrades for days." GokaiRed spoke as he pulled out a large galleon shaped key and slotted it into his flip phone like device before he was now clad in red pirate galleon armor with a long cape.

"Hmph…" Red Buster spoke tapping his arm mounted change as red armor formed on his body.

"Chozetsu!" AkaNinger cheered as he was now clad in red samurai-like armor.

"...n-n-now hold on. Isn't this a little excessive?!" Super Warumono World panicked once he realized what they were doing.

"Iie!" GekiRed declared as he held up a white and orange grip-like device, a burst of orange energy erupting off him and exposing silver vents on his suit as parts of it turned white, "Super Beast On!"

"Yasei Dai Kaiho!" ZyuohEagle spoke as his body buffed up greatly while a whale themed tunic formed over his torso, as giant red wings grew from his back, and a red and gold cannon forming over his left hand.

"Kids these days and their toys…" NinjaRed sighed as he held his hand out as he grabbed a bird themed dagger out of the air as it sparked with electricity, he then held his other hand before a flaming giant sword landed in the other, "I prefer to go for just new swords."

"Accel Tector!" BoukenRed shouted as silver chest armor formed over him, "Dual Crusher: Drill Head!" He grabbed a large gun-like weapon with a drill bit for a barrel.

"Magii Magii Magii Majiro!" MagiRed called out as he grabbed a magic staff before white and gold armor formed on his chest, arms and legs, his cape vanishing as wing like horns formed on the side of his helmet.

"Wha…you guys get stuff like that?" GaoRed asked as he grabbed a hawk themed bow like weapon as he inserted his dagger into it.

"Yep," LupinRed replied as he held up a small black jumbo jet that he swapped the red jet on his gun, before twisting and shooting as he was now clad in silver plane themed armor with a segmented cape, and two dials on each shoulder.

"W-wait…let's talk about this…that's…overkill!" Super Warumono World panicked.

=Sorry, buddy…you're just another monster of the week ready to be beat= Upgrade retorted as OmniKaier began to crank his gun.

"And it's time we end this fight!" OmniKaiser cheered a the green of his armor began glowing brighter and brighter, "Sentai Omni Finish Buster!"


All of them aimed at Super Warumono World before they all unleashed their attacks at the same time. They merged with the massive white and green blast of OmniKaiser, becoming a massive beam that completely swallowed up the monster. As the beam faded, Super Warumono World grunted before multiple Sentai symbols began falling on his head before the Zenkaiger symbol slammed down last and crushed his body in, causing a massive explosion as a Gear was sent flying out of it. A moment passed before a large wave of energy began to wash over the entire area, hitting Kaito's team mates, Rook and Makoto.

"...What j-" Makoto began before blinking, taking her glasses off as she rubbed her eyes, "..." she slowly reached up to her head and felt her squirrel ears…and then behind her back as she felt her tail, "...I'm back to normal…"

"My tail~!" Tangle sobbed happily, hugging it, "My tail~! Taily is back!"

"Ah! I knew she'd be fluffy!" Super GekiRed cheered happily.

Sonic grunted as he stretched while grinned, "Whoo! Feels great to be back to normal!"

"I am so glad…" Roll sighed in relief, petting her tail.

"And…back to metal skin…" Magine sighed, poking her face, "I'm gonna miss having pink and soft skin..."

"Come back…human form…" Gaon weakly begged, on his knees and reaching his hands to the sky.

"You two are so weird," Juran deadpanned as he stretched. "Ah…welcome back strong body…Youthful vigor returning…urge to party rising!"

"...I feel no different…" Vroon replied honestly, "I won't miss papercuts though…Why books…" he looked at his fingers.

"Huh…You have some…interesting friends," GaoRed noted before blinking behind his mask as Lambda held up the unconscious Bluey up to him, out of her armor, "Ah…"

"Makoto says you are a vet," Lambda explained, giving puppy dog eyes, "Will Bluey be okay?"

"Um…Well, I've never seen a rabbit like this before," GaoRed noted, gently accepting the Blupee, "Kinda ghostly…Mmm…Looks like he's just knocked out. I can recommend an animal friendly ointment for the bruising, though…not sure how it will work on ghost rabbits."

"So long as Bluey is okay, that is fine," Lambda nodded, taking back the Blupee and smiling at the lion-themed Ranger, "Thank you."

"Oh. Uh…my pleasure," GaoRed sheepishly chuckled before he disappeared in a flash of red particles.

"Well, guess our time here is up then," GokaiRed noted.

"What a shame…I wanted to have some fun in this weird world," LupinRed sighed.

"They have some rather…" ZyuohEagle noted as he looked over at the Mobians, a yellow fox with two tails being pat on the head by a taller shapely cream-furred nine-tailed fox, "...unique species here. Reminds me of my home, honestly."

"I…do not care…" GokaiRed spoke, "I wanted to plunder something from this world before leaving…"

"Just send me home…" Red Buster sighed, turning his back to everyone.

"Don't mind him…He's just like that," GokaiRed sighed.

"Chītā should smile more," GekiRed noted, "Be more wakiwaki!"

"Ah! I don't want this guy to go! I wanna learn his way of talking!" Tangle whined, "It's so cool!"

"He seems to be Mr. Popular," AkaNinger noted before he vanished in an explosion of red particles.

"Gah! Ah…What is with that one? So flashy…and he's meant to be a shinobi?" NinjaRed questioned, shaking his head before looking to Roll, "Good luck, kouhai."

"Arigatou, senpai," Roll bowed before NinjaRed vanished in red particles.

"I was hoping to get a race in," Go-On Red admitted.

"Hey, no troubles! We'll have to meet up sometime once we get the right world free!" Sonic grinned, giving Go-On Red a thumbs up, "Hope you can handle racing the fastest thing alive!"

"Hah! The fastest thing alive is my Aibou!" Go-On Red laughed as he faded into red particles.

"Ah…Guess the party here is over for ya, sempai," Juran noted, walking over to TyrannoRanger.

"Ah…" he nodded, looking Juran over, "You have impeccable taste in fashion!" he gave a thumbs up as he vanished.

"I had so many questions," Vroon sighed before BoukenRed patted his shoulder.

"Ah, don't worry. Finding the answers on your own will be quite the adventure, no?" he asked with a chuckle.

"...You're right," Vroon nodded.

"Learning about the world and yourself…that, too, is an adventure!" he chuckled, "Just remember no matter what obstacles get in the way, enjoy that adventure with your friends." he snapped his fingers as he vanished.

"Hau…" Magine sighed, "While I liked being human, it was kinda scary that I couldn't do much to help…"

"Yet you didn't run away," MagiRed pointed out, "That showed quite the courage."

"Eh? R-Really?"

"Yep!" MagiRed assured, "Courage is a powerful emotion, and letting it spring forth will give rise to the strongest magic you can ever find!"

"Oh~" Magine awed before the Magiranger vanished.

"It sucks…back to metal once more…" Gaon sighed.

"I still like you," OmniKaiser laughed as a beeping went off before a flash reverted him to Zenkaiser as he was now carrying Ben in his arms, "Well that seems inconvenient…"

"Tell me about it," Ben rolled his eyes.

"So strange…" Red Buster sighed before he vanished.

"Strange?" GekiRed blinked behind his mask.

"I think he's just jelly because you're so awesome," Tangle noted.

"Aw…I think you're wakiwaki, too!" GekiRed beamed, patting her head before vanishing.

"Aw~" Tangle whined, "I wanted to learn his fun way of talking."

"It's okay," Amy assured as she patted her shoulder, "You'll figure it out eventually."

"Wait a minute?" Zenkaiser asked as the last of the Red's faded away, "Monster…blow up…monster…blow up…uh-oh…" he realized as he walked over and handed Ben to Makoto, "Next comes the big one!"

"Big one?" Mai blinked.

"...AHH! MECHA BATTLE!" Makoto gasped in realization…and excitement before she rushed off, "GUYS! GET OUT OF THE WAY! THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET CRAZY!"

"...Wait, I can use my Geartlasher again," Roll realized before pulling out a Sentai Gear and put it into her blade before spinning it.


Roll made a few hand signs before a duplicate appeared beside her, "Yosha! Get ready, me!"

"Hai, me!" the other Roll saluted as she ran off.

"Seriously, what's going on?" Ben asked as a portal appeared and a red echidna resembling the human Lien-Da walked out.

"You gotta be kidding me making me come back out here…" she grumbled before tensing as a yellow beam scanned her, "What the hey?!"

"Oh, guess no hedgehog for me," Ben noted.

"Hmm…Quite the interesting sample," Skurd complimented, "You have quite the flavorful genetics, madam."

"..." Lien-Da's eye twitched, "KUDAITEST!"

The ground behind her exploded as a massive shadow came over them, "Oyubidesuka?"

Ben slowly looked up…and up…and up further at the massive robotic reptile-looking robot with a one-eyed head, "Oh…I, uh…That is a big guy…"

"Crush that human!" Lien-Da barked, "And his snot-covered watch, too!"

"Hai, Madam Lien-Da!" the giant declared as he took a step forward…and stepped on the gear, "Ah…I stepped on something."

"THERE IT IS!" the Zenkaiger gang, minus Roll, all shouted as the Kudaitest was covered in black miasma before turning into a Gigantic Super Warumono World.

"Behold my final form! GREAT SUPER WARUMONO WORLD!" he declared.

"Whoa! That guy got muy gigante!" Rex gawked at a hill a good distance away as Roll's copy zipped over, humming as she pulled out a few blue gears and tossed them up, opening up to reveal cameras while she took out a mic, "Uh…"

"I love my job," Copy Roll smiled, doing a fast spin before revealing her to be in a pink, white, and red adorable looking outfit, "Yosha! Time to do it Zenryoku Zenkai!"

"...Oh my god, you're pulling a Bae!" Makoto realized.

"Okay, guys, leave this to us," Zenkaiser told his friends, "This is the best part…minna…GATTAI!"

"We haven't transformed yet," Juran reminded as the seven pulled out their gears and guns/swords.

"Change Zenkai!" all seven declared, inserting their gears and cranked the handles/spun the gears before firing/slashing.


"Alright…now we can do the thing…" ZenkaiJuran sighed before yelping when Zenkaiser somehow dragged everyone with him off a cliff.

"KAITO!" they all cried as a large flash went off.


With that, the Four Kikainoid Zenkaigers all sprouted to about 50-ish meters in height. They sighed in shock from that surprise as the other Zenkaigers all stood on someone's shoulder.

"Yosha!" Zenkaiser cheered before Kurenai bonked him with the butt of her sword, "Gah!"

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO DON'T DO THAT!" Kurenai scolded, "I swear, you are going to give me a heart attack one of these days!"

"No time to complain! Zenkai Gattai!" he cranked his Geartlinger, the gear flipped upside-down in it.

"Hahaha…ah…I missed doing dangerous stuff…" Zenkai Cobalt chuckled.

"Konnichiwa, minna~! Watashi wa Roll desu~!" Copy Roll greeted to the cameras, "Here again with another grand Giant Robo Battle! And I have some sugoi guests today from other worlds! Ah!" she brought her hands together with puppy dog eyes, "Please don't get us into legal troubles, Ark System Works~!"

"I forgot about stuff like that…" Zenkaiser muttered.


"First up is the King of the Hundred Dinosaurs!" Copy Roll declared as Zenkai Gaon and Zenkai Juran opened up, their legs becoming arms with their arms folding up before connecting together to form a single body, "Please give it up for…"


"And joining up for this occasion is the King of the Adventurous Dragon!" Copy Roll went on as Zenkai Magine and Zenkai Vroon transformed into a pink dragon and blue dump truck before they split open and combined together with the dragon head becoming an arm, "Let's go! Here comes…"


"Zenkai-oh?" Rex pondered.

"Zenkai Gattai ZenkaiOh," Copy Roll explained, "It is the name of them both with the designation differing based on who's who."

"THIS IS THE SINGLE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" Makoto shouted from a distance before sliding next to Copy Roll, "Needed to get that out of my system so bad."

"Oh quite understandable," Copy Roll nodded.

"And this is what…like a weekly occurrence in your life…I'm so jealous…My boyfriend can kinda turn into an Ultraman…but he can never pick it when we want it…so this is so cool! Because it's giant robots!"

"I know, right?" Copy Roll giggled, "And there they go! ZenkaiOh JuraGaon gets the first blow in with a shield bash and VrooMagine comes charging in with a swing of the pickax! They are quite in synch for this battle, ne?"

"Oh totally. You can tell how well they trust eachother in the midst of battle," Makoto nodded.

"Is Makoto seriously joining on this?" Mai sweatdropped.

"There is a giant robot battle…going on…before our eyes…" Noel pointed out, "Are you still surprised by things?"

"...fair enough," Mai muttered.

"I wonder if they have co*ckpit shenanigans?" Makoto muttered.

"No! Tangle!" Zenkaiser complained as she sat on the control podium, "That's not a seat!"

"Yours doesn't have a chair?!" she gawked, "But…you get two robots!"

"I just stand!" Zenkaiser complained.

"Why did we get sucked into ZenkaiOh…?" Cobalt blinked at Kurenai, "Wait..was this your family's scheme?"

"I'm starting to think Tou-san or nee-chan snuck that in without us knowing…" Kurenai muttered.

"Eh? You guys are in VrooMagine?" Zenkaiser asked as he poofed into existence next to them making them jump.

"You can jump between robots?" Cobalt asked.

"Yeah…it's like crazy useful." he spoke before jumping back.

"I gotta try!" Cobalt cheered, running only to hit the side of the co*ckpit, "Gah!"

"...It didn't work?" Kurenai asked, looking down at him.

"Don't you sass me…" Cobalt replied with a groan.

"Wah! Kaito! IT's attacking!" Topaz panicked.

"I got it! Guys defend!" Zenkaiser shouted.

"Don't let him hurt the adorable buddies below!" Gaon's voice shouted as ZenkaiOh JuraGaon raised its shield to block a bolt of energy.

"We're already doing that dumb-dumb…" Magine's voice sighed as ZenkaiOh VrooMagine aimed Vroon's pickaxe like a crossbow and blasted Great Super Warumono World.

"GRR! Fools…feel my power!" Great Super Warumono World declared, one of his mask flashing as a large, demonic looking figure appeared over him for a moment.

"...wait. Is he…" Makoto began before Super Warumono World unleashed a wave of crimson red fire at teh two Zenkaioh's, "Ahh! He's using the MagiRanger's Final enemy's power!"

"Heads up!" Zenkaiser shouted as the co*ckpits rocked back and forth as Topaz bounced around with the violent shaking as both of the ZenkaiOh got blasted by flames.

"This is so different!" Cobalt panicked as he slid around.

"What are you doing?" Kurenai blinked perfectly balanced as Cobalt tumbled around like a pinball.

"I'm used to being the giant, not piloting!"

"Your not the only one who can use the powers of those who came before you!" Super Warumono World declared as another of his mask lit up, an image of a large hulking black and gold mechanicle behemoth appearing before him as he unleashed a massive wave of gears of smog, "Industrial Revolution!"

"Now he's using…"! Makoto began as she and the others watching began to cough, "Crime Minister Yogoshimacritein's attacks to try and weaken them…!"

"Ah! How cruel to us and the environment!" Copy Roll coughed.

"This is a cheap trick!" Zenkaiser shouted, "Gh…it's hard to breath even in here…" he grunted.

"Magine! Magic please!" Topaz gagged.

"Nu Nu Nu Magine! Cosmic Vacuum!" ZenkaiOh VrooMagine swing Magine's staff around like a club, before a giant hand held vacuum formed in the air as it began sucking up all the smog as it floated around before pooffing away in a puff of pink smoke and glitter.

"She can still use magic as a giant robot! That's so cool!" Makoto cheered.

"It actually kinda is," Sari admitted before she decided to cheer on, "WHOO! GO GUYS!"

"Whoop that multi-faced freak's butt!" Rex added before a small ding went off from the dog mascot, "..."

"The Gears are done!" Ayane exclaimed, "Ah mou…they're in my room…"

"Ben, Portaler," Makoto spoke.

"Wait, why?" Ben asked.

"Could they help?" Sari asked.

"Ufufufufu… 'Could they help,' she asks…"

"Nee-chan…" Copy Roll and Haseo warned.

"It'll work and be able to overpower the Great World!" Ayane quickly declared.

"Lead with that woman! Things are high energy!" Makoto spoke up.

"Feel the power of RinJyuKen!" Super Warumono World declared, another of his mask flashing as an image of a large multi-headed draconic-creature appeared before him, his body glowing before multiple dragon heads shot out and bit into both ZenkaiOh's.

"Now he's using Long's powers!"

"Just how many final enemy powers can this guy use?!" Naoto complained, making Makoto pause.

" or movie exclusive?"

"..oh right. I forgot they had movies too," Naoto muttered.

"I follow and understand next to none of this…but things are really bad right?" Noel asked.

"If all else fails…save the fluffy ones." Lambda spoke, holding up Bluey and Haseo.

"...agreed," Noel nodded after a moment of thought.

"Right. One Portaler coming right up," Ben noted, looking at his Omnitrix and sighing in relief, "Phew. He's on here." He pushed down and turned into the turtle-like alien, "Where's da stop?"

"He needs coordinates or have been to the place before," Makoto explained.

"Just take me back to the candy shop." Ayane replied simply.

"Can do," Portlar nodded before jumping up, spinning in his shell as he became a portal, "Next stop, the candy shop!"

"Useful!" she jumped in.

"Ooh…" Tails awed, "Amazing…it's…just amazing! An actual working portal in space bridging two points in the same dimension like a door…that's…amazing! I've only seen this level of theoretical science in fiction!"

"'re not gonna try and make a working portal when we get home, kyu," Miyuki instantly stated.

"But sis…a working portal!"

"No portals in the house!" Miyuki declared.

"Aw~" Tails whined, his ears and namesakes drooping.

"But you can work on it in this quarry since no one comes here," Miyuki amended.

"YES!" Tails beamed..

"...Include him for protecting," Noel whispered to Lambda, earning a nod of agreement before Portaler came out with three silver gears sporting a multicolored Zenkaiger emblem on one side and a stylized 'Z' on the other.

"She stayed behind to instruct. Gotta get dese ta dem sword Zenkaigers," Portaler informed, going into another one.

"Okay, I've got you," Kurenai spoke, holding onto Cobalt with Zenkaiser.

"Ugh…not even Robotnik's Pinball machine in Casinopolis was this dizzying…" Cobalt groaned before Portaler came into the co*ckpit, "...I'm so dizzy I'm seeing Tommy again…"

"I ain't him. It's me, Ben. Name's Portaler," Portaler informed as he handed the three the Gears.

"...Oh! Portaler! Portal Turtle!" Zenkaiser noted, "That's so cool!"

=You guys hearing me?= Ayane asked as Portaler left =Zenkai Kurenai, Zenkai Cobalt, and Zenkai Topaz need to use those Special Gears. They're incompatible with the Geartlinger=

"Aw~" Zenkaiser whined.

=I'll make you something later…b-but only if you don't come barging into my tunnels for a week!=

"...You have to come to family dinner on your own then!" he smiled in acceptance.

Hah?! Mmmm…F-Fine…=

"Then as long as you do that, I don't have to barge in unless it's important!" Zenkaiser laughed, "See, that's all I wanted!" he hopped back to Topaz, "New Gear!"

"New Gear?!"

"Here ya go!" Zenkaiser beamed.

"Ooh~! It's so shiny~"

"I know, right?!"

=Please just do the spinning thing…=

"Oh!" Topaz and Zenkaiser yelped, the former quickly putting it into her blade and spun the gear on top as Kurenai and Cobalt did the same in the other co*ckpit.

=DAI~ ZAN~! GO~! GO~! GO-GO-GO!=

"Oh? What's going on?" Copy Roll pondered as the Zenkaiger emblem appeared and hit the ground between JuraGaon and VrooMagine, transforming the ground into a large cutting board as transparent images of the trio appeared, "Oh, I'm…I'm getting a bad vibe from this…"

"EH?! They got big!" Gaon gawked.

"Oi, oi, oi…Why do they have their swords out?" Juran asked.

"Why do I feel incredibly worried?" Magine asked.

"Why are all of you asking the questions?" Vroon asked before all four screamed as the projections of the trio chopped and sliced.

"EH?!" Makoto and Copy Roll screamed in shock as the trio merged into a projection of Zenkaiser who looked at the sight in shock.

"They just chopped both ZenkaiOh into pieces! What will happen now?!" Copy Roll gawked.

"...Oh! It looks like Zenkaiser is assembling together!" Makoto realized.

The giant Zenkaiser nodded to himself as he swung his arms and made all the parts fly around before he slowly brought his hand together, the parts floating in the air as they slowly arranged as he interlocked his fingers.

"Chou Zenkai Gattai!" Zenkaiser shouted, fully clasping his hands as the parts all began linking up.

Juran and Gaon's bodies were laid out fully opened up before the main body and legs of VrooMagine connected to them. The arms of VrooMagine then combined to the backs of the legs as JuraGaon's arms replaced them on the body. Vroon's wheels attached to the arms of the mech before Gaon's claw attached to the left leg and Vroon's pick connected to the right. Juran's shield folded in the middle before being used to connect Magine's staff to Juran's sword to form a polearm. The head of VrooMagine formed before a crown attached to the top, adding on the pieces of JuraGaon's to it along with a mask for the mouth. Finally, the four emblems connected into an 'X' formation that connected to the chest with Magine's wings attaching to the back. Inside, the four non-Kikainoid Zenkaigers stood on a massive gear platform in a four-colored chamber, a stand set up for each.

"Ah! They've been divided and then brought together! The two Kings have become the King of the Hundred Adventurous Prehistoric Dragons!" Copy Roll exclaimed as the combined mech swung its pole arm around before striking a kabuki pose, "It's…"


"What is this?! This…it's…ZENRYOKU ZENKAI!" Zenkaiser shouted happily, "Everyone is together!"

=Don't waste time! This will last three minutes tops! And it drains energy rapidly! It's like a key piece is missing for this kind of power…= Ayane explained =This was the best I could do with a rush job…=

=Ayane, Papa is very impressed!= Skye complimented =Go get 'em, kids!=

"Why~?" Gaon whined.

"My back has never felt as great as this!" Juran beamed.

"This feels disgusting…" Magine admitted.

"Ah! What is this?! I feel so strong!" Vroon awed.

"Alright! Let's do it to it, guys!" Cobalt cheered, the four putting their weapons on the stands.

"Ike!" Zenkaiser cheered as Oo ZenkaiOh began to march toward Great Super Warumono World, the ground breaking with each step.

"Whoa! This combo's so strong its steps are breaking the ground!" Makoto awed.

"You sure it's not the weight?" Ben asked.

"The one other mech I can think of off the top of my head that does this is DekaBase Robo…and it can one shot planet destroying machines bigger than it," Makoto recalled.

"...That's insane," Rex muttered with wide eyes.

"What is this monstrosity?! That's…what's…What are you weirdos?!" Great Super Warumono World gawked as he was slashed by Oo ZenkaiOh's polearm, making sparks fly.

The monster grunted as he began unleashing multiple energy attacks from all over his body as Oo ZenkaiOh just marched through all of it. The strange formation thrust its polearm through his torso, causing sparks to fly as the Tojitendo Monster staggered back even further. Zenkaiser grunted as they faltered for a bit.

"Guys?" he asked in concern.

"It…doesn't feel very comfortable for us to be all mixed up like this…" Magine groaned.

"It feels like we are running on fumes…" Gaon grunted.

"Alright, I guess we don't have time for combos and long action pieces…" Zenkaiser sighed in regret, "Minna! Finisher then! Pour all your power into it!"

"Got it/Hai!" Topaz, Cobalt and Kurenai nodded as they spun their gears as Zenkaiser spun his crank.


=Ah! D-Does this form even have the capability to use a finisher, tune?!=

=That was top priority!= Ayane assured.

"I feel it…everyone's power coming together!" Zenkaiser spoke as the X-shaped chest symbol of OoZenkaiOh began glowing brightly.

"Oh~! Here comes a brand new Hissatsu!" Copy Roll awed.

"Oh~! These are the best!" Makoto cheered.

"Hah…" Zenkaiser breathed out as his own chest armor began glowing as well, "Zenkai…" he crossed his arms as Oo ZenkaiOh did the same.

"Wait, wait…why is he glowing…oh god…Something's gonna explode!" Zenkai Cobalt realized.

"Dynamic Fire!" Oo ZenkaiOh shouted as the glowing X mark that made its chest armor flashed and unleashed a massive beam of multicolored energy.

"Wait wait wait!" Great Super Warumono World shouted as he let loose a blast of darkness only for it to be overpowered as the beam tore through his entire body, slowly breaking him apart, "I guess you just have to accept changes! SUPER!" with that, he exploded in a massive ball of fire.

"Yosha! Sekai zenkai! All okay!" Zenkaiser cheered, high fiving the other three in the co*ckpit…before they yelped as Oo ZenkaiOh collapsed into a pile of parts, "UWAH!"

=Three minutes on the dot= Skye noted =Good job on your math, Ayay=

"Ooh…" Copy Roll cringed, "Eh-heh…W-Well…That's all for this Giant Robo Battle, minna~! Sayonara~!" she snapped her fingers and the cameras changed back into gears.

"Oi, Juran! Get your foot outta my face!"

"I would if Magine could get her head off my back…"


"Ah! I think that's me! I'm so sorry!" Vroon apologized.

"Everyone okay?" Zenkaiser asked at the bottom of a dogpile of the non-Kikainoid members, "Note to self…combine…shoot…return to normal…"

"Agreed…" Kurenai and Cobalt groaned.

"This is so not wakiwaki…" Topaz whined.

"Okay…How's that?" Skye asked, moving away from Juran as he rotated his wrist.

"Ah…A lot better, Skye," Juran noted, giving a thumbs up, "I'm ready for partying once more!"

"Ah! Ooh! Easy there!" Vroon yelped as Greymatter hopped off him before reverting to Ben.

"Sorry. You did say earlier you were feeling a crick in your neck from how often you got your head removed when transformed. You had a slight rusting I had to treat," Ben explained.

"Rust?!" Vroon yelped, "Oh…Oh thank you so much for that, Ben-san!"

"No problem," Ben smiled.

"Please tell me that was a one time thing…" Magine begged, she and Gaon fully repaired.

"The Gear broke," Roll replied, holding up a piece of her shattered Special Gear.

"It was so shiny~" Tangle whined.

"Guess we'll need to wait for Ayane to make something new," Kaito smiled, "But it was still kind of cool."

"Ah…true. Just don't chop us up again," Juran pleaded.

"Please don't…" Magine added with a shiver.

"Never again!" Gaon declared before a blue blur zipped around Ben and Makoto, stopping to reveal the two surrounded by piles of shopping bags and a grinning Sonic.

"Whew! Had to transform a few times, but I got the whole list!" Sonic beamed before giving Makoto the special credit card, "Here's your card back. The rest is in your place." He chuckled, "Seriously. Baldy McNosehair…I love it!"

"...what did you two have him buy?" Mai cautiously asked.

"Oh, they gave me your neat credit card to infinite spending limits, went Sonic Boy-my giant form as Zenkai Cobalt-to cross the Atlantic, zipped all over the US, came back here with Sonic Boy again, and zipped all over Japan. Got them copies of everything on that list Makoto and Noel wrote," Sonic explained, "Took me forever to find the PS5, let alone three."

"Sonic-san…" Roll began before he tossed her a case of strawberries, "I have no complaints to file."

"Restocked the kitchen here and restocked your dad's workplace and left some more strawberries on your bed," Sonic added.

"He bribed the Scolder…" Gaon gawked.

"...are you sure that's a good idea?" Mai asked Ben and Makoto," I mean…some of those things technically don't come out until…well this year."

"True…counterpoint?" Makoto paused as she pointed at Noel…who was giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Please don't take my Yamper or Scorbunny…" Noel begged, Lambda joining in.

"Plus, just our stuff. No spreading it all over we've got, technically, future stuff," Makoto shrugged, "And I wanna show Ben the Spider-Man he dressed up as." She pulled out a CD, "And you cannot deny you miss listening to this band here."

"..." Mai looked away, only for Noel and Lambda to follow and keep their puppy dog eyes going in her vision., "Fair enough…"

"I'm just glad dis whole world traveling schtick is over with," Bobo muttered as he rested in a nearby chair.

"Well I enjoyed it…somewhat," Sari admitted, letting a few green sparks come off her fingers, "New tricks for one."

"A lot of new friends," Ben added as he gestured to Naoto, Bluey, and Funkfreed…the latter two rolled over as Haseo was scratching their bellies, "..."

"Haseo-chan is good with animals. He's the polar opposite to Gaon," Magine giggled.

"Now you just need to head home." Vroon pointed out, "What's your plan…"

"Hello." Tsukasa smiled, appearing behind everyone.

"AHH!" Everyone yelped as they jumped back in surprise.

"Are we under attack again?!" Tangle yelped.

"Shh…" Tsukasa hushed as a dimensional veil washed over her before her yelping from the roof revealed where he sent her, "It was not so hard sneaking up on you."

"Hey we have a Ninja…how'd you get past her?" Sonic asked.

"Cause technically I wasn't here till just a second ago." he smiled, "Anyway, I just got back from checking, your home dimensions are all back where they should be."

"Oh thank god/celestialsapiens," the Omniteam sighed in relief.

"So we can head home whenever you're ready." Tsukasa replied, "I can finally get back to work, eh…maybe later." he shrugged before his phone rang, " moment." He turned around and answered it, "What? ….Seriously? You…but that…Alright, alright…Anything specific ya want? …Seriously? Oh alright…" he hung up and pulled out a credit card, "Oi, I need to buy all your products here."

"...everything okay?" Noel asked.

"Let's say I am a bit more lucky than other Tsukasa Kadoya's in one aspect." he smiled, "It also means, that I have more things I need to do…for someone else…"

"..." Noel began to pull out a notebook, "Go on…"


"I have to know! He's been so secretive and hidden…but the fact this potential has presented itself means so much!" Noel argued.


"Your gaze of judgment shall not stop me!"

"Wanna talk to her?" Tsukasa offered, holding up his strange phone, "I'm sure she'd love to talk with you~"

"Eh?!" Noel gasped.

"Is that a no…cause I can only keep her on hold for so long…" he began inching his phone away.

"..." Noel slowly blinked.

"...Noel, no…" Mai began.

"...I must know."

"Enjoy," Tsukasa tossed it over before handing the credit card to Yatsude, "Everything you're selling."

"...All of you working here, get to it!" Yatsude barked, "Go-go-go! Big order!"

"She especially likes chocolate," Tsukasa smiled, "Now…while I wait on my order, let's prep to get you home…and out of my perfectly quaffed hair."

"Good. I can't wait to get back to my hammock at home," Bobo stated as he got up.

"Man the gang must have missed us…" Makoto noted.

"Well yes and no…" Tsukasa muttered, "When I went to check on your world it seems during the capture process time was unsynched. Not as much time has passed for them as it has for you."

"How much so?" Ben asked.

"Well you've been gone almost a month now…maybe a month and half…" Tsukasa muttered, "It's been a couple…maybe two…two-ish weeks…"

"...only a month and a half? Feels like it was longer than that," Sari spoke.

"That's cause you all almost died like…a lot…" Tsukasa pointed out, "Do you know how many times you have all passed out for a full 24 hours since I met you?" he smiled, "You guys actually don't remember full days of our time together."


"I just blew your minds now, didn't I?"

"What is our lives!?" many panicked.

"...Did…?" Lambda began to ask.

"Yes the bunny slept with you the entire time." Tsukasa nodded.

"Mmm…" Lambda smiled at that as she gently rubbed Bluey's head, "Good and sweet bunny…"

"How are we alive?" Rex asked.

"While you slept I brought an expert healer to fix your wounds…I just didn't care to fix your mental damage…" he smiled, "No one is old enough for the age old simplest method," he produced a can of beer in his hand before walking off with it.

" That guy just goes off to the beat of his own drum," Sonic noted.

"Says the hedgehog with multiple versions of himself throughout the multiverse," Tsukasa countered.

"Touche. Any as amusing as me to note of?" Sonic joked.

"You all blow up the moon somehow. Be it by Eggman or your Super form is a psychotic berserker split personality. One has an American ghost otter disguised as a rabbit furious with you for that."

"...He's joking, right?" Sonic asked, looking at the people Tsukasa traveled with.

"Red Chaos Emeralds on that alien world," Ben reminded.

"...oh right," Sonic cringed at that.

"Now let's say our goodbyes." Tsukasa spoke, "Who knows you might meet again someday."

"A smoothie and chili fries on it involving a search for someone," Ben stated.

"I'll raise you a platter of chili-dogs on it being you guys doing the searching," Sonic smirked before they shook hands.

"You guys take care," Kaito spoke as he put a hand on Ben's shoulder, "I can't wait till we meet again! Whatever is the cause, let's save the Multiverse again! Well after we save most of it that is." he chuckled.

"It was a pleasure to meet you all," Rook stated as he nodded to Vroon.

"Likewise. It has been nice making more new friends from yet another world," Vroon nodded.

"Aw…I'm gonna miss all of you," Cassia noted.

"It's mainly the ones from the video games, isn't it?" Juran deadpanned as he walked by with several filled up boxes with their products.

"Ano…before you all have to leave…there is one thing I've been curious about since Amy-chan and Magine-chan told me about Mai-chan's taste buds," Roll noted before zipping into the kitchen and coming out with a small cupcake.

"Um…You want me to try it?"

"Of course," Roll replied, "I'm…honestly curious about what my cooking thinks of itself."

"Well…it couldn't hurt…" Mai muttered.

"This should be interesting," Makoto noted as Mai took a bite.

"..." Mai shivered before beaming, "Delicious! It…it's exactly like Noel's food! All I can feel is just the pure love put into it!"

Roll sighed in relief, "I'm so glad you're able to enjoy it, Mai-chan."

"With how seriously you take cooking, no wonder all she can taste is Sakurai family love," Kaito chuckled.

"Seriously…" Mai began as she took another bite, "It's so good~! Just…the amount of love put into it...the emotions, the loving memories each ingredient experienced…I'm serious. This is exactly like Noel's cooking in terms of its memories."

"I'll make sure to make something if we ever do meet again," Roll smiled.

"Thank you~!"

"Though I am curious about Noel-chan's coo…" Roll began.

"No!" Magine and Amy called, tackling her and sending the boxes of goods they were carrying over to Tsukasa to go up into the air and land in Vroon's arms, already filled with the boxes he had.

"Trust us…you DON'T want to know!" Amy exclaimed as she shook Roll.


"It was censored…c-censored!" Magine added, "Also I swore Gaon nearly died when he tried to eat it."

"I honestly tried to warn him," Naoto added.

"Eh?" Roll tilted her head.

"It's always sad when new friends have to go," Gaon sighed.

"Just don't start huggin' me," Bobo instantly stated.

"I think I'll miss you most of all, Mr. Ape," Gaon replied.

"...yer enjoyin' dis aren't ya?" Bobo deadpanned at Rex.

"...Maybe…" Rex snickered.

"Yuck it up now, kid. Youse ain't gonna like what I'm plannin' ta getcha back later…" Bobo warned, narrowing his visible eye.

"You know, I still never got that nacho party," Juran recalled.

"Hold on. I'll write the recipe for ya," Rex assured.

"I'll write the one for robot-like beings as well," Sari noted, patting his shoulder before her eyes glowed for a moment, "Oh and be careful of quickly turning your waist to the right. You have a bit of a stripping going on there that could pop your back out."

"Huh…?" Juran muttered, "Go figure…you know you could be a heck of a Kikainoid doctor, little lady." he chuckled.

"Thanks," Sari smiled.

"Boy, these last few days have been a blast!" Tangle beamed, offering Bluey a carrot while holding up a watermelon to Funkfreed with her tail, "Meeting people from other universes, finding out one universe has a comic of us Mobians, an awesome giant robo combination…" she looked at Lambda with stars in her eyes, "...and getting to meet your super cool pets."

" was nice," Lambda smiled a bit, "I have met new friends...learned so much…and grew from all those experiences…"

"You're a lot more…you," Makoto spoke, "When we first adopted you into our family, you were still new to being a person. But now…" she wrapped an arm over her shoulder, "…you're our La-chan."

"..." Lambda smiled a little smile at that, "Thank you…"

"Oh, um…I think this is yours," Ben offered his borrowed Geartlinger to Skye.

"Eh, keep it. It was a one-use device. Won't be able to fire anymore, so it's more of a prop than anything," Skye assured, "Think of it as a physical gift outside of the Echidna Mobian sample in your Omnimatrix. I'm honestly curious what you'll uncover with it."

=You have a name for it, tune?= Secchan asked.

"Not at the moment. Makoto and I love naming the new forms together," Ben replied, pulling up the image on a wheel, showing just the face of an echidna.

=Oh, that's adorable!= Secchan noted.

"Huh…You know, I never got why it went from holograms to a wheel selection," Skye admitted, "Are you able to swap that feature?"

"I dunno…" Ben shrugged, "I never read the user's manual." he then jutted a thumb to Makoto, "She has, though. We were stuck in space for, like, a week with no internet access. So she's kinda in the know."

"And I have that remote for emergencies!" Makoto added, pointing at her ears, "I missed these."

"You're a lot cuter with 'em." Ben smiled.

"Dang right I am!"

"Alright alright, we get it, you two are walking true love," Sari sighed.

"Just save it for when we finally get home," Mai added with her own sigh.

"Oh believe me…I intend to…" Makoto smiled at them.

"I didn't need to know that…" Mai muttered nervously.

"They don't need to know what we do in private, Dear…" Ben muttered.

"What we do is out of love and normal," Makoto argued, "Also…the fact they are such prudes letting them imagine it…makes me smile."

"Hah! Ah…You two remind me of my wife and I or Isy and Mitsy," Skye chuckled before looking at Tsukasa while gesturing to Noel…still on the phone, "And should we be worried about repercussions of that?"

"I'm already dreading them ever meeting in person," Tsukasa admitted, "But nothing for you to be concerned with…just me when I get home and realize…the peppy one has implanted ideas…"

'...Home? Wow. Chalk up another thing he's got different,' Makoto thought.

"Alright. That should be the last of it. Ya want us to deliver it or…" Juran began before Tsukasa waved a hand and a Dimensional Veil took it all in one swoop, "...that. You could do just that…"

"Okay…We've met people from two different worlds, one being fused with a few others, we got turned into humans, had a nice soak in the tub, beat up two Worlds in one day, got to pilot a giant robot first made of two of our buddies and then four of them we chopped up and our hyper fueled leader put together like they were a model kit or those Bionicle thingamajigs the Doc has…"

"Hey, hey, hey! Do not mock the Bionicle!" Skye scolded.

"...and now all the shop's goods got bought by an interdimensional traveling photographer that wears a suit of armor made from putting a card in a belt," Sonic went on before smiling in excitement and clapping his hands, "So what's for tomorrow?"

"Sleep!" Most shouted save for Kaito and Tangle.

"Aw~!" the latter two whined as Makoto stuffed all the bags Sonic brought into her tail.

"Oh…Just one last thing before anything else," Makoto noted before slamming her fist on a wall…making the secret door fall over that she ran into, "GIMMIE BACK THAT TRICERATON BLASTER, YOU SNEAKY SCIENCE NINJA!"




"Oh, you are really firm. Good weight, too."

"...I am so sorry for my third daughter," Skye apologized, looking to Ben.

"Eh, it's cool, sir. I'm sorry for my Makoto."

"No 'Sir.' You may call me Skye, Benny," Skye grinned.

"And he's nicknamed you…" Yatsude shook her head.

"...Third?" Sonic repeated.

"I don't think it's safe to ask…" Kaito whispered.

"And that's the last thing," Makoto grinned, hefting up a large green sack as the group was back in the smoothie shop with the backdrop showing the image of a city at sunset with Rex's emblem in the sky.

"Kinda glad I fell into that secret base of theirs that morning," Rex noted, "Got to see some muy bueno videos Skye and this Isao guy had and gonna see if I can't make some new Builds on them. Probably more on stuff we've dealt with over this whole trip."

"I'm gonna be cashin' in all dis loot o' mine fer my retirement funds," Bobo chuckled, a large sack on his back, "...But foist…I'm gonna go to my hammock and sleep da next two weeks!"

"Well, should be back to normal for you." Tsukasa spoke, "Your world is totally normal, but if you see me again…well I'll try not to tell what's gone wrong." he smiled.

"Thank ya," Bobo nodded as he turned to leave before looking to see a sad Bluey looking up at him, "...Aw…" he patted the Blupee's head, "Alright, alright. I'll miss ya, too, ya little ghost bunny." Bluey smiled, his tail wagging, before hopping off over to Lambda, "And I am outta 'ere!"

"Take care, man," Ben offered his hand to Rex, "Hope next time we meet, it's not because of weird issues."

"I hope so, too. You just make sure that problemo you took to that Null place keeps staying out of trouble," Rex replied, shaking Ben's hand before walking out the door, "Adios, amigos!"

"Alright, now for you kids," Tsukasa noted as he walked over to the backdrop and flicked it with his thumb, making a new scene fall to show Bellwood with an interesting emblem on the tallest building showing an Omnitrix emblem mixed with one of Makoto's old tonfa.

"...huh. That's the symbol for our world, huh?" Makoto noted.

"I blame you," Tsukasa stated as everyone heard a small explosion go off, "Oh, good. Seems this place is near a fight breaking out."

"Yeah…We're home," Ben smiled.

"I want to watch this," Tsukasa smiled, walking out, "Whoa…that's…a big…Is…Is that a giant killer cyborg turkey?"

"...Kamikaze…" Noel frowned as she walked past Funkfreed, who quickly went into sword form to settle on her hip.

"...This is normal?" Naoto blinked.

"Pretty much," Mai sighed.

"...screw it. May as well make myself known," Naoto shrugged before he rushed.

"Kamikaze's gonna be in for quite the shock," Sari added as she began to walk out, green electricity crackling off her as she pulled her sword and shield out.

"This is going to be overkill…" Mai shook her head as she pulled out her spear, "...But what better way to come back home?"

"...Ooh~! Ben, I have an awesome idea~!" Makoto crooned before whispering into his ear.

"Mmm…oh fine, you know I can't say no to you. Unless it's something too risky," Ben agreed.

"...What are you two planning?" Rook questioned.

"Mai had a great idea! No better way to do a homecoming than a little overkill!" Makoto cheered.

"That does not sound like a safe plan."

"And you're not planning on pulling the Rokushiki out?" Makoto countered.

"...Touche," Rook replied as he stepped out.

"Ah…Combat time…" Lambda noted, donning her armor as she floated out, Bluey in her arms, "After…Bluey meets Mari."

"Welp…." Makoto began, throwing an acorn down and engulfing herself in smoke, which soon faded to reveal she was already in her hero attire, "Shall we do this, babe?"

"You bet," Ben grinned as he turned on his Omnitrix, "And everyone is unlocked once again. Thanks!"

"Oh I missed this…" Skurd whispered.

"You're welcome~" Tsukasa sang.

"...We're still going to binge those toku shows, aren't we?" Ben asked.

"Not even meeting Tsukasa Kadoya in person shall deter me away from the actiony plot-filled goodness!" Makoto declared, "And ya did promise~"

"I did," Ben chuckled before selecting a form and pushed down, turning into Echo-Echo =Ready?=

"You bet!" Makoto cheered as the two ran out.

"I come back for a visit and have Ro' come for his checkup with Kajun…" Jenny muttered behind some upturned ground as an explosion hit it, "...And I'm pulled in to help deal with a kaiju robo-turkey." she smiled, "I love Bellwood. Reminds me so much of Tremorton when I was made."

"Sorry your visit had to be…" Tsubaki began, pulling her sword out as she sliced an incoming laser in half, "...interrupted!"

"Ah…it's what I love of this time and my friends." she smiled.

"OH GOD!" Max Steel shouted as he was tossed into a wall, "It shoots…tail feather missiles…"

=Yeah…I coulda guessed it'd do something like that…= Steel noted =I should really stop saying 'We've got it! We've got it!' because I'm getting the feeling that when I do, we don't got it=

"Just give it up!" Kamikaze shouted, sitting on top of a giant cyborg turkey as it towered over them, "I have the high ground, so just give me Robotboy, XJ-9, and that robotic suit or else!"

"And of course he's quoting Star Wars…" Ragna groaned, "And the prequel trilogy at that. What a way to ruin a badass like Vader…"

"Brother…the amount of popular culture references you make concern me…" Jin muttered, the two behind a wall of ice he made.

"Oh that's just 'cause you hate fun!" Makoto laughed.

"!?" Jin tensed, "No…"

"Now fire!" Kamikaze declared before the sound of fingers snapping went off…


…and the turkey let out a squawk of fright and pain as green lightning struck it from behind, actually making it jump several meters in the air.

"Gyah! What was that?!" Kamikaze exclaimed, the turkey spinning around to see Rook and Sari.

"Hello. I hope no one was waiting long for us to come back," Rook noted.

The turkey gobbled as it swung a leg at him. Rook simply stood there as the turkey hit him…and cried out and started hopping around, its kicking foot sporting a broken talon.

"Yes, I do believe I will enjoy these new techniques. I can not wait to show them to my people back home," Rook smiled.

"...Did you just tank a giant turkey kick?" Max Steel asked, struggling to pull himself out until Naoto helped him, "Whoa! Uh…You're new."

"Name's Naoto. Ben kinda recruited me."

"Oh…well, welcome to the team man. Heck of a first day on the job, am I right? Well, I mean could be worse…could be the Four classical Elements come to life…but…Killer Thanksgiving is almost as memorable," Max chuckled.

=Huh…Max, he's giving off readings like Ragna's arm= Steel noted.

"Wait, what?" Ragna blinked at that before he and Naoto began to stare at one another, "..."

"...What?" Naoto was the first to break the silence.

"...Nothing," Ragna muttered with narrowed eyes for a moment.

"What is…"

"We're home!" Noel shouted, scaring Jin as he jumped away in shock, "Sorry, just…couldn't wait to say it!"

Robotboy in his Super Activate Mode looked over at her before flying over and shifting back to his normal form and was caught in her arms, "Noel! Robotboy missed you!"

"Oh~! I missed you, too! I wish I'd taken you with me!" Noel sobbed.

"Oh great! The blonde is back!" Kamikaze groaned as the turkey fired its tail missiles at her…only for Funkfreed to come out with his trunk as a blade and sliced them apart, "WHERE DID THE ELEPHANT COME FROM?! WHY IS THERE AN ELEPHANT?!"

"Top secret."

"?! Who…!" Kamikaze began before one of Lambda's Ancient Flai's smacked the turkey across the face, making it groan out in pain as it nearly fell onto its side, "Gah! What in the…?! She has wings of fire now?!"

"She reminds me of a phoenix, boss," Constantine noted, "...Um…Is it just me or is there a music playing in the air around her?"

"What music?!" Kamikaze snapped, dope slapping Constantine.

"...Makoto, just…what did you guys do while you were away?" Tsubaki asked Makoto with wide eyes, "And what happened to your uniform!? That is not regulation!"

"Long story, but…" Makoto began as she looked at her phone, "My clone and my BFs shall be arriving in a few seconds."

"Clones? …He didn't turn into Ditto by accident, did he?" Jin asked.

"Nope…but trust me; this will be wild~"

"That…" Jin began before Mai's spear flew by, piercing through a few feather missiles before the bluenette caught it midair.

"Hey, guys!" Mai greeted as she landed, "I got an upgrade to my spear! Meet Outseal: Adept Remnant!" she shifted it into its anchor mode and swung it, knocking a missile back at the cyborg turkey and knocking it onto its behind.

"...Kajun is gonna be asking a lot of questions…" Max muttered.

"I made sure to get her a lot of tech-related souvenirs," Makoto assured as the turkey jumped up onto its feet and squawked angrily.

"ENOUGH!" Kamikaze snapped, "I can still beat you all with my Turkeybot! Now hand me Robotboy and XJ-9, or else I will have this city razed to the gr-what's that rumbling sound?"

"Boss…" Constantine began as he looked back, "I think we are about to receive the painful punishment."

" wh-" Kamikaze began as he turned…to face a grinning Stitch, "?! What the…?!"


" that?" Jenny slowly asked, "...and why is it so adorable?!"

"Grah!" Stitch growled, biting down on Kamikaze's entire head.

"GYAAAAA~!-!-!" Kamikaze screamed, running around in circles, "Help me! Help me! Constantine, help!"

"Oh, that's Stitch," Makoto replied before an arrow went through the air and into the turkey's beak…before an explosion went off in it, "And that's Revadoh."

"Taste the powers of the ocean, feathered fiend of evil!" Mita declared, swinging his trident out as water on it gathered and formed a shark that slammed into the turkey, "I hath truly missed these moments." several tail feather missiles came at him only for Darukania to jump out of the ground and bash them away with his blade, "Excellent timing."

"No prob. Also, don't try asphalt. Tastes like tobacco," Darukania cringed.

"That better not have an aftertaste in our mouth later, you rock head," Revadoh warned, landing beside them.

"And that's just four of Ben's new forms so far," Makoto grinned to her friends.

"Four? How many did he get?!" Tsubaki gawked.

"Eight," Mai replied before the cyborg turkey let out a cry of pain, "And that was either Trizerk or Garumaru just now."

"...Triceratops and dog aliens?" Ragna guessed.

"Yes to the former. The latter…kinda complicated," Sari explained before the turkey was suplexed into the ground, "And there's Trizerk."

"Way to give an opening with that air blade kick thingy!" Trizerk beamed at Garumaru.


"Bless ya!" Trizerk laughed.

"Geppou-teria," Garumaru sighed as he jumped and 'flew' away.

"Hey, why'd ya…" Trizerk began before the turkey sat on him…before squawking as he threw it off, "GET OFFA ME, YA BIG CHICKEN!"

"WHAT IS TODAY?!" Kamikaze snapped…with Stitch still biting on his head, "Turkeybot, unleash a full arsenal of tail missiles! Raze the area!"

The turkey gobbled, spinning around…before squawking as Makoto wearing Omniketsu sliced through its tail feathers.

"...Makoto Acornia Nanaya…" Tsubaki growled, an aura of rage coming off her now as she slowly looked at the actual one.

"Not my fault! Not my fault!" Makoto nervously and quickly replied, waving her hands before her for mercy.

"Wow..that…um…w-wow," Jenny slowly blinked…with her, Noel, and Funkfreed covering Robotboy's eyes.

"Uh…Ben…Dude…I respect you as a friend and don't want to gawk…but it's kinda hard NOT TO LOOK!" Max shouted.

=A sentient article of clothing that makes armor for the wearer? Now that's just ridiculous= Steel scoffed.

"I knew Tsubaki would be livid," Omniketsu noted, his eye looking up at Copy Makoto.

"I didn't think she'd be that mad!" Copy Makoto gulped, sweating heavily, "G-Good thing I'm just the clone, huh?"

"True. You have a bit more acorn in your blood than the normal one. Not that I mind it or anything…"

"Uh…" the actual Makoto began nervously, her eyes darting about as Tsubaki glared at her, "...uh Skurd, any chance Ben's new form is ready for his debut yet?!"

"We are!" Skurd replied as the group looked at the figure approaching.

"...No way," Max gawked.

"What…is that?" Jin asked.

=Is…We're not gonna get in trouble with SEGA, are we?= Steel asked.

"...I like the hat," Ragna noted.

"It oddly completes the form," Rook added.

=No seriously. Are we gonna get in trouble with SEGA?= Steel asked =I don't want lawyers in the house if we are=

"Last world we visited had Mobians," Makoto grinned…as a buff red echidna with two white crescent moon marks on his chest walked by, his spiked knuckles wrapped up in sports tape while he wore green and yellow shoes with silver plates on the tops resembling LEGO pieces, a black and green highly durable vest with the sleeves ripped off, and an black and green Australian outback hat with three red buttons with a yellow star in them on one with with three claw fossils on the other side with the bent part of the rim.

"GET OFF!" Kamikaze snapped, finally getting Stitch off as he threw him off the turkey, "Finally…I am going to need much aspirin after this…but for now…Turkeybot, peck them and show them our awesome power!"

"Stupid head!" Stitch shouted as Garumaru caught him, "Thanks!"

"You know I'm not letting you go off into the city, right-teria?" Garumaru deadpanned.

"...Phooey," Stitch pouted.

The giant Turkey gobbled as it reared its head back, the Makoto copy and each of Ben's new forms quickly jumping back…with his Mobian form just standing there. He crossed his arms over his chest as he narrowed his green eyes.

"Yes yes! Take out the red one! Give the main taste of our power!" Kamikaze laughed…before he was nearly sent flying off the giant turkey when it was suddenly stopped mid-peck.

"Uh…Boss?" Constantine gulped, looking at what stopped them, "...I think we're in trouble…"

"Trouble? What…"

"Power…" Ben's new Mobian form spoke up, his voice rich and deep before his eyes slowly opened as they glowed a bit, "Do I look like I need your power?"

The echidna had a single hand held out…sparking with red electrical-like energy. His green eyes bled into red with the energy as he slowly began to walk…pushing the turkey back like it was nothing but a tiny normal-sized fowl. His other hand erupted with the energy before he reeled back and slammed it right into the side of its head, causing the turkey's head to slam down hard and crater the ground as it let loose a red pulse over the area.

=WHOA NOW! The energy is insane! It's unreadable! It's…It's…= Steel began.

"The Chaos Force," the echidna stated as he hopped onto the turkey's knocked-out head, "And now…I claim this turkey and it shall be a glorious meal for a feast later!"

"What….what…is…" Kamikaze asked before yelping as Stitch bit his left leg and began dragging him away into a dark alley, "AH! NO! NOOO~! CONSTANTINE!"

"Coming boss!" Constantine yelped, running after them, "...EEEEYYAAAAAAAA~~~!-!-!"

"...Eh. I'm sure he's fine," Trizerk waved off.

"Ih!" Stitch spoke, walking off with their left shoes.

"Oh for the love of my graceful appearance," Revadoh sighed, shaking his head as he pulled out an arrow, notched it, and let it fly; the arrow bouncing around, snagging Tsubaki's handcuffs along with Jin's, before zipping into the alley where Constantine's voice yelped, "And they're cuffed."

"Great job!" Darukania laughed, slapping Revadoh's back…and burying him into the ground, "...oops."

"Stupid feather head…" Stitch mumbled, crawling up on Trizerk's shoulder.

"Thou knows thou art insulting thyself, yes?" Mita reminded.

"...Stupid fish head."

"Hah!" Trizerk laughed, "He got you good, man!"

"It is nice to be back," Garumaru noted as he walked over to Tsubaki, "I hope we didn't miss much, Tsubaki-teria."

"I…you…so fluffy…" she muttered.

"Aw…I missed you, too!" Makoto smiled, lifting Tsubaki into a crushing hug, "Babe…catch the emotionally stunted ice prince!"

"Already a step ahead," Omniketsu noted, Copy Makoto holding up Jin by the scruff of his neck.

"What is this!?" Jin demanded before Stitch tackled him and hugged him with all four arms deployed.

"ALOHA!" he cheered, crushing Jin in his death hug.

"All…of my…..hate….!" Jin wheezed out.

"Aw…bring it in, little man!" Trizerk cheered, picking him up in another crushing bear hug.

"...and that was officially my spine and a few ribs…"

"We'll make sure to have reports ready for the last world by tomorrow," Sari explained, handing Tsubaki a USB, "These are all my reports."

"...I'm just…." Tsubaki began with a sigh…before giving them all a small smile, "I'm just so glad you're all home…"

"Aloha!" Stitch gave her a gentle hug around her legs.

"...Okay, I'll admit. This one is cute and fluffy," Tsubaki noted as the echidna form dragged over the knocked out cyborg turkey, 'Also was wondering when Ben would get this form…'

"You are aware the genetic experiment ran off with your left shoes, yes?" the echidna asked.

"Wait, what?" she looked down to see Stitch gone…along with her left boot, "BEN!"

"Oh blast it!" Garumaru exclaimed, "Soru!" he vanished before appearing by Rook with a tied up Stitch.

"No!" he cried out as he began trying to lick his way free, "No fair!"

"Ben! Give me back my boot!" Tsubaki ordered…before Stitch threw it up into Darukania's held-out hand, "Ew…!"

"Heh-heh. Sorry 'bout Stitch. Cities make him go crazy," Darukania apologized.

=So what are you two naming this one?= Steel asked =Hopefully something better than Kneecaps=

"Oh, you have read the comics?" the echidna asked.

=Found a stash of them when we helped your parents clean their attic to help with you being MIA= Steel replied =Was a pain finding all the other issues between crimes going on! And don't be mad, but I hired that Chadzmuth guy for Archie and SEGA for those lawsuits-don't ask, but he won-. Oh, and I signed the house up for delivery. Issue 251 just came out and holy cow it was epic~!=

"Ahh…most excellent," he smiled, "Alright. I am off to home so I can prepare the turkey for feasting and read those issues I have yet to read!"

"Ben, don't drag that cyborg turkey through town!" Tsubaki shouted.

"Yeah! Let me help!" Trizerk shouted.

"Oh! A lifting contest? I'm in!" Darukania beamed.

"This is my kill! I am the one who must carry it back to home to prepare!" the echidna argued.

"...Ben…Please put yourself back together…" Tsubaki groaned, facepalming as the muscle-headed trio began arguing.

"You're smiling~" Copy Makoto grinned before Tsubaki rammed the pommel of Excalibur into the gut, popping her and letting Omniketsu land in a folded pile at her feet.

=...Seriously, did you two name him or what?= Steel asked.

"Not yet," Makoto replied, "Gotta be something fitting for him." she rubbed her chin, "Hey, Babe?"

"Yes?" all the alien forms asked.

"...Echidna babe?" she corrected.

"What is it?"

"Cestus sound good?" Makoto asked.

"Hmm…the name used for the battle glove worn in Roman gladiatorial events…Cestus…I like it! A name fitting for a strong and proud echidna warrior!" the echidna declared with a grin, "Now if you will excuse me, I must battle my idiot others!"

"Wait, what?" Jin blinked before Cestus tackled Darukania and Trizerk into a fight cloud, all three shouting inside of it as they wailed on one another, "Oh for the love of…I'm done. That's it. I am done. And I can't believe I am saying this, but I need to go see Alf for a session!"

"Alf?" Noel repeated as Jin stormed off.

"Quite a bit happened while you were gone," Max explained.

"Robotboy went to visit Jenny!" Robotboy beamed, "Mari went, too! Made lots of friends with animals!" he opened his chest and pulled out a notebook, "Mari filled whole notebook, too!"

"She did?! Ooh~" Noel gasped, "I knew her teaching her to write would be brilliant!"

"Ah! Notebook?! Noel, no! Give that here!" Jenny panicked, running after Noel as she ran off on Funkfreed's back.

"I will not be denied my Mari's writings!"

"...Sister," Lambda sighed as she followed after, her armor vanishing as she picked up Bluey from inside a nearby bush.

"...Was that…a ghost bunny?" Max blinked. SCP?=



"Let's just say we got a lot to catch up on," Sari and Mai sighed.

"Hi!" Naoto awkwardly waved to everyone.

" Ben recruited you?"


"...I'll help with the paperwork, and then we can discuss on why you wanted to join up with us."

"Fair enough….shouldn't be too hard, right?"

'...Oh you poor soul,' those that had to write the applications thought in unison.

SZ: Finally…after a full year and such….we finally got through the Omniverse arc! That…is probably one HUGE shark we won't be jumping over again anytime soon….

Z0: Jump…shark…dude, this is fanfiction…we can do whatever we want.

GT: True, true.

SZ: Sorry sorry…just…finally done with this…and it was real fun. But now we're finally back to the main story!...well we still have side stories, but still!

GT: That we do! Still have some moments from while the group was away!

Z0: And at least we can go out…*begins playing the instrumental to 'My Way'* Saying we did it Our way~!

SZ: Still…we hope you enjoyed this folks! Read and review, and see you all next time as…well we're gonna try something new for GSE and GSESS whenever we get back to them. For now while they explain possibly…I sleep….*plops onto the couch*Zzzzzzzz

GT: Hope you guys Read and Review!

Z0: *Still singing really off key in the background*

Galactic Shift Extend - Chapter 79 - GammaTron, Seanzilla1988 (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.